
Assimilaid Sunrider A.D. in Canada

ASSIMILAID (A.D. in Canada) – Food for the Digestive System

1. Ingredients
(Note that Assimilaid is one of the 5 formulas making up Sunrider Quinary)

Ginseng Root, Bai Zhu Root, Poria, Licorice Root, Pinellia Root, Orange Peel, Cinnamon Bark, Fennel Seed, Amomum Seed, Mint Herb

Assimilaid  AD in Canada Sunrider Herbal Food for Digestion
Assimilaid AD in Canada Sunrider Herbal Food for Digestion

2. Description

The Digestive System Food nourishes functions associated with the digestion and assimilation of food. The ability to absorb nutrients is vital to health. Assimilaid (A.D.) makes a delicious hot beverage by itself – just open one or two capsule and add to a cup of hot water.
Also works well when taken in capsule form, as desired.

3. Major Organs Fed: – Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas

4. In Ancient China, a similar formula was used to:

• Enhance the digestion and assimilation of food.
• Provide digestive healing to the stomach and lubricate the intestinal tract.
• Alleviate heartburn, upset stomach, vomiting, indigestion, gastric ulcers, gastritis, colic
• Aid sleep by reducing gastrointestinal tension.
• Strengthen the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
• Relieve abdominal pain and distention
• Restore and normalize acid secretions and enzyme production.

5. Some Signs of Imbalance:

Constant stomach discomfort; heartburn; indigestion; nausea and vomiting; gastric ulcers; gastritis; colic; stomach distension; colitis; and constipation.

6. Suggested Amounts:

It is suggested that you start out with the Quinary. Individual formulas that nourish the individual systems may be added and eaten separately, or can be eaten all together in Quinary capsules, powder or Liqui-Five (liquid vials). For a weak system, eat extra Assimilaid (A.D.): 10 capsules a day, for 10 days or longer, for dramatic results; then 2-4 capsules/day for ongoing maintenance.

Assimilaid USA Sunrider Digestion Chinese Herbs
Assimilaid USA Sunrider Digestion Chinese Herbs

Sunbar Sunrider Fiber Energy Bar


Sunbar Sunrider Fiber Energy Bar Excellent Energy Bar.  Excellent for Colon and Digestive Health. Contains Plant Fiber.

Vegetarian, Lactose-free, non-GMO – satisfy your hunger, naturally.

1.  Ingredients

Available in Fruit and Cocoa/Chocolate Flavors (and new Oatmeal-Cinnamon)

Sunbars Sunrider Energy and Fiber Bars Diana Walker
Sunbars Sunrider Energy and Fiber Bars Diana Walker healthy whole food nutrition

The Fruit Vitalite Sunbar’s ingredients include:

Whole Soy Protein Nuggets,

Fructooligosaccharide (equivalent benefit of 1 Vitadophilus)

Apple and Pineapple Juices, Bananas, Strawberries, Almonds, Mangos, Honey, Lycii Fruit Concentrate, Chinese Asparagus Root Concentrate, Coix Fruit Concentrate, non-GMO Soy Bean Oil, Psyllium Seed Powder, Wheat Germ Oil, Tocopherol, Chinese Yam, Fox Nut, Lotus Seed, Lotus Root, Waterlily Bulb and Imperate Root.

The usual choices in energy bars are high in fat, sodium, excito-toxins, and/or sugars (sugar and corn sweeteners).

Other energy bars usually contain Isolated Soy Protein and Whey Protein, which can be very hard on our digestion.  Other energy bars are not “whole foods”.

The Sunrider Sunbar is full of wholesome ingredients – whole soy protein (non GMO), Regular NuPlus, nuts, FOS fiber and freeze-dried fruits.

