Sunbar Sunrider Fiber Energy Bar Excellent Energy Bar. Excellent for Colon and Digestive Health. Contains Plant Fiber.
Vegetarian, Lactose-free, non-GMO – satisfy your hunger, naturally.
1. Ingredients
Available in Fruit and Cocoa/Chocolate Flavors (and new Oatmeal-Cinnamon)

The Fruit Vitalite Sunbar’s ingredients include:
Whole Soy Protein Nuggets,
Fructooligosaccharide (equivalent benefit of 1 Vitadophilus)
Apple and Pineapple Juices, Bananas, Strawberries, Almonds, Mangos, Honey, Lycii Fruit Concentrate, Chinese Asparagus Root Concentrate, Coix Fruit Concentrate, non-GMO Soy Bean Oil, Psyllium Seed Powder, Wheat Germ Oil, Tocopherol, Chinese Yam, Fox Nut, Lotus Seed, Lotus Root, Waterlily Bulb and Imperate Root.
The usual choices in energy bars are high in fat, sodium, excito-toxins, and/or sugars (sugar and corn sweeteners).
Other energy bars usually contain Isolated Soy Protein and Whey Protein, which can be very hard on our digestion. Other energy bars are not “whole foods”.
The Sunrider Sunbar is full of wholesome ingredients – whole soy protein (non GMO), Regular NuPlus, nuts, FOS fiber and freeze-dried fruits.
Sunrider Sunbars – Buy Sunrider Sunbars

2. Description
Our Sunbar contains plant fiber from soluble (digestible), life-giving FOS, an extract from Chicory Root and from Psyllium Seed Powder (a digestive aid). Beautiful even Energy comes through ancient Chinese herbs including Lycii Fruit Concentrate, Chinese Asparagus Root Concentrate, Coix Fruit Concentrate,
Sunrider Testimonials
“When traveling on my summer holidays, I was reminded of how convenient SunBar® is. It makes the most satisfying breakfast or enjoy it anytime throughout the day. I haven’t found anything that feeds my family so well.”
Brenda Sotropa, Saskatchewan
“I like it because SunBar® is really portable. I try to keep one or two in my purse so when I’m out shopping; I’m not tempted to pick up something unhealthy.”
Ann-Marie Humble, Saskatchewan
Serving Size: 1 bar Each Sunbar contains:
Calories: 120
Carbs: 16 grams
Fat: 3 grams
Fiber: 3 grams
Protein: 7 grams
Sugars: 2 grams
Calories: 120
Carbs: 17 grams
Fat: 2.5 grams
Fiber: 3 grams
Protein: 6 grams
Sugars: 2 grams
Presented by Diana Walker Sunrider Leader
If you would like me to help you buy Sunrider products – Click here: Order Sunrider products

Hi Jo! Thank you for your question (way back in January 2022) about Sunrider Sunbars. Yes, I remember that recipe! – they were chewy, but apparently there were a couple of cases of a broken or chipped tooth, and Dr. Tei Fu Chen combined the Fiber Bar with the Sunbar for nutrition, and we now have Chocolate or Fruit choices in Canada. They are delicious and contain plenty of fiber. Diana
I bought sun bars a very long time ago, many years. They were just phenomenal, extremely chewy and a real work out for the jaw, something it’s accepted now we need. Then the recipe changed, making them much, softer and far less chewy. I so miss the original.
I so wish you still made them according the original recipe. Would you ever consider this again?
Thank you