
Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider

Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider

Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider is derived from cornstarch and coconut oil.  The formula is edible and biodegradable.  It thoroughly cleans everything from delicate broccoli heads and herbs to waxy coatings and residues.  Be sure to watch the videos at the bottom of my blog post.

Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider Sunsmile is the smart way to enhance the freshness of your favorite foods while protecting your family.

Fruit and Vegetable Rinse Sunrider Sunsmile Diana Walker
Fruit and Vegetable Rinse Sunrider Sunsmile Diana Walker

Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider Sunsmile

Cleans fruit & vegetables of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, dirt and waxy glazes.

We all love our fruit and vegetables and they are an important part of our daily diet by providing us with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Unfortunately, in the growing of our fruits and vegetables, herbicides and pesticides are used. In addition, there are various germs and parasites that exist on these fruits and vegetables that we are unable to wash away.

But now we have the answer …

Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider Sunsmile Broccoli demonstration
Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider Sunsmile Broccoli demonstration

Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider

There really is no product equal to SunSmile Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider. It is derived from natural ingredients that will literally destroy all harmful organisms on fruits or vegetables and neutralise each of the carcinogenic sprays (herbicides and pesticides). It can even penetrate the wax (and remove most of it) to destroy any pesticides or germs that existed prior to the wax application.
This includes organisms that cause intestinal worms and amoebic dysentery.

The primary cleansing agent in SunSmile Fruit & Vegetable Rinse is decyl polyglucose, a biodegradable surfactant derived from corn starch and coconut oil. The vegetable rinse is highly concentrated, non-toxic and powerful enough to destroy harmful organisms, yet safe enough to swallow without harmful effects. It is also environmentally friendly for those who have septic tanks; it will not destroy the bacterial required for decomposition of the waste.

Fruits & Vegetables

When fruit or vegetables are rinsed or soaked in this solution, then removed, not only will it clean the produce of herbicides, pesticides, oily contaminants and other harmful substances, but Fruit and Vegetable Rinse Sunrider Sunsmile will help the produce stay fresher for a longer period of time because oxidation has been reduced.

Sunrider Customer Here

Purchase Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider here:

One capful in 4 litres of water stays active for about one hour.

• Wash fruit and vegetables in ordinary tap water to remove dirt
• Mix 1 capful Fruit and Vegetable Rinse in 1 gallon of tap water.
• Soak fruit and vegetables in the Rinse for 3 to 5 minutes then remove and pat or air dry. Do not wash off the rinse as it is non-toxic and edible
• Note that Fruit and Vegetable Rinse retains effectiveness for up to one hour after mixing.

Cleaner Fruits and Vegetables Rinse Sunrider
Cleaner Fruits and Vegetables Rinse Sunrider

First Aid
Any cuts, scrapes or burns can be sterilised immediately and thoroughly with this solution. Can be applied full strength or diluted.

House Cleaning & More
SunSmile Fruit and Vegetable Rinse can also be used to sterilise against strep, staph, ecoli, etc. on surfaces in the kitchen where food is prepared or in the bathroom where microorganisms could be a problem – even add a few drops in the toilet tank.

Other uses:
• Add to your dish washing liquid or laundry detergent for an effective disinfectant.
• Mix with shampoo to kill head lice.
• A must for travelling out of the country where clean water is an issue.
• A few drops in your pet’s food will eliminate worms during flea season.
• Spritz on plants where bugs or snails are a problem – great for roses.
• Nothing could clean children’s hands more thoroughly than soaking them in this solution for a few minutes.
• Spritz your carpet during flea season – your pets are happy, you are happy and the planet is
• Ear infections
• To counteract candida overgrowth and parasites, try 1/2 – 1 teaspoon per day in a glass of water for a couple of weeks.
• For those in the insecticide and pesticide spraying industry, it can be used to wash any exposed skin surface and masks could be soaked in this solution so no harmful solutions can penetrate through the mask.

Fruit and Vegetable Rinse Sunrider Canada and USA Sunsmile
Fruit and Vegetable Rinse Sunrider Canada and USA Sunsmile

All articles are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Sunrider Corporation. This information is for nutritional purposes only. It is not the intent to diagnose, prescribe, or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.


Sunrider Sports

Sunrider Sports and McFarland USA Movie

See below and in the attachment, for a very interesting and exciting story about Jim White, who was a California high school coach of a team of athletes who ended up winning the National Track Championship six years in a row.

