Sunrider Convention 2015

Sunrider Convention 2015 Diana Walker Hawaii

Sunrider Convention 2015

Sunrider Convention 2015 will be held on the Big Island of Hawaii – YAY!  I love Hawaii!  What a wonderful opportunity to reunite with friends and other Sunrider Customers and Leaders for almost a week.  The dates are June 23 to June 28, 2015.

Sunrider Convention 2015 Diana Walker Hawaii
Sunrider Convention 2015 Diana Walker Hawaii

Here is Sunrider Convention 2015 news sent by Sharon Farnsworth

(sent to Diana Walker and other Sunrider Leaders)

“I have had so many requests asking me if I knew where Sunrider will be having their next convention. Well, now we have the good news. the Big Island of Hawaii, at Waikoloa Marriott. That is really an exciting place. We have had at least two other Sunrider Conventions in Waikoloa, but I think we were at the Hilton. No matter what, it is heaven to go there. So mark your calendar, and make sure you start planning on joining us there. I am ready for Hawaii again. I can never go there often enough. It is such a wonderful place. If you have been there before, you know what I mean. If you have not been there before, now is the time to plan and make it happen for you.

I am so excited, and will be dreaming about being there. But it is more fun if you are with us. The more Sunriders that attend, the more fun it is and the better it will be. We can all be together in heaven for a few days.

Shelly was talking about taking her whole family, and going to the east side of the Island and visiting Volcano park and other places. There is always so much exploring to do there. Please do everything you can to join us.  Now is a good time to book your flight, as the rates are lower now than when it becomes closer to the event. Save those frequent flyer points, and maybe you can fly free or at least at a discount.
We were so excited with this news. Hope you will seriously make plans now to be with us. I can’t wait.”

We are so excited with this news. Spread the word.
Contact Diana Walker here if you would like to learn more about Sunrider Convention 2015

Author: Diana Walker

Diana Walker Sunrider Leader Holistic Healthy Lifestyles, Nutrition Coach, Sunrider Calli Tea and Fortune Delight help with sugar cravings, salt cravings, junk food cravings. Diana Walker provides natural solutions using herbs and holistic health education.

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