
Sunrider Discounts Update

Diana Walker Sunrider Business Discounts for Customers February 2014
Diana Walker Sunrider Business Discounts for Customers February 2014
Hello Sunriders!

This is an important update to make sure that you will keep your level and get the discounts that you are entitled to. 

Sunrider requires a minimal qualification but rewards you with generous discounts and other benefits. The qualification must be done every 12 months.

If you have not done any qualification from March 1st 2013, your deadline is February 28th, 2014.

To keep the levels we need to do the following:

Retail Member must accumulate $100 retail value every 12 months.

VIP Member must accumulate $500 (Retail price) every 12 months.

Advantage of being VIP member is that he/she gets up to 10% discount. In my opinion it is better to upgrade to IBO by just purchasing Fortune Delight Business Pack for $100 (plus shipping and tax). As an IBO we receive 20% discount and have other benefits. We then need to qualify with just 200 IBO dollars (Wholesale price) every 12 months.

IBO Member must accumulate $200 IBO dollars (Wholesale price) every 12 months.

As an IBO we are receiving 20% discount and have many other benefits like additional bonuses and can earn money on purchases of Sunriders who are part of your organization. As you can see you want to keep your IBO Member level. It is important to keep your IBO status to make sure you keep your discounts.

Free Sunrider Customer Account —->

Be sure and contact your Sunrider sponsor for more details.

Thank you
Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader
February 3, 2014


Vitashake Ingredients and Sunrider Recipes

Vitashake Sunrider Recipes

Vitashake is included in Sunrider Recipes – so Delicious, Nutritious and very convenient. Juiced and dried Whole Foods, no junk, no chemicals, no additives, non-GMO, Gluten-free, Vegetarian. Available in 10 pack, Chocolate and Strawberry. Vitashake is “NuPlus Plus”, a great meal-replacement shake.

Vitashake with Cat Vacily Pets love Sunrider too
Vitashake with Cat Vacily Pets love Sunrider too

Unlike other brands that contain chemically processed or animal-based protein powders, our soy protein in VitaShake® is similar to super-concentrated tofu. This makes VitaShake® a wonderful nutritious shake for young and old people who require easily digestible food.

Also, because we use a whole food base with natural vitamins and minerals in our exclusive formulation, you will absorb more of the nutrients when you eat it.

NuPlus and Soy – Not GMO

Dr. Chen was asked about the soya in NuPlus. You hear a lot in the health industry about 90% of soy raised in the United States being Genetically Modified … and that soy is hard to digest, etc.

Dr. Chen explained that the soy in NuPlus and Vitashake is NOT Genetically Modified and is processed in a way that eliminates these concerns and makes it digestible and usable by the body.

Protein in NuPlus obtains the Protein from soy beans

This is very differently than basic soy-based protein formulas. Manufacturers of typical protein powders, such as whey or other soy based products, focus on isolating the proteins through high heat processes.  Also,

pasteurization’s high heat changes the protein structure. This alteration of protein makes it very hard on the digestive system and can create a toxic buildup.  Also, the essential flavonoids that naturally occur in soy beans are discarded in that type of isolation method.

Sunrider uses a very different and extremely complicated natural process through advanced technology that retains the healthy flavonoids in a complete form without isolating them.  The other repository of flavonoids in the soy and other bean’s skins are also added to NuPlus.

The body uses this high quality protein to build the cells, immune system antibodies and the building blocks of the body – amino acids.  This is superior pure nutrition at its best!

Chocolate Fortune Delight Recipe

1 package Cocoa VitaShake
1 package Raspberry Fortune Delight
in 1 cup hot water or hot almond milk
Sunrider Stevia

VitaShake Snack Balls Recipe

1 cup nut butter of your choice
1 cup honey
Cream these 2 ingredients.
Mix in:
1/2 cup Cocoa VitaShake
3/4 cup ground nuts of your choice
3/4 cup unsweetened coconut
Make into balls then roll in added coconut and VitaShake.
Vary this recipe and even add sunflower seeds, raisin, etc., if you like.
Try Strawberry VitaShake instead of the chocolate.
Could roll in secame seeds too. Have fun making your own kind and enjoy 🙂

Vitashake Ingredients

One packet contains one serving of NuPlus PLUS protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber. The fiber in the VitaShake is from FOS which is an extract from chicory root. The vitamins in the VitaShake are NOT isolates! Dr. Chen has combined them with NuPlus in the formulation process. Four VitaShake packets per day supplies 100% of your daily requirement of vitamins and minerals.