Sunrider Sports 2 McFarland USA Movie 2015 Jim White 2004
Sunrider Sports 2 McFarland USA Movie 2015 Jim White 2004

Jim said that Sunrider products gave the young athletes the energy and stamina to win the races. There has been a movie made about his journey. The movie title is: “McFarland” USA, starring Kevin Costner as Jim White and it was released in the theaters in February 2015.

Sunrider sports products are not mentioned in the movie, but you can read below and in the attachment how Sunrider products helped his team.

Sunrider Sports McFarland USA Jim White  Jim White and his cross country team are featured in the March 15, 2004 issue of Sports Illustrated. The McFarland Cross Country team, under Jim’s coaching won a record:

  • 9 of 15 California State Championships
  • 22 of 24 League Titles
  • 15 Sectional Championships

Gary Smith of Sports Illustrated wrote, “No one can figure it out, how the runners with the shortest legs and the grimmest lives began winning everything once Blanco [Jim White] took over the program, in 1980.”

Sunrider sports products gave the athletes the energy and stamina to win races.

Coach White was convinced Sunrider high performance foods would provide tremendous benefits in his team’s athletic performance so he provided the foods for all the athletes. He said it gave his cross country runners the edge over their competition.

* Sunrider Sunbreeze Oil
They rubbed Sunbreeze on their legs and muscles before every race.

* Sunrider Calli Tea and Fortune Delight
In addition, they drank the cleansing teas (Calli and Fortune Delight)

* Sunrider NuPlus
the complex carbohydrate drink (NuPlus).

*Energy Plus (called Sunergy Plus in Canada)
They also had the caps of bee pollen and wheat germ oil (Energy Plus).

A dedicated coach and his wife gave time and love

Besides Sunrider sports products, the other large factor that played a key role in the athlete’s performance was the time and love that Jim and his wife Cheryl invested in the youth. They did much more than was required of them so the boys could receive what they otherwise would not. They were always there for them, pushing them on and always taking them on trips, to movies in a town with a theater, and on fishing trips.

Jim has recently retired from coaching, much to the disappointment of all the athletes and the town of McFarland. Jim and his runners have a remarkable and touching story which Hollywood is capturing to document in a major motion picture.

Free Sunrider Customer account here:

Watch Diana Walker’s video on Sunbreeze Oil here:

Sunrider Prices Canada

Sunrider Prices Canada

Sunrider Retail Price List Canada March 2015


  • As a Customer, when you accumulate purchases, you will receive 5% to 10% discounts and as an IBO you can receive 20% discounts
  • You will receive personal Nutrition support and coaching by Diana Walker (value: $60/hour)
  • There is NO monthly minimum purchase required.

Become a Sunrider Customer with Diana Walker here:
(and receive Free Samples):

Sunrider Prices Canada March 1, 2015
See more details for Canada and USA here:

Herbal Beverages – Calli and Fortune Delight Retail Prices
NOTE:  Effective in absorbing damaging free radicals, the antioxidants in these delicious and exceptional herbal beverages also help assist the body’s natural cleansing processes.
Calli Canada Retail Price is $14.97 for 10 pack
Fortune Delight is $14.97 for 10 pack

Sunrider Prices Canada Calli Tea Fortune Delight
Sunrider Prices Canada Calli Tea Fortune Delight

Sunrider Sunbars are formulated with herbal ingredients that serve as a foundation on which to build a healthy diet, and fill nutritional gaps.  Energy and Fiber bars, great for a quick snack any time of day, and particularly great when working out.

Sunbars are $25.06 for a box of 10 (Canada Retail price)

Sunrider Prices Canada Sunbar
Sunrider Prices Canada Sunbar

Sunrider Herbal Concentrates

Innovative, cutting-edge herbal concentrates.  Exclusive concentrates help you feel healthier, younger, more energetic.

Quinary Canada Retail Price is $50.30 for 100 capsules.

TOP, JOI and ESE each cost $77.70 for 100 capsules.