Sunrider Sunbars – Buy Sunrider Sunbars

Sunbar photo by Diana Walker Sunrider Healthy Energy Fiber Bars
Sunbar photo by Diana Walker Sunrider Healthy Energy Fiber Bars

2. Description

Our Sunbar contains plant fiber from soluble (digestible), life-giving FOS, an extract from Chicory Root and from Psyllium Seed Powder (a digestive aid).  Beautiful even Energy comes through ancient Chinese herbs including Lycii Fruit Concentrate, Chinese Asparagus Root Concentrate, Coix Fruit Concentrate,

Sunrider Testimonials

“When traveling on my summer holidays, I was reminded of how convenient SunBar® is. It makes the most satisfying breakfast or enjoy it anytime throughout the day. I haven’t found anything that feeds my family so well.”
Brenda Sotropa, Saskatchewan

“I like it because SunBar® is really portable. I try to keep one or two in my purse so when I’m out shopping; I’m not tempted to pick up something unhealthy.”
Ann-Marie Humble, Saskatchewan

Serving Size: 1 bar Each Sunbar contains:


Calories: 120
Carbs: 16 grams
Fat: 3 grams
Fiber: 3 grams
Protein: 7 grams
Sugars: 2 grams


Calories: 120
Carbs: 17 grams
Fat: 2.5 grams
Fiber: 3 grams
Protein: 6 grams
Sugars: 2 grams

Presented by Diana Walker Sunrider Leader
If you would like me to help you buy Sunrider products – Click here:  Order Sunrider products

Sunbars-Sunrider Healthy Energy Fiber Bars for children and adults great for colon health and energy
Sunbars-Sunrider Healthy Energy Fiber Bars for children and adults great for colon health and energySunbars-Sunrider

Vitadophilus Sunrider Digestion Acidophilus

VITADOPHILUS – Sunrider Live Lactobacillus Acidophilus for Healthy Digestion

1. Ingredients
Apple Fruit Powder, Apple Fruit Flake, and Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Click here for more information:  Vitadophilus Detailed Sunrider Outline

Vitadophilus Sunrider Healthy Digestion whole foods Diana Walker
Vitadophilus by Sunrider Healthy Digestion whole foods Diana Walker

2. Description

*  VitaDophilus supplies a minimum of 20 million live culture bacteria to the body.
*  Delicious apples form the base of the VitaDophilus powder.
*  This beneficial bacteria inbeds itself in the walls of the intestines, facilitating the digestive process.
*  Can be very helpful with constipation.
*  Most people need to bring “good bacteria” balance to the intestinal tract to prevent the   spread of fungus through the body.
*  Fungus/Candida overgrowth is often at the root of health challenges.
*  Fungus overgrowth happens when the body Ph is acid, when a person has taken antibiotics, when there are hormonal imbalances, and from most poor diets, etc.
*  Sunrider Vitadophilus is encased in a tasty, protective apple coating helps get the live bacteria into the small intestine, instead of it breaking down when it hits the stomach acids like most acidophilus products do.


A Technician at an independent laboratory in Vancouver compared the Sunrider Vitadophilus by Dr. Chen to other Acidophilus formulas. Her purpose was really to show that there was no difference. To her surprise – out of several brands being tested, Sunrider’s Vitadophilus was the only formula that grew 100% pure – the others had other bacteria growing in addition to the good Lactobacillus Acidophilus bacteria. We hear many stories of people who have been using other brands, not getting results, switching to the Sunrider Vitadophilus and getting the results they had hoped for.

4. How to Eat:

  • Available in a box of 10 packages, 3 grams each.
  • 1 to 2 packages daily.
  • Never heat.
  • Tastes Great – children love it!
  • Pour directly into mouth; eat upon rising and at bedtime.
  • Vitadophilus is most effective on an empty stomach.

Would you like your own Sunrider USA or Sunrider Canada Customer account to purchase Sunrider Vitadophilus?

Diana Walker would love to you get started

Order Sunrider products here:



Sunrider Convention Photos Diana Walker Calli Tea

What a privilege to participate in Sunrider’s 30th Grand Convention.  This was held in Long Beach, California, USA.  I flew from Canada on August 15th to join the fun and celebrations.