Each VitaShake contains Nutrition Breakdown:

Calories-95, Fat-less tan 1 gram, Carbohydrates-18 grams, Fiber-3 grams, Protein-4 grams, Sodium-54 mg, Cholesterol-O, Sugars-5 grams, and Vitamins A,C, D, E, K, B6, B12, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Biotin, Pantothentic acid, Phosphorous, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, and Molybenum.

Compare VitaShake with Ensure.

Ensure is made from water, sugar, isolates protein, isolated vitamins and minerals, and numerous chemicals. VitaShake is “real” food. The body can NOT digest most protein drinks because they are usually made from “isolated” protein.

Vitashake Health Benefits Energy, Brain Power, Flexibility
Vitashake Health Benefits Energy, Brain Power, Flexibility

One VitaShake is equal to 3 Vitadophilus, but the FOS doesn’t just implant in the colon like acidophilus, but also bifidus and faciem bacteria. Most fiber only “sweeps” the intestines, but FOS fiber also aids digestion, thus boosting assimilation of foods through the intestinal walls. When you have enough good bacteria in the intestines, you are better able to produce adequate amounts of B vitamins.

VitaShake also minimizes osteoporosis and candida, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides and, over time, brings down LDL cholesterol and boosts HDL cholesterol. It also helps to make you feel full and satisfies and helps with the assimilations of carbohydrates. It is VERY important to drink 16 oz. of liquid each time you have VitaShake.

If you mix the VitaShake in only 8 oz. of liquid, be sure to drink another 8 oz. of liqid later to prevent bloating or constipation. As with all fiber, FOS needs to be accompanied by plenty of liquid.


Almond Dream Recipe
Vanilla Rice, Almond, or Coconut Milk (8 oz.)
Banana (frozen is best)
Raw Almonds -5 or 6
Dates 2 or 3
Simply Herbs NuPlus – 1 pkg. (or 1 scoop)
Vitashake, Cocoa or Strawberry
Quinary Powder – 1 pk. (optional)
Sunny Dew (or Sunectar) to taste
Blend in blender

VitaShake is a whole food powder made with concentrated herbs, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It helps fill in any nutritional gaps in your diet with the added benefit of whole fiber. This “super shake” is also formulated with coix fruit, a powerful antioxidant, and fructooligosaccharide (FOS), a probiotic soluble-fiber carbohydrate that supports the growth of beneficial bacteria. Phytonutrients and highquality soy protein (similar to superconcentrated tofu) add further nutritional balance. While most protein and nutritional shakes are a cocktail of chemical additives, artificial flavors, and artificial sweeteners, VitaShake is free of those potentially harmful ingredients.

It’s a unique product in today’s “shake” market with fewer than 100 calories a serving, no cholesterol, very low sodium, and very low sugar. And because we use a whole-food base with natural vitamins and minerals in our exclusive formulation, your body is better able to absorb the nutrients.

Mix VitaShake with your favorite Sunrider herbal beverage for a healthy breakfast, snack, or meal supplement.

Delicious, nutritious, and convenient, VitaShake is the perfect blend for your life.
Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader


Immune System Natural Remedies

Immune System Natural Remedies  NEW AUDIO ON IMMUNE SYSTEM – October 21, 2013

Immune System Natural Remedies


Immune System Sunrider Alpha 20C Quinary

Immune System Natural Remedies also Sunrider New IMMUNE SYSTEM Audio with Diana Walker, Trudy Stoelting, Gail Holder – October 21, 2013

Immune System discussion – Trudy, Diana and Gail includes Citric C, Alpha 20C, SunnyFresh, Sunbreeze Oil, Quinary
Gail – Migraines and No energy before Sunrider, Husband – asthma – worst case in the province.
Within 1 week, for Gail, more Energy – Fortune Delight – Fog lifted in 2 days.  Fortune Delight helped Gail so much.
Beauty Pearl and Dong Quai – amazing help

Video January 2009 by Diana Walker with Trudy Stoelting showing Citric C (by Sunrider) – chewable “whole food” vitamin C with citrus biovlavonoids, green tea leaf extract, rosehips powder, delicious orange taste