Sunrider Prices Canada Quinary Diana Walker
Sunrider Prices Canada Quinary Diana Walker

 Sunrider Active Lifestyle Products
– Sports and Weight Loss

Prices in Canada effective March 1, 2015:
Electrosport costs $46.60 for box of 10 vials
Evergreen costs $50.00 for box of 10 vials
SportCaps costs $52.10 for 100 capsules
SunTrim Plus costs $47.80 for 50 capsules

Sunrider Canada Prices Sports and Weight Loss
Sunrider Canada Prices Sports and Weight Loss

Sunrider Vitamins and Minerals contain unique formulas that combine vitamins with concentrated herbs and other natural ingredients to help provide balance, complement their inherent benefits, and maximize the body’s absorption of Vitamin C, Calcium and Magnesium, and Vitamin E.

Sunrider Prices Vitamins and Minerals Canada
Sunrider Prices Vitamins and Minerals Canada

Chinese Herbs

Chinese Herbs

Chinese Herbs by Sunrider are based on ancient natural health wisdom and knowledge.  Nourishing of the Five Elements.  We talk about Regeneration.  Dr. Chen introduced this to us in the beginning.  Body can attain Maximum Health through Nourishing and Balancing the body.  Was a new concept.  Concept of Whole Foods.  Concept of Regeneration.

Learn more here:

These concepts are common today but were virtually unknown in the Western world thirty years ago.  Dr. Tei Fu Chen has been a tremendous influence on this direction over the past 33 years (since 1982).  This is the Blueprint on which Sunrider is based.  Balance concept of Yin and Yang.  Perfect Balance.  Harmony.

Chinese Herbs Sunrider Regeneration Quinary 2015
Chinese Herbs Sunrider Regeneration Quinary 2015

So important to get people to understand.  I use this product on a regular basis consistently.  Quinary should be used first, and then can be supported by one of the particular formulas.  Nourish the 5 elements of the body.  Don’t target particular areas.  All is about achieving Balance.

The body can take care of itself when it is given the right raw material.

Think about yourself – how you lead your life and how you can improve it.

Chinese Herbs Quinary Sunrider
Chinese Herbs Quinary Sunrider

Sunrider Quinary puts all the 5 products together.  Elements of Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood based on Chinese Herb Philosophy.

Prime Again

Prime Again Chinese Herbs called P.A. in Canada Sunrider
Prime Again Chinese Herbs called P.A. in Canada Sunrider

Endocrine System- very important – to nourish our bodies and helps with stress levels.  Works with the body’s endocrine system, to harmonize and produce the proper hormones.  There can be environmental issues.  Chinese Yam and Chinese mushroom powder – all Sunrider products have balance.  Care of Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Sunrider International, for extracting and creating harmonious powerful nutrients and antioxidants.  Fire element.


Conco Sunrider Chinese Herbs 2015
Conco Sunrider Chinese Herbs 2015

Respiratory System – valuable product.  Helps with healthy circulation aspect.  Sometimes you are dealing with extra respiratory problems where this may be helpful.


Chinese Herbs Assimilaid Sunrider USA called A.D. in Canada
Chinese Herbs Assimilaid Sunrider USA called A.D. in Canada

Digestive situations – can come from what we eat and drink.  Soft drinks, hot coffee, alcoholic beverages – tremendous problem in how this affects the digestive system.  Assimilaid brings about balance.  Earth element.


Lifestream Chinese Herbs Sunrider called L.S. in Canada
Lifestream Chinese Herbs Sunrider called L.S. in Canada

Circulatory system.  Has to do with the elements of Water. Perfect combination, blended together.  Supports the movement of blood through the body.

Alpha 20C

Alpha 20C Sunrider for Immune System, part of Quinary
Alpha 20C Sunrider for Immune System, part of Quinary

Immune System, with antioxidants.  Brings about balance in Defence System in the body that becomes the most stressed – becomes stressed – not supported properly through what we eat and drink. Supports alertness.

Helps maintain health.  Expertise from the Chens helps with harmony and balance.

Buy Sunrider Quinary and Chinese Herbs Here:

 Free Sunrider Customer Account

Kandesn Healthy Skin

Kandesn Healthy Skin

Kandesn Healthy Skin is possible – Eczema and Allergy Relief – Sunrider NuPlus and Calli.

Kandesn Healthy Skin Eczema story Sunrider NuPlus and Calli
Kandesn Healthy Skin Eczema story Sunrider NuPlus and Calli

Grandma Catherine holding Alexander – see his clear skin?  After incorporating Sunrider NuPlus herbal nutrition and Sunrider Calli herbal beverage into his life!
Baby Alexander, age 15 months, October 2007 – Grandma Catherine

From Catherine:

My daughter’s 15 month old son has been with me this past week… he has been getting NuPlus from his Grandma (ME).  His skin has completely changed… I will try to send some pictures of before and now.  It is truly amazing.  When he turned 3 months, he started to develop eczema really bad… as you will be able to tell in the pictures.  And then the allergies.  His skin around his wrists and all folds of his arms and legs and ankles have been literally raw and inflamed from itching… His eyes have been draining… and itchy.

