
Cancer – healthy lifestyle and nutrition choices help.

Nutritional Shakes with Sunrider whole food nutrition along with Fruit, Almond milk, are delicious.

Sunrider Healthy Chinese NuPlus Smoothie

Sunrider Healthy Chinese Herbs – Smoothie with NuPlus, fruit, almond milk

Cancer kills one out of every four Americans, surpassed only by heart disease as the leading cause of death in this country. Over 1.2 million new cases are diagnosed every year, with half of them occurring in the lung, prostate, breast, colon and rectum.

It can strike at any age. It used to be more common in people over 50 but has increasingly become a disease of younger people now too.

Possible help from Vitamin E
The strongest evidence of vitamin E’s cancer effects comes from a study several years ago on nearly 30,000 Finnish smokers. It unexpectedly found those who took alpha-tocopherol pills lowered their prostate cancer risk by one-third. The same study shocked researchers by showing that another once highflying nutrient, beta carotene, appeared to actually increase their risk of lung cancer

Energy Plus
This comes in soft gelatin capsules which combine the antioxidant protection of Vitamin E with the helpful benefits of natural ingredients in an oil base for optimum utilization by the body.

You can use the NuPlus and Quinary in any smoothie you make and at any time of day.

The body, given the ability and the right nutrition, can heal itself.

More information here:

 IMPORTANT NOTE:  We are NOT claiming that any nutritional program will CURE Cancer – it will not.  There are many, many reasons for cancer, including environmental, hereditary, and emotional.  There is lots of “undoing” to do, so please consult with your Physician before embarking on any program.  Our emphasis is to create health within the body.

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NOTE: This article is for information purposes only and is separate from Sunrider International. It is not intended as medical advice. As with any medical problem, consult your physician.

Sunrider Convention Photos Diana Walker

Diana Walker’s plans –Sunrider Grand Convention July 2009 is coming up in Anaheim, California and I’m packing my whole foods beverages Sunrider Calli Tea and Sunrider Fortune Delight – I don’t want to run out!

It’s exciting every time – this will be my 12th Sunrider Convention – and I’m looking forward to it so much.  Here are photos from my trip with Sunrider Leaders to the Sunrider International Leadership Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii, in February 2008 – we had so much fun!

How is Sunrider Food Different?

calli-teaSunrider basic foods are based on the Philosophy or Regeneration, which is the result of thousands of years of research.

If you give the body the right combination of whole foods, the body has the ability to put itself in balance and create harmony. Those whole foods Nourish and Cleanse, and Balance all five major systems.

Sunrider products are WHOLE FOODS made by nature, not isolated vitamin-mineral chemicals put together by man.

Research shows that chemicals imbalance the body. Nature does not grow isolated chemicals, it grows foods made of the perfect combination of nutrients put together by nature for your body’s nourishment.

Sunrider foods are FOOD GRADE HERBS, not MEDICINAL HERBS. Medicines and medicinal herbs correct symptoms allowing the body to become weaker long term. Foods nourish the body and allow the body to correct the cause behind the symptom allowing the body to become stronger and do its own work.

I enjoy my healthy Sunrider Super Food Drink every day and have done so for 12 years now.