We all drank lots of Sunrider Fortune Delight and Sunrider  Calli Tea of course.    I purchased the new Sunrider Sunbars in Oatmeal Raisin – they are delicious and I certainly hope we can have them available in Canada soon.

These are photos I took (Diana Walker) August 15th to 20th at Sunrider Grand Convention, Long Beach, California.

Some of the highlights included:

Sunrider SunTrim is now called SunTrim Plus.  It helps (1) keep you from overeating, as you feel full and (2) helps with belly fat – targets stored fat and weight around the middle of your body.  Junky food tastes junky.  Dr. Tei Fu Chen has designed this new formula to assist in weight management.

Kandesn Body Care, Skin Care and Makeup – is all vegetable based.  Much research and development is being done by Sunrider to develop even more anti-aging products.

Don Caster interviewed the Chens and the children – Dr. Reuben Chen, Wendy Chen, Sunny Chen, Dr. Eric Chen and Jonathan Chen.  Each of them are taking a role in the success of Sunrider International.

The Chens think in generations.  They want to pass on these fantastic products into the future.  The Chen children represent the next generation.  It is wonderful to see the love and respect the Chen children have for their parents, Dr Tei Fu Chen and Dr Oil Lin Chen.

The Chens are investing millions of dollars into the manufacturing plant for upgrades, to keep the company successful for today and tomorrow.

Buy Sunrider Calli Tea and Sunrider Fortune Delight with Diana Walker as your Sunrider nutrition coach and Leader.

All Sunriders who attend Grand Convention are taken on a tour of the manufacturing facilities, and we got to see the new technology and see the long-term future of Sunrider.

It is always wonderful to be around other Sunriders and health-minded people – what an energetic, positive group of people from around the world!  We had so much fun, and it was so great to share this experience with many friends and upline.  Trudy Stoelting flew from Nova Scotia, Canada, and I flew from British Columbia, Canada.  Sunriders attending from Europe, Australia, China, USA, and many other countries around the world.

This was my fifteenth Sunrider Convention.  I loved it!

Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader
CEO, Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles


Sunrider and Olympics 2012 Sunrider International Sports Nutrition

Sunrider International provided Sunrider whole food nutrition to an athlete in the Olympics 2012 in London, England.

Sunrider International sponsored an Olympics 2012 Gold Medal Champion!

Sunrider - Olympics-2012-Judo-Champion- Sunrider-Calli
Sunrider – Olympics-2012-Judo-Champion- Sunrider-Calli

South Korea’s Kim Jao-Bum at London, England, 2012 Olympics, on Tuesday, July 31, 2012, won the Gold Medal in the Men’s Judo under-81-kilogram category. Sunrider International’s Facebook page contains more details and photos.
Here is one photo of Judo Gold Medalist Kim Jao-Bum, with Photo Credit to News Group Newspapers:

Kim Jao-Bum is sponsored by Sunrider International, with the company providing him with sports and nutrition products such as MetaBooster®, Sunrise®, VitaShake®, and Calli® Night.

Dr. Tei Fu Chen, founder of Sunrider, and Dr. Reuben Chen (Tei Fu Chen’s son) – have Black Belts in Judo so they were thrilled with this accomplishment.

Of course – too – I – Diana Walker – am thrilled that my Sunrider nutrition that I love so much was used by an athlete.  You do realize that Macdonalds and other unhealthy food companies are sponsors of the Olympics?  It is really great to know that athletes are using powerful nutrition instead!

Have you seen the amazing photos taken during the full moon at the Olympics – with the Olympic Rings Tower Bridge in London?  Photo Credit – News Group Newspaper.  This is spectacular!


I wish you Vibrant Health!