Healthy Kandesn Skin (and Sunrider nutritional products)

When he arrived a week ago last Thursday he was still itching and living on atihistamines.  He is completely off the allergy medicines in 4 days… and sleeping so much better.

2 naps in the day and sleeps through the night. And absolutely no itching!

I mix Xander’s juice, with Calli, his mashed potatoes with Calli  and that way I know he is getting the Calli. He is so picky about foods, but loves his Nuplus mixed in with his Oatmeal or Rice cereal…. that makes his grandma happy that he is getting some good nutrition… and it is showing…. with his skin… He was just eating one serving and now he is up to a serving and a half.
That is good because of this.  He is 15 months.  And weighs 17 pounds. ……Catherine

Kandesn Healthy Skin and Psoriasis

Hi,   This is my story of how Sunrider has helped me feel good and feel good about myself.

I have always had good health and have worked hard at physical things.  In my 20’s and 30’s I worked out and maintained  a 175 lb. frame and good energy.  From 30 to 40 I studied Wing Chun Kung Fu, becoming a black belt and an instructor.

Then, about five years ago, diet, stress and alcohol caught up with me.  It started with a dry patch on the back of my head, which lead to patches on my arms and legs.  It then quickly appeared on my eyebrows, stomach, back, and eventually covered most of my body.  The patches were itchy, painful, and embarrassing, and the flakes made wearing anything black unthinkable.  Stress caused the patches to burn and itch, making my sleep more difficult.  Long days of scratching and tiredness resulted in low energy, will and drive.  Depression and lower self-esteem followed and I continued to struggle through life with no energy, no appetite and poor sleep.

I went to see numerous doctors over the years to resolve this.  The last one commented: “This is the worst case of psoriasis I’ve ever seen”. I had tried herbal remedies, acupuncture, vegetarian diets, liquid milk thistle, colon cleanses, poultices of radishes, aloe, and cortisone creams, but none of them worked, the psoriasis just spread.

Kandesn Sunrider Psoriasis Skin Healthy with Natural products
Kandesn Sunrider Psoriasis Skin Healthy with Natural products

My understanding was that the psoriasis was due to toxins being eliminated through the skin.  I believed if I cleaned my liver and colon, the toxins would not come out of my skin and the psoriasis would be healed. But after all of these attempts, my belief in overcoming the psoriasis was ebbing

Now the good part,

In the beginning of May 2002 I began to take a Sunrider basic whole food program.  I took Calli tea to cleanse on a cellular level, Fortune Delight tea to cleanse the major organs, NuPlus to nourish my body (in powdered, bar and snack form) and Quinary to help balance everything.  Though I was not expecting much, I started noticing results.  Within 2 weeks, I was falling asleep at 11:30, sleeping soundly, and waking up refreshed and full of energy.  After 5 weeks, my scalp, face, ears, eyebrows and arms had cleared up.  With more energy I began to exercise again.

I would have paid thousands of dollars had someone guaranteed me these results.  Now I spend a few hundred dollars a month on the Sunrider foods, which is about what I used to spend on coffee, soda, alcohol, and fast food.  People who had seen me scratching, and the red inflamed skin with the white flakes, are amazed when they see me now.

Some other significant things have happened.   With my energy level being so high I have exercised for seven weeks, losing 15 lb. of fat and gaining muscle tone.  Restful, sound sleep is taken for granted again.  My stress and anxiety have been reduced to non-existent and I am eating regularly.  I have no cravings for alcohol, soda or snacks.

This transformation is so incredible to me because of the short time frame, the complete recovery, and the additional benefits I’ve seen in my energy level and improved sleep.  I have also seen and heard now, so many other testimonies  of people with diabetes, fibromyalgia, crohnes disease, asthma , alcoholism,  and drug abuse that I have decided to share the Sunrider philosophy of regeneration and whole foods with others.