Free Radical Damage – and Antioxidants Demo in the Video:

Fluid in our bodies (water in the glass), cells in our bodies (represented by dry Ramen Noodles), Oxidation of cells (represented by Iodine in demo)
Impure air, impure water, xrays, stress, all affect the cells of our body. Into the fluids – add iodine – visual. See what is happening to the “cells” – free radical damage. Cells get dark-looking – damaged from free radicals.
What can you do to eat right foods and nutrition to reverse free radical damage? Sunrider Citric C capsule. Crush up. Sprinkle into the demonstration water. When our body absorbs the antioxidants from the Citric C – what it does to the cells in our body.
Takes antioxidants and repairs the cells. Goes into the fluids of our body.
Thank you, Trudy Stoelting, for this great demo!

Immune System Natural Remedies including Sunrider nutrition

Alpha 20C, Citric C, Goldenseal Root, Quinary, SunnyFresh, and Sunbreeze Oil are highlighted in this audio with Diana Walker and Trudy Stoelting, recorded December 2010.  Listen below:

It is very easy to have a healthy Immune System when you incorporate natural herbs and plants, like Lemon, Honey, Garlic, Bragg ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar), Ginger, Turmeric, and Cayenne Pepper, into your daily living.

Immune System help with Sunrider and healthy herbs and nutrition
Immune System help with Sunrider and healthy herbs and nutrition

Here is a video by J.W. Emerson regarding Sunrider and the Immune System:

Immune System – There are natural foods and methods to strengthen and improve your immune system.


1. Nutrition
* Plants, fruits, vegetables
* Organic honey, garlic, cayenne pepper, Bragg apple cider vinegar, lemon, turmeric, goldenseal
* Minerals – are used in your immune process.

Zinc is one of the most important.  If you’re low in zinc, your body will have a suppressed immune function.
You can get minerals from organic green juices, seaweeds, and green powders. My favorite sources of easily assimilated minerals are Sunrider Evergreen and Electrosport

2. Sleep and Relaxation

3. Exercise

4. Sunshine

5. Water

Immune System – It is also VERY important to avoid foods and drinks and situations which devastate and suppress your Immune System.


1.  Alcohol
2.  Animal Protein
3.  Drugs – Prescription and non-prescription
4.  Junk Food
5.  Stress
6.  Sugar
7.  Wheat/Gluten

Key Sunrider Immune System Products for Colds, Flu, Bronchitis include:

1.  Alpha 20C
2.  Citric C
3.  Goldenseal
4.  SunnyFresh
5.  Sunbreeze Oil
6.  Quinary

Drinking Fortune Delight and Calli Tea are key to keeping your immune system and all body systems strong and healthy.


Great Information here too:

Wishing you Vibrant Health!


Diana Walker, CEO, Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles



Spirulina Health Benefits and Energy Boost:

1.  Iron – which is easily absorbed and digested (other plants such as spinach have iron, but may not be as easily absorbed as the iron in spirulina).

2.  Protein – Highest known source of assimilable Protein.  Since this is plant-based protein it is more easily digested.  Very high protein content.   300% more protein than fish, meat or poultry, without the cholesterol.  Contains essential and non-essential amino acids (which are the building blocks of protein)

Spirulina Healthy Plant Protein, B Vitamins, Minerals, Iron to order Sunrider Spirulina
Spirulina Healthy Plant Protein, B Vitamins, Minerals, Iron to order Sunrider Spirulina

Spirulina is 65-71 percent complete protein compared to beef, which is only 22 percent, and lentils, which is only 26 percent.

Spirulina is a species of edible micro algae and has a mild taste, a little bit of a nut-like flavor.   Humans have been eating this for centuries.

Testimonial from one Happy Customer:  “I am no longer tired in class”

The iron in blue-green algae has been found to be easily absorbed by the digestive system, unlike the iron found in spinach and various other plant sources.  Spirulina is composed largely of protein and is noted for its essential and non-essential amino acids, which are perfectly balanced. It also contains Pro-vitamin A, which is converted to Vitamin A by the body.

 3.  B-Complex and particularly Vitamin B12

This is know as the world’s richest source of B12 which is needed for healthy blood cells.

4.   Brain Food and Nervous System Food  contains Neuro-peptides – food for the brain and nervous system to produce endorphins

5.  Calcium – 26 times more calcium than milk

6.  Minerals – Rich in iron, phosphorous, calcium, zinc, potassium, and magnesium.  Also trace elements, such as selenium and chromium.

Sunrider Spirulina Difference:

Spirulina for Energy Boost Diana Walker
Spirulina for Energy Boost Diana Walker

This blue-green algae is cultivated in hygienic tanks and ponds under the latest scientific conditions.  It is important to know how the Spirulina you consume is grown because it can take on contaminants from its environment.  Dr. Chen has the highest quality and standards in his world-famous processing facilities, so we know the nutrition is the highest quality.

Spirulina Recipe

1.  Add to your green smoothies or any smoothies, for added nutrition.  Sunrider Green Smoothie

Sunrider Spirulina comes in capsules.  The herbs are very concentrated, and you can open the capsule into your smoothie, or sprinkle on your meal (like on rice or quinoa, along with vegetables)

Please feel free to contact Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, to help you get started enjoying this spectacular nutrition source, that is reasonably priced and easy to incorporate into your daily diet.

Ocean and fresh water algae, some of which are better known as seaweed, kombu, wakame, nori, dulse, kelp and Irish moss, are the richest, natural source of minerals, trace minerals and rare earth elements.

One type of algae in particular, the microalgaes such as Spirulina, which is grown in culture pools, or the wild variety, which is harvested in the lakes they grow in, have been eaten for their health benefits by millions of people for thousands of years.

The healing powers of microalgaes have long been recognized in China, Africa, Mexico, Japan and Europe.

This nutrient rich food has an unusually large proportion of high-quality protein (approximately 55-70%), with all eight amino acids present in an ideal balance.

  • Micro-algae has a considerable amount of vitamin B12 and is rich in iron, magnesium and trace minerals.
  • It also contains significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acid and it’s the most chlorophyll-rich organism on the planet due to its superior ability to perform photosynthesis.
  • When eaten daily, microalgae promotes detoxing because the chlorophyll binds with toxins and heavy metals and
  • carries them safely out of the body.
  • It also contains disease-fighting compounds called phytochemicals, carotenoids and many other micronutrients while rapid absorption and optimal assimilation of vital nutrients is made easy due to the soft cell glucose wall.

A quote from Mark Stengler, ND in A Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies said it best:

“Spirulina stimulates natural killer cells and similar anti-immune  components of the immune system that can help fight cancer cells.”

Another excellent quote is from Healing with Whole Foods, Paul Pitchford writes:

“The special form of protein in spirulina benefits those with problems resulting from excessive animal protein, which does not assimilate well and further burdens the body with waste products.”

For an excellent source of microalgae, Contact Diana Walker and try Sunrider’s Spirulina and feel the difference for yourself.

Quinary Liqui-Five Sunrider Chinese Herbs

You know, it’s funny I still get excited when I am reminded of how wonderful these products are. And what’s really bizarre is that I still need reminders. Here’s what I mean:

I was watching Dr. Oz on Oprah and he was showing a nutritious food called Purslane. He was going on about how he was born in Turkey and how they eat it there and how great it is for us. Oprah said she’d never seen it before. Dr. Oz said it is not easy to get. Well, I was thrilled! Want to know why?

Many years ago a consumer called me. She was all excited because she’d been watching Dr. Andrew Weil, the doctor who worked at U of A and who’s been on PBS and speaks about natural healing. He, too, was talking about purslane and said that it is anti-inflammatory.

She jumped up and ran to get her box of LIQUI-FIVE and said she just knew it would have Purslane as one of the ingredients because whenever she drank it, she didn’t hurt! Anti-inflammatory!!! She was thrilled to see that it was the second ingredient!!! Well, if that isn’t the most perfect way to get confirmation of how good these products are, I don’t know what is!

So, after watching Dr. Oz, I was reminded, again, of how wonderful this formula is and ordered some. Though Purslane, for most, is hard to get, it is easy for us to get in this Chinese herbal formula.

Liqui Five Chinese Herbs healthy formula Circulatory, Respiratory, Immune, Endocrine, Digestion
Liqui Five Chinese Herbs healthy formula Circulatory, Respiratory, Immune, Endocrine, Digestion

Have you ever noticed that powder and capsule Quinary contain 50 herbs while Liqui-5 has only 29? How can we say that all forms of Quinary nourish the body in the same way when there seems to be such a great discrepancy?

Once again East teaches West that more is not necessarily better. At the Orlando Regional, Don Caster paraphrased Dr. Chen’s metaphor, “cargo, vehicle, and driver”.

In a nutshell, this means that the “cargo” is always the same (system-specific foods for each of the five organ systems).

The “vehicle” being a liquid rather than powder is clearly different, which requires a different “driver” (to get the nutrients into our systems). You wouldn’t want a bus driver piloting your plane, would you?

The herbs are much more easily and quickly absorbed into our systems and requires fewer herbs to get the same job done as the powder and capsule forms.

And since we’re on the topic of Quinary, most of us know that the herbs, highly digestible and quickly assimilable, are an “acquired taste”. That’s doublespeak for “most Americans think it tastes horrible”. Ha! However, upon further study, one discovers the Chinese teaching that the five flavors (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and pungent), just like the five elements, all have great value in helping the body achieve balance.

It is well known that most Americans choose to eat only sweet, sour, and salty, while avoiding the bitter and pungent. Could these out-of-balance food choices be yet another contributing factor to many Americans’ out-of-balance lives?

Try the Liqui-5. Listen to your body, and learn what it might tell you about how it experiences this in comparison to other forms of Quinary. The body loves variety and our hunch is that even if your tongue says YUCK, your body will say YUM!

In fact, Geneva Peterson tells the story of her two year old grandson waking up in the night, crying for his dad to bring him WICKIE FYE (Liqui-5). Of course the concerned father asked the little boy whether he was sick. The child replied, “No, I just want some Wickie Fye and a sip of miwk”. When the youngster had drunk both, he peacefully went back to sleep. Obviously, the little guy had already acquired the taste!

One last note regarding Five Flavors
Trish Powers and Renée Emrick were introducing Kathy Bick to these natural foods. When they got to the part about Liqui-5 and the five-flavor theory, Kathy became very excited. You see, Kathy works for Earthwatch, which, some of you may know, sponsors medical teams who go into Third World countries to volunteer assistance to those who need it most. In her travels, Kathy had noticed that in many primitive cultures, some rites of passage are marked by the placing on the tongue of all five flavors — sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and pungent!

Quinary Ingredients:

Chinese White Flower, Scutellaria Herb, Dandelion Root, Gou Teng, Licorice Root, Mint Leaf, Paris Herb, Mandarin Orange Peel, Coix Lacryma-jobi Seed, Fennel Seed, Cinnamon Bark, Poria (Mushroom Powder), Chinese Yam, Ginger Root, Golden Bell Fruit, Sophora Flower, Hawthorn Fruit, Barrenwort Herb, Chuhm Xiong Root, Mongoliavine Root, Fang Feng Root, Panax Ginseng Root, Honeysuckle Flower (Silver Flower), Yeuan Wu Root, Chrysanthemum Flower, Dispacacus Japonicus Root, Angelica Root, Alpina Ginger Root, Angelica Centis Root, Leek Seed, Balloon Flower Root, Bamboo Leaf, Dwarf Lilly Turf Root, Papermulberry Seed, Senega Root, Imperate Root, Cornel Fruit, Forty-knot Root, Burdock Fruit, Cnidium Seed, Reed Root, Broomrape Herb, Chinese CatNip, Asias Herb, Bai-Zhu Root, Lycium Fruit, Eucommia Bark, Morinda Root.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Diana Walker, Nutrition Leader

GMO is the Soy in Sunrider NuPlus Genetically Modified?

GMO – is the Soy in Sunrider NuPlus Genetically Modified?

GMO is the Soy in Sunrider NuPlus Genetically Modified?   No – it is not and Dr. Tei Fu Chen explains that he has always used close-to-nature plant herbs and foods.  He is the Founder of the 30-year-old company Sunrider International and has reassured us for over 30 years that he is dedicated to safety and health.  Dr Chen says “Nature is the Best Farmer”.

GMO Sunrider Soy Nuplus and products Dr Chen explains
GMO Sunrider Soy Nuplus and products Dr Chen explains

Organic is the label for fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are grown commerically.  Wild foods are grown in nature, no pesticides, no chemicals, no additives.    Sunrider continues to meet and exceed the most rigorous standards of cleanliness, food safety, ingredient quality,

GMO  “Harvesting” Risk?

The question of safety is at the center of the complex and controversial issue of GMO foods. Genetically Modified Organisms are plants or animals “genetically engineered” to contain genes from an entirely different plant, animal, virus, or bacteria.

Potential Risks

Documents made public from a lawsuit revealed that scentists from FDA were uniformly concerned that GMO foods could lead to hard-to-detect allergies, toxins, new diseases, and nutritional problems.

Sunrider’s Approach: “Nature is the Best Farmer”

Sunrider has always been committed to creating products the natural way; the herbs it uses are grown in the wild from non-GMO seeds. Sunrider’s foods, beverages, and supplements are made with only the finest concentrated whole-food ingredients from naturally occurring plant sources. As Dr. Chen says, “Nature is the best farmer”.

Sunrider’s High Standards

Sunrider continues to meet and exceed the most rigorous standards of cleanliness, food safety, ingredient quality, and manufacturing integrity. No artificial preservatives are used in our food products, a highly unusual fact in the food industry. Beyond any doubt, Sunrider products are “Simply the Best” for you and your family.

 This graphic/photo is from “Label GMOs Hollywood”:

GMO are not Foods
GMO are not Foods

There are not many worldwide companies that are NOT using GMO soy and corn and other plants that have been corrupted.  Dr. Chen has always been concerned about quality and has the highest standards.  I (Diana Walker) have had the privilege of annually touring the Sunrider Manufacturing Facilities during the past 16 years.



YES – I WANT VIBRANT HEALTH! I WANT ENERGY, CLEAR THINKING – I WANT TO LEARN MORE! Receive Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles Newsletter by submitting the form above.



Sunrider International Sunrider Canada Vancouver March 2013

Sunrider Simply the Best Canada Diana Walker Healthy Living
Sunrider Simply the Best Canada Diana Walker Healthy Living

Sunrider International and Sunrider Canada Seminar in Vancouver
Listen here to our Conference Call – with Diana Walker hosting, and guest speakers Trudy Stoelting, Diane Haryett and Barb Rowe.  This is a dynamic call and I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed providing this for you!  Listen here:

Dr. Reuben Chen, Acupuncturist, and Medical Doctor, arrived in Richmond, BC, Canada to introduce Sunrider’s new Weight Management system, SunTrim Plus, Sunfit program.  Julie McLewee provided a beautiful demonstration on Kandesn natural skincare and makeup.

Dr Reuben Chen and Angelo de Fabrizio Sunrider Canada
Dr Reuben Chen and Angelo de Fabrizio Sunrider Canada
Sunrider 2013 Fitness Program Weight Loss with SunTrim Plus
Sunrider 2013 Fitness Program Weight Loss with SunTrim Plus




















Cancer – healthy lifestyle and nutrition choices help.

Nutritional Shakes with Sunrider whole food nutrition along with Fruit, Almond milk, are delicious.

Sunrider Healthy Chinese NuPlus Smoothie
Sunrider Healthy Chinese Herbs – Smoothie with NuPlus, fruit, almond milk

Cancer kills one out of every four Americans, surpassed only by heart disease as the leading cause of death in this country. Over 1.2 million new cases are diagnosed every year, with half of them occurring in the lung, prostate, breast, colon and rectum.

It can strike at any age. It used to be more common in people over 50 but has increasingly become a disease of younger people now too.

Possible help from Vitamin E
The strongest evidence of vitamin E’s cancer effects comes from a study several years ago on nearly 30,000 Finnish smokers. It unexpectedly found those who took alpha-tocopherol pills lowered their prostate cancer risk by one-third. The same study shocked researchers by showing that another once highflying nutrient, beta carotene, appeared to actually increase their risk of lung cancer

Energy Plus
This comes in soft gelatin capsules which combine the antioxidant protection of Vitamin E with the helpful benefits of natural ingredients in an oil base for optimum utilization by the body.

You can use the NuPlus and Quinary in any smoothie you make and at any time of day.

The body, given the ability and the right nutrition, can heal itself.

More information here:

 IMPORTANT NOTE:  We are NOT claiming that any nutritional program will CURE Cancer – it will not.  There are many, many reasons for cancer, including environmental, hereditary, and emotional.  There is lots of “undoing” to do, so please consult with your Physician before embarking on any program.  Our emphasis is to create health within the body.

Get started here —-> Free Sunrider Customer Account

NOTE: This article is for information purposes only and is separate from Sunrider International. It is not intended as medical advice. As with any medical problem, consult your physician.

Dr Reuben Chen Sunrider SunTrim Plus Vancouver

SunTrim Plus, will be highlighted by Dr. Reuben Chen – son of Dr Tei Fu Chen, who is the Founder of Sunrider International.  Dr Reuben Chen will be in Canada in early March.  The event will take place at the Radisson Hotel in Richmond, BC.  Come and learn about Sunrider’s new Weight Management and fitness program.  Reuben Chen, M.D., will share details about this new program, plus present SunTrim+ and its benefits.

SunTrim Plus weight loss in Canada Dr Reuben Chen
SunTrim Plus in Canada event on Weight Loss with Dr Reuben Chen

This event will be attended by Sunrider Leaders from Canada and USA.

Some Sunrider customers have said:

  • I felt satisfied with less food
  • I didn’t gorge myself
  • I wasn’t constantly wanting to nibble
  • It changed my eating habits
  • I lost right around my belly
Cocoa Beans help stop cravings
Cocoa Beans, called Cacao, raw, appetite suppressant stops food cravings
Green Coffee Bean extract helps with weight loss
Green coffee Bean extract helps with weight loss
Green Tea helps with carb metabolism and weight loss
Green tea helps with carb metabolism
Garcinia Mangosteen suppess appetite
Garcinia Mangosteen suppress appetite
Polygonum Resveratrol antioxidant from plants
Polygonum Resveratrol antioxidant from plants

This is a natural formula containing plants.  Ingredients are Cocoa bean (cacao), Green coffee bean, Polygonum, Green tea, and Garcinia mangosteen.


Sunrider SunTrim Plus
SunTrim Plus Weight Loss Sunrider plant nutrition

Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, CEO, Diana’s Health Lifestyles, Cravings Coach

SunTrim Plus Calli Tea and Fortune Delight Weight Loss

SunTrim Plus

SunTrim PLUS is a new Sunrider product which reduces appetite naturally, containing green coffee beans which help with weight loss and reducing appetite in a healthy way, without cravings.

SunTrim PLUS is a fast-acting formula that works from the first time you take it! After just 30 minutes, this ground-breaking supplement helps you feel fuller so you don’t overeat. As you continue to take it, SunTrim Plus can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight by encouraging healthy eating habits.

Sunrider founder and herbal expert Dr. Tei-Fu Chen, designed SunTrim Plus to be a safe, effective, natural solution to your weight-loss goals. Unlike other weightloss pills, SunTrim Plus does not starve your body, make you lose your appetite, or leave you feeling sluggish, moody, or jittery.

Instead, our concentrated herbal formula “pre-satisfies” your appetite with cocoa bean, green coffee bean, resveratrol, green tea, and mangosteen. You naturally feel like eating less so you can achieve the results you are looking for!

Sunrider SunTrim Plus
SunTrim Plus Weight Loss Sunrider plant nutrition
SunTrim Plus Green Coffee Bean Weight Loss
SunTrim Plus Green Coffee Beans Weight Loss by Sunrider

This new formula contains green coffee beans along with other herbs and antioxidants that was released in time for January 2013 New Year’s Resolutions. You feel very, very satisfied, so you don’t overeat.  It is very unique and superior quality. It is wonderful to eat smaller portions, and not feel hungry.

Click Here for more information: Contact Diana Walker

Benefits of SunTrim Plus

  1. Pre-satisfies your appetite within 30 minutes
  2. Naturally resets appetite capacity to a healthy lower level
  3. Helps your body to burn fat in places where fat is typically stored, such as thighs and stomach
  4. Works the first time you take it

My son Jesse – this video was created in January 2013 in Grand Cayman Islands. Jesse found he lost 12 pounds with Hot Yoga and using Sunrider products, including Fortune Delight and the new SunTrim Plus product. Jesse invites you to visit him – and bring lots of SunTrim Plus!!

The Difference

  1. Does not starve your body or make you lose your appetite
  2. Does not leave you feeling sluggish, moody or jittery
  3. Contains no added stimulants, hormones, laxatives or fillers
  4. Supports weight management goals on a long-term basis

Suntrim Plus Diana Walker Sunrider Sunfit  Weight Loss Program
Suntrim Plus Diana Walker Sunrider Sunfit Weight Loss Program

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