Click here:  Order Sunrider Calli Tea

Diana Walker, Cravings Coach
CEO, Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles

Sunrider products are available world-wide.  Diana Walker can be your Sunrider and Nutrition sponsor and coach if you live in Canada or United States.  If you live outside of North America, it is great if you want to subscribe to my newsletter to receive ongoing health and nutrition education, I would love you to join me.



Sunrider and Digestion #1 Video

Sunrider video on Sunrider and Digestion #1 and benefits of Calli Tea for digestion.

Diana Walker provides information on How to have a Healthy Digestive System

Digestion Sunrider Calli Tea for healthy digestion Diana Walker
Digestion Sunrider Calli Tea for healthy digestion Diana Walker

Diana Walker friend Jim Pendree, both Sunrider Leaders.

How to have healthy digestion. Chinese herbs and Raw foods health benefits.  Buy Sunrider Calli Tea in Canada and USA.

Will our foods help our body to regenerate or degenerate?

Jim provides a demonstration of how our body works, how to be healthy.

In the West we think we have to go to the doctor for help but there are holistic healthy lifestyles and whole foods that can help us on our path to improved health and vitality.

Diana Walker studied under Dr. Paul Bragg, world-famous Naturopath, in the 1970s.

Jim was also one of my mentors during Sunrider whole food nutrition education and meetings in Salmon Arm, BC,Canada.

Jim and Wanda served Calli Tea and Fortune Delight at weekly meetings for 10 years, and we all learned from Jim.  He presented the Digestive Diagram education to us, and helped us to discover how to have healthy digestive systems.  All disease can be traced back to this.  This is #1 in a series of education videos.

All diseases start in the stomach.

Starting at birth and until about age 2 we have normal levels of acid in our stomachs.  By age 8 the acid level drops considerably.  By our age, we don’t have a lot of acid left.  Acid in our stomach is accompanied with digestive enzymes to digest our food.

Our body strives for the best balance it can.

Lots of acid, means lots of mucus lining to protect our stomach walls.

Less acid, equals less mucus lining to protect our stomach and then when we eat foods that our body recognizes as acid it irritates the poorly protected walls of our stomach.

As our stomach gets irritated it tightens up.  It is a large muscle. (Make a fist – that is about the size of your stomach)  As it tightens up, the acid in our stomach is pushes up and we experience heart burn, reflux and indigestion.

The Doctor says, you have too much acid and suggests tums, or Rollaids or other medications to control the acid.  What little acid we did have is now gone.  Calli Tea can help our bodies come into balance and Diana Walker will help you open a free Sunrider Customer account.

Our body is always striving for balance, makes very little mucus to protect our stomach wall with and so any acid-producing food now irritates our stomach.

By age 40 – 50% of people inNorth Americahave Hiatus Hernias.  This is where the stomach pulls up above the diaphragm.

Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader

Lose Weight with Sunrider

Healthy Eating Sunrider for Weight Loss Diana Walker
Healthy Eating Sunrider for Weight Loss Diana Walker

Healthy eating is the best way to lose weight. We were provided with many Sunrider success stories on stage at Sunrider Convention in Long Beach, California, July 2011.

Those Sunriders on stage provided us with tips on weight loss, and how Sunrider whole food nutrition was a powerful and pivotal part of that journey.

1. Don’t skip meals

2. Get plenty of rest and sleep

3. Move – get exercise, activities that you enjoy and will do consistently for results

4. Eat balanced snacks and meals – whole foods containing protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber and healthy fat

5. Eat an abundance of whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and seeds.

6. Eat a limited amount of animal and dairy products

Part of a successful weight loss and weight management program includes the 5 Basic Sunrider Foods every day:

Calli Tea, Fortune Delight, NuPlus, Sunnydew – Sunrider Stevia – and Quinary.

If you are interested in samples or in being a free Sunrider Customer
Click Here —->Order Sunrider Products in Canada and USA

I wish you Vibrant Health!
This article is for information purposes only and is separate from Sunrider International. It is not intended as medical advice. As with any medical problem, consult your physician.