The Sunrider foods are not a cure.  They provide the body with the herbal formulations with 5,000 years of history through a wide variety of organic and whole foods so the body can heal itself.   J/Canada… May 2004

Sunrider and Kandesn Products are available here: Free Sunrider Customer Account 

Sunrider Smoothie

Sunrider Smoothie Healthy Delicious Drink

Sunrider Smoothie Diana Walker NuPlus Quinary
Sunrider Smoothie Diana Walker NuPlus Quinary

Sunrider smoothie Recipe is quick and easy to make, and packed with nutrition.  One of Diana Walker’s favourite recipes contains Quinary and NuPlus.

Sunrider Berry Smoothie Recipe:

1 cup almond or hemp milk
1 cup blueberries or other berries, frozen
1 banana, frozen
2 tablespoons hemp hearts
1 package Sunrider NuPlus
1 package Sunrider Quinary
5 drops of Stevia (use SunnyDew or Sunectar – USA names) (called Suncare Plus and Suncare in Canada)
Ice cubes, if you like

* NuPlus comes in several flavours and in the video I am using Apple Cinnamon
* Sunrider Stevia is perfect for this drink. In USA it is called SunnyDew and Sunectar. In Canada the same formulas are called Suncare Plus and Suncare.

Blend and enjoy! (1 serving)

Eating  healthy and nutritious food can be easy when you have good recipes.

NuPlus Mixed Berry Smoothie – Serves 2

• 2 packets NuPlus Mixed Berry
• 16 oz. Fortune Delight Raspberry
• 1 cup strawberries (frozen or fresh)
• 1 cup blueberries (frozen or fresh)
• 2 cups spinach, fresh
• Ice (optional)

1. Put all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.
2. Add more Fortune Delight® or water as necessary to reach desired consistency.
3. For a cooler smoothie, add ice and blend, or use frozen berries.

Click here to Buy Sunrider Products

Sunrider Smoothie Recipe NuPlus Mixed Berry Smoothie
Sunrider Smoothie Recipe NuPlus Mixed Berry Smoothie

in Canada and USA.  Diana Walker is happy to help you start on this wonderful health journey!

Sunrider Convention 2015

Sunrider Convention 2015

Sunrider Convention 2015 will be held on the Big Island of Hawaii – YAY!  I love Hawaii!  What a wonderful opportunity to reunite with friends and other Sunrider Customers and Leaders for almost a week.  The dates are June 23 to June 28, 2015.

Sunrider Convention 2015 Diana Walker Hawaii
Sunrider Convention 2015 Diana Walker Hawaii

Here is Sunrider Convention 2015 news sent by Sharon Farnsworth

(sent to Diana Walker and other Sunrider Leaders)

“I have had so many requests asking me if I knew where Sunrider will be having their next convention. Well, now we have the good news. the Big Island of Hawaii, at Waikoloa Marriott. That is really an exciting place. We have had at least two other Sunrider Conventions in Waikoloa, but I think we were at the Hilton. No matter what, it is heaven to go there. So mark your calendar, and make sure you start planning on joining us there. I am ready for Hawaii again. I can never go there often enough. It is such a wonderful place. If you have been there before, you know what I mean. If you have not been there before, now is the time to plan and make it happen for you.

I am so excited, and will be dreaming about being there. But it is more fun if you are with us. The more Sunriders that attend, the more fun it is and the better it will be. We can all be together in heaven for a few days.

Shelly was talking about taking her whole family, and going to the east side of the Island and visiting Volcano park and other places. There is always so much exploring to do there. Please do everything you can to join us.  Now is a good time to book your flight, as the rates are lower now than when it becomes closer to the event. Save those frequent flyer points, and maybe you can fly free or at least at a discount.
We were so excited with this news. Hope you will seriously make plans now to be with us. I can’t wait.”

We are so excited with this news. Spread the word.
Contact Diana Walker here if you would like to learn more about Sunrider Convention 2015

Sunrider ESE Herbs for Anxiety

Sunrider ESE Health Benefits Diana Walker
Sunrider ESE Health Benefits Diana Walker

Sunrider ESE Herbs for Anxiety

Sunrider ESE – Nervous System Formula #2 (along with JOI and TOP)
Please be sure to watch Diana Walker’s Video at the end of this blog post.

1. Ingredients of Sunrider ESE

Cassia Tora Seed, Gou Teng, Ji Tsau Herb, Sophora Flower, Yeuan Wu Root, Orange Peel, Pinelliae Root

2. Description of Sunrider ESE

Sunrider ESE is Brain Food.  This formula contains natural herbs for anxiety and stress relief.

