
Spirulina Health Benefits and Energy Boost:

1.  Iron – which is easily absorbed and digested (other plants such as spinach have iron, but may not be as easily absorbed as the iron in spirulina).

2.  Protein – Highest known source of assimilable Protein.  Since this is plant-based protein it is more easily digested.  Very high protein content.   300% more protein than fish, meat or poultry, without the cholesterol.  Contains essential and non-essential amino acids (which are the building blocks of protein)

Spirulina Healthy Plant Protein, B Vitamins, Minerals, Iron www.diana1.com/spirulina to order Sunrider Spirulina
Spirulina Healthy Plant Protein, B Vitamins, Minerals, Iron www.diana1.com/spirulina to order Sunrider Spirulina

Spirulina is 65-71 percent complete protein compared to beef, which is only 22 percent, and lentils, which is only 26 percent.

Spirulina is a species of edible micro algae and has a mild taste, a little bit of a nut-like flavor.   Humans have been eating this for centuries.

Testimonial from one Happy Customer:  “I am no longer tired in class”

The iron in blue-green algae has been found to be easily absorbed by the digestive system, unlike the iron found in spinach and various other plant sources.  Spirulina is composed largely of protein and is noted for its essential and non-essential amino acids, which are perfectly balanced. It also contains Pro-vitamin A, which is converted to Vitamin A by the body.

 3.  B-Complex and particularly Vitamin B12

This is know as the world’s richest source of B12 which is needed for healthy blood cells.

4.   Brain Food and Nervous System Food  contains Neuro-peptides – food for the brain and nervous system to produce endorphins

5.  Calcium – 26 times more calcium than milk

6.  Minerals – Rich in iron, phosphorous, calcium, zinc, potassium, and magnesium.  Also trace elements, such as selenium and chromium.

Sunrider Spirulina Difference:

Spirulina for Energy Boost Diana Walker diana1.com/spirulina
Spirulina for Energy Boost Diana Walker diana1.com/spirulina

This blue-green algae is cultivated in hygienic tanks and ponds under the latest scientific conditions.  It is important to know how the Spirulina you consume is grown because it can take on contaminants from its environment.  Dr. Chen has the highest quality and standards in his world-famous processing facilities, so we know the nutrition is the highest quality.

Spirulina Recipe

1.  Add to your green smoothies or any smoothies, for added nutrition.  Sunrider Green Smoothie

Sunrider Spirulina comes in capsules.  The herbs are very concentrated, and you can open the capsule into your smoothie, or sprinkle on your meal (like on rice or quinoa, along with vegetables)

Please feel free to contact Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, to help you get started enjoying this spectacular nutrition source, that is reasonably priced and easy to incorporate into your daily diet.

Ocean and fresh water algae, some of which are better known as seaweed, kombu, wakame, nori, dulse, kelp and Irish moss, are the richest, natural source of minerals, trace minerals and rare earth elements.

One type of algae in particular, the microalgaes such as Spirulina, which is grown in culture pools, or the wild variety, which is harvested in the lakes they grow in, have been eaten for their health benefits by millions of people for thousands of years.

The healing powers of microalgaes have long been recognized in China, Africa, Mexico, Japan and Europe.

This nutrient rich food has an unusually large proportion of high-quality protein (approximately 55-70%), with all eight amino acids present in an ideal balance.

  • Micro-algae has a considerable amount of vitamin B12 and is rich in iron, magnesium and trace minerals.
  • It also contains significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acid and it’s the most chlorophyll-rich organism on the planet due to its superior ability to perform photosynthesis.
  • When eaten daily, microalgae promotes detoxing because the chlorophyll binds with toxins and heavy metals and
  • carries them safely out of the body.
  • It also contains disease-fighting compounds called phytochemicals, carotenoids and many other micronutrients while rapid absorption and optimal assimilation of vital nutrients is made easy due to the soft cell glucose wall.

A quote from Mark Stengler, ND in A Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies said it best:

“Spirulina stimulates natural killer cells and similar anti-immune  components of the immune system that can help fight cancer cells.”

Another excellent quote is from Healing with Whole Foods, Paul Pitchford writes:

“The special form of protein in spirulina benefits those with problems resulting from excessive animal protein, which does not assimilate well and further burdens the body with waste products.”

For an excellent source of microalgae, Contact Diana Walker and try Sunrider’s Spirulina and feel the difference for yourself.