If you are interested —->Order Sunrider Products in Canada and USA

Diana Walker is happy to send you Sunrider samples and help you buy Sunrider products.
20 minutes free Nutrition Consultation (Value of $20) and ongoing email and phone support for Sunrider Customers in USA and Canada. Phone 1-800-840-0014 for more information!

Sunrider TeleClass on Stress Nov16-11

Sunrider TeleClass Beauty Pearl Stress Help

We had a fantastic TeleClass today with 4 Sunrider Leaders

Diana Walker – Sunrider Leader for 15 years
Trudy Stoelting – Sunrider Leader for 16 years
Barb Rowe – Sunrider Leader for 22 years
Diane Haryett – Sunrider Leader for 28 years

Sunrider Beauty Pearl for inner Calm
Sunrider Beauty Pearl for inner Calm

Sunrider TeleClass Beauty Pearl Stress Help

Here are resources for you if you are interested in more inner calm, clearer thinking, less emotional ups and downs, more peaceful sleep, and balance in your life:

1.  Audio:    Stress Solutions Sunrider TeleClass Diana Walker Host 33 Minutes Nov.16-11

AUDIO – You may prefer to listen right here:

2.  Document:  Stress Sunrider Solutions

3.  Link:   Stress Help Sunrider Quinary

We have covered Sunrider TOP, ESE, Prime Again (called P.A. in Canada), Beauty Pearl and Vitaspray.  We also emphasized that all of us enjoy Sunrider Calli Tea and Fortune Delight, along with these other formulas.

Sunrider Beauty Pearl, along with Sunrider ESE, TOP and Quinary have natural calming properties.  Sunrider Vitaspray B-vitamin spray was also discussed.

These are powerful formulas for Relaxation, Balance, Concentration and Joy.

During our TeleClass today, Sunrider Leaders discussed the power of these formulas and provided stories from our own experience on what a difference they have made in our lives.

Sunrider TeleClass Beauty Pearl – 1 to 2 pearls a day

Beauty Pearl is nutrient-rich food that was originally developed for the Empress of China to provide beautiful skin and preserve youthfulness.

Beauty Pearl Ingredients:  Honey, Korean White Ginseng, Chrysanthemum Flower, Royal Jelly Extract.

This formula, which is hundreds of years old, comes to us from the ancient Chinese herbal manuscripts. The Chinese understood that true beauty comes from proper nutrition. Beauty Pearls are not only for women, but men and children can also eat them.

  • Helps re-establish normal, stabilized hormone system balance for both men and women.
  • Relief from PMS symptoms and hot flashes.
  • Cell nourishment for the skin all over the body.
  • Improved skin texture and conditions.
  • Promotes moisture retention on the face and other areas of the body.
  • Enables the body to better assimilate other foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Promotes youthfulness and a positive attitude.
  • High in assimilable calcium
  • Emotional support
  • More peaceful sleep (when taken before going to bed)

ESE – 2 to 3 capsules a day

  • Clearer Concentration
  • Soothing to the mind
  • Nourishes the nervous system
  • Increased capacity to handle stress
  • Relief of addictive cravings

Sunrider TOP – 2 to 3 capsules daily

  • Improved Mental Clarity and Brain Function
  • Nourishing herbs to maintain mental and emotional balance
  • Nourishes occipital part of the brain
  • Nourishes the production of Endorphins
  • Promotes Calmness

A still and focused mind lets us concentrate keenly during periods of activity, yet sleep peacefully during periods of rest.

We have covered Sunrider ancient Chinese herbal formulas on the TeleClass.

If you would like to order Sunrider products, in Canada or USA, Diana Walker can help you.

Click Here:  Buy Sunrider Products with Diana Walker as your sponsor and coach

Stress Help Sunrider Quinary

Stress Help Sunrider Quinary
Stress Help Sunrider Quinary

Stress is caused by Change.  Sunrider Quinary, an ancient natural plant-based herbal formula, can help with stress in your life.

What is Stress?

To your body, stress is synonymous with Change.  Anything that causes a change in your life causes stress.  It doesn’t matter if it is a “good” change, or a “bad” change, they are both stress.

Good Changes Cause Stress, for example:
1.  Finding your perfect home
2.  Winning the Lottery
3.  Travel

Bad Changes Cause Stress, for example:
1.  Losing your Job
2.  Illness
3.  Emotional stress – arguments, disagreements, conflicts
4.  Working too hard
5.  Partying too hard

Symptoms can include:
1.  Brain Overstress – Fatigue, aches, pains, crying spells, depression, anxiety attacks, sleep disturbance
2. Digestive Problems – ulcer, cramps, diarrhea, colitis, irritable bowel
3.  Hormonal Problems – thyroid gland malfunction
4.  Circulatory/Cardiovascular – high blood pressure, heart attack, abnormal heart beat, stroke
5.  Skin – itchy skin rashes
6.  Immune System – decreased resistance to infections, colds, flus

If you need help with stress, please join our Sunrider TeleClass – Stress Relief Nutrition TeleClass – on Wednesday, November 16, 2011.  The recording will be there, if you miss the class.  Everyone is welcome to dial in to the class, whether you are a Sunrider or not.  There will be an abundance of wisdom shared by Diana Walker, Certified TeleClass Leader, along with 3 special guests from Canada and USA.

You may also like to learn more about Sunrider Quinary, one of Diana Walker’s favorite Sunrider products, in this recent video:


I wish you Vibrant Health!

Diana Walker, Certified TeleClass Leader
Sunrider Leader, Cravings Coach, Nutrition Coach

Athlete Sports Sunrider


I have always been a very active person and participated in many sports including running, soccer, volleyball and basketball. You could call me a sports junkie and to help support my goals I tried to have a healthy diet. My diet consisted of many foods in moderation, with the exception of beef … I loved beef! I consumed meat everyday along with lots of pasta, two pints of milk a day, concentrated juice plus some fruits and veggies.

Being a competitive athlete from Grade Seven through Post Secondary years, it was important that I consumed over 3,000 calories a day just to maintain my weight. I was basically, calorie counting.  I was in very good shape physically but every three to four months I would get sick. A cold/flu would put my training back by two to three weeks. For a long time I could not figure out why I was in this “sick” cycle. I concluded that I was training too hard, not eating enough and wearing down my body. This didn’t make sense to me, as my body was physically strong, but I accepted the cycle as being normal as it had occurred since middle school.

Once my teaching career began, my physical activity was reduced to only running and weight lifting and although I was putting less stress on my body physically, a new cycle emerged. Every Christmas I would get really sick. Sick to the point where I would not be able to do anything for days. It would take me the entire Christmas break to recuperate.

Thankfully, things started to change for me when I met my wife. Although Jen grew up on a farm and was also a meat eater, she was the catalyst for a complete about face when it came to our food. We ate more whole vegetables and fruits which ultimately made a difference with my health. The real changes began, however, when I added Sunrider basic whole foods to my diet. I was apprehensive at first, yet, after my wife started, I couldn’t help but notice the remarkable transformation of her body and health. She looked so absolutely amazing and radiant that I decided to give it a try.

In only one week, I noticed changes in my body, too. After three weeks, I felt great. My cravings for meat and fried foods diminished and as a former meat eater that’s saying something! My afternoon brain fog was gone, I felt strong and hydrated when I exercised. My body was getting really ripped. An added bonus was the healing of my right shoulder, an injury that had occurred from years of playing and coaching volleyball and had bothered me for months. I have endless energy.  I eat Sunrider whole foods daily as the basis of my main diet along with other whole table foods. I feel strong and I have not been sick since being on Sunrider. My body now craves food that is good for me!

H.L. -Alberta,Canada     February 2007