This formula is SOOTHING to the mind and the entire body.

Sunrider ESE nourishes the nervous system as it regulates the body’s response to stress. Its calming effect allows for relief from restlessness, anxiety and sleeplessness. Better rested, the body is more able to deal with stress, and a clearer mind will enhance the powers of concentration. It basically helps our thought messages get to where they are meant to go.

Sunrider ESE  doesn’t create neurotransmitters, but FEEDS them.

a.  Hyperactive Children

This natural herbal formula can be used for hyperactive children or nervous adults or just about anyone with a stressful lifestyle – in other words, just about everybody!

b.  Alzheimers and Memory

Can be used by older people who seem confused and forgetful.

c.  Jet Lag

Can be helpful for jet lag, or for a stressful situation, like going to the dentist.

d.  Students and Studying

This is a great food for students to take while studying or just prior to taking exams.

A good way to remember its function is to associate ESE with how it helps us be at “ease”.

But remember, this is not a medicine, it is a food. Like all of these formulas, it is not intended to replace your medical doctor’s instructions.

3. Suggested Amounts

ESE is very powerful. 1 to 2 capsules at a time is sufficient. Complements TOP and JOI.

4. Summary of Benefits: – Focus on Sleep and Mental Clarity

• Natural sleep
• Clearer Concentration
• Increased capacity to handle stress
• Relief of addictive cravings (can be helpful in drug or alcohol withdrawal)

5. The “JET” Set – JOI, ESE, TOP

These 3 nervous system formulas descend from ancient formulas designed to enhance powers of concentration. When eaten in conjunction with Sunrider’s basic food program, the JOI, ESE and TOP help to balance us more mentally, and spiritually, to be more in harmony with those around us and with nature. These herbal formulas are a unique blend of herb foods, which the Chinese have traditionally eaten to enhance an overall sense of well-being. These formulas feed processes related to focus and concentration.

Focus and concentration come from the property we might call mental stillness, which essentially barricades us against things that might otherwise disturb and distract us, like pain. A still and focused mind lets us concentrate keenly during periods of activity, yet sleep peacefully during periods of rest.

Diana Walker will be happy to help you buy Sunrider ESE.

Sunrider Customer HereClick here to easily get started 

Green Smoothies

Green Smoothies Recipe Health Benefits

Green Smoothies – Healthy Green Smoothies can be a very simple way to get nutrition into your day.

The following recipe would be for 1 person. You can double this recipe for 2 people.

Green Smoothie – Delicious Spinach-Berry Energy Drink

• 1 cup Spinach
• 1 stalk Celery
• 1/2 Banana
• 1/2 cup frozen Blueberries (or mixed berries)
• 1 Tablespoons Hemp Seeds or Flax Seeds or Nut Butter
• 1 cup liquid (Coconut Milk, Almond Milk or other favorite choice)
Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender.

Green Smoothies Healthy Energy Drink Recipe
Green Smoothies Healthy Energy Drink Recipe

One mistake I see people make is to use mostly fruit in their smoothies and juices.
This can drastically raise your blood sugar levels too quickly, just like white sugar.

If you would like a nice, even energy for several hours, it is best to follow the following formula when making your green smoothies.

You could follow the 30/30/30 % Green Smoothie Recipe Formula, which is:

* 30% Vegetables/Leafy Greens (1 cup)

* 30% Fruit (1 cup)

* 30% Liquid (1 cup)

Plus 1 Tbsp Protein like seeds, nuts and nut or seed butters.

VEGETABLES – here’s the Green in Green Smoothies!

• Spinach – Popeye loved spinach and there’s a reason why. In addition to irone and calcium, spinach also contains an abundance of vitamin K. It’s packed with many other important vitamins and minerals including A, B, and E and it has the minerals your body needs. Like kale, spinach pairs nicely with many fruits.

• Celery – Celery is an excellent vegetable to juice and blend. It has diuretic properties and is a detoxifier. It also contains potassium and has been used to lower blood pressure. Celery stalks, including the greens, can be washed and popped into the blender whole. No trimming or peeling required.


• Bananas – Bananas are high in B vitamins. They’re also high in potassium and can give a smoothie a creamy texture. Ripe bananas are extremely sweet and pair well with chocolate, nuts and nut butters along with other tropical fruits.

• Berries – Whether you’re talking about strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or other types of berries, they’re all packed with antioxidants. These antioxidants help fight disease and boost your immune system.


• Hemp Seeds – Known to be one of the most, if not the most, nutritional and beneficial seeds on the planet, hemp is a
good source of protein, amino acids, omega fatty acids, as well as magnesium, potassium and fiber. It also has many of the
vitamins that your body needs to function and stay healthy. Hemp Seeds have a slightly nutty flavor.

• Nut butters – Nut butters like almond butter, peanut butter, cashew butter, or even hazelnut butter, add a creamy texture to your smoothies. They also add some protein.


• Coconut Milk – Coconut milk is quite popular right now. It is rich, creamy, and naturally sweet. It also has some health benefits including the ability to raise HDL, the good cholesterol that your body needs. It also has a significant amount of Medium Chain Fatty acids which have been shown to facilitate weight loss.

• Nut Milks – There are also many types of milk found in your supermarket that are made from nuts and seeds. Almond milk and hemp seed milk are two examples. These milks often have added sugars but can be a good alternative to cow’s milk and soy milk if you have food sensitivities.

Other Delicious Green Smoothies Recipes:

1.  Diana’s Sunrider Evergreen Energy Drink Recipe #1

2.  Healthy Sunrider Green Smoothie Drink Recipe #2


If you have any questions, please contact me here: Contact Diana Walker



Cleansing and Detox are Important

We need to learn how to cleanse and detox our bodies in a healthy way.  The Sunrider Regeneration Team provides detailed information on our webinar of November 18, 2014, below.  The Sunrider Regeneration Team consists of Randy Fritz, Jim Pendree, Barb Rowe, Trudy Stoelting, Diana Walker and Ann Humble.  Cleansing Detox teas like Calli and Fortune Delight are discussed.

CLEANSING November 18, 2014

November 18, 2014 (12 minutes)

Comparison of Medicinal Herbs and Food Herbs

MEDICINAL HERBS like Cascara Sagrada and Senna

* Harsh, Irritant Laxatives
* Short-term Use
* Side Effects – Potassium loss, muscle weakness, malnutrition, cramps, diarrhea
* Laxative dependency syndrome
* Forces body to cleanse

FOOD HERBS like Sunrider Calli Beverage and Fortune Delight

* Gentle Cleanse (inside shower)
* Use daily
* Side Effects – more energy, clearer thinking, more balanced, adds essential minerals, antioxidants
* No dependency
* Strengthens and assists body’s natural cleansing process

Cleansing Sunrider Substitution Regeneration Nov 18 2014
Cleansing Sunrider Substitution Regeneration Nov 18 2014

Comparison of Substitution and Regeneration


* Body functions weakened
* Forces the body to cleanse
* “Clean house” once a year!


* Body functions strengthened
* Nourishes the cleansing cells
* Assists body’s natural cleansing process
* “Clean house” daily!

If you give a contractor the blueprint for the house of your dreams, but only provide the building materials for a shack, there’s simply no way you’re ever going to get that dream house built.

The same is true for your body!!!

Without the necessary nutrients and building blocks your body requires to create healthy new cells, you will not regenerate your body to its fullest potential.

Sunrider’s Philosophy of Regeneration is very simple:  When the body is provided with proper nutrition, it has the innate ability to balance itself.

Every day, old cells die and new cells are born.  In fact, on average, every seven years you are literally a new person because every cell in your whole body has been replaced with new cells.

If the body is fed nutritious food, the new cells will be healthier than before.  This is healthy regeneration.

 True Foods:

  • Fresh Organic Fruits and Veggies
  • Fresh Organic Greens
  • Raw Nuts, Sprouted Grains and Legumes
  • Sunrider Whole Food Concentrates
  • Sunrider Stevia, Raw Honey and Pure Maple Syrup
  • Sunrider Cleansing Teas
  • Sea Salt, Bragg’s All Purpose Seasoning

False Foods:

  • Fast Food
  • Processed Food with Chemicals, Preservatives and Additives
  • Refined Grain Products with Gluten
  • Isolated Vitamins and Minerals
  • Sugar, Aspartame and Nutrasweet
  • Coffee, Soda Pop and Artificially Sweetened Beverages
  • Salt and High Sodium Condiments
  • Factory Farmed Meat and Dairy
  • Alcohol, Wine and Beer


Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader