Vitataste Stop Sugar Cravings easily and with healthy Sunrider Chinese Herbs.
Diana Walker interviews Julie, who had just been using Sunrider Vitataste for the past week. Julie was skeptical at first.
Julie took 1 capsule of Vitataste in the morning and one in the afternoon.
During Julie’s first week, she experienced:
Instantly felt my craving for sweets and sugar has decreased
Craving for chocolate has gone completely
Off meat as well, does not know why.
Craving for more fresh vegetables and vegetarian foods.
Feels more Energetic.
In the video, Julie explains to Diana Walker how – just using 2 capsules of Sunrider Vitataste during her first week, she no longer craves sugar, and has cut way back on sugar in her tea. Also she is surprised that she is craving vegetables, and meat does not taste so good to her!!
Vitataste Improves the Ability to Stop Sugar Cravings
VitaTaste is a Unique Behaviour-Modification Food.
Promotes life-giving tastes
Nourishes the pancreas and adrenal glands.
Balances Blood Sugar
Nourishes the body
Helps you overcome cravings for sugar, salt, smoking, overeating, unhealthy food.
Inhibits the taste of sugar
Helps you to focus on nutrition rather than taste
Eat VitaTaste before meals
This will help the body withdraw from sugar and fats, changing the taste of the food and the body’s response. Imagine putting negative substances like alcohol, cigarettes and sugar in the mouth and having them taste terrible!
– Details on Medicinal Cleanse and Detox
versus Nutritional Cleanse and Detox
Calli Tea Detox and
Comparison of Cleansing
Substitution vs Regeneration Sunrider
Calli Tea Cleansing Substitution vs Regeneration Sunrider
SUBSTITUTION when using Cascara Sagrada and Senna for Laxatives and Cleansing * Body functions weakened
* Forces body to cleanse
* “Clean house” once a year!
REGENERATION when using Sunrider Cleansing Calli Tea
* Body functions strengthened
* Nourishes the cleansing cells
* Assists body’s natural cleansing process
* “Clean house” daily!
Calli Tea Detox Cleansing Food Herbs Medicine versus Food Herbs
Cascara Sagrada and Senna – not healthy for long-term use
* Harsh, Irritant Laxatives like Cascara Sagrada and Senna – stay away from these
* Short-term use
* Side Effects – Potassium loss,
muscle weakness, malnutrition,
cramps, diarrhea
* Laxative dependency syndrome
* Forces body to cleanse
Sunrider Cleansing Calli Tea and Fortune Delight FOOD HERBS
* Gentle Cleanse (inside shower)
* Use daily
* Side Effects – more energy, clearer
thinking, more balanced, adds
essential minerals, antioxidants
* No dependency
* Assists body’s natural cleansing
Video with Diana Walker and Trudy Stoelting Sunrider Alpha 20C, SunnyFresh, Citric C, Quinary, Vitafruit, Evergreen, Kandesn Hand Cleansing Gel, Sunbreeze Oil – Powerful nourishing plants for your Immune system.
Our Job – become as healthy as we possibly can and not get scared.
In Sunrider we have a way to make sure our immune systems are at optimal health.
Did you know that you may be Suppressing your Immune System?
1. Chronic Sleep Deprivation
2. Pharmaceutical Medications (deplete minerals and nutrients)
3. Processed Foods
4. Chemicals and Food Additives
5. Stress
We recently held an Immune System webinar with a special emphasis on
Trudy Stoeltings’s story – started in Sunrider 18 years ago. I was sick. Spent tens of thousands of dollars to get healthy but still had health challenges.
A friend shared Sunrider with me – She talked about NBC, Nourish, Balance, Cleanse.
Classifications of Herbs: Drug Herbs, Medicinal Herbs and Food Grade Herbs.
Trudy’s friend said that Sunrider Herbs are Food Grade Herbs. Complete and balanced approach to your health.
Why live in fear when you can do all you can to be as healthy as you can?
1. NOURISH with Sunrider with Sunbars and Vitashake and NuPlus- 1 to 3 packages daily or 1 to 3 Sunbars
2. BALANCE with Quinary – this takes us to whole new level of balancing — 1 package or 10 capsules daily if possible.
3 capsules daily can be helpful. Alpha 20C is contained within Quinary – and you can take extra when you are concentrating
on strengthening Immune System.
3. CLEANSE with Calli and Fortune Delight – 1 package of each daily minimum
Alpha 20C is wonderful way to keep your immune systems very, very strong.
Great way for body itself to fight – nourish your body to fight for itself.
Dr. Chen feels that Immune System is one of our systems that needs the most nourishing – because of stress, viruses, etc. Dr. Chen was eating 20 capsules a day many years ago (which is 2 packages) DAILY.
Sunrider Alpha 20C You can get Alpha 20C in powdered form or in capsules.
Question – If you could only have one Sunrider product, what would it be? Answer of many people is —- Quinary
As you age – you should be taking more and more Quinary and Alpha 20C.
Immune System Alpha 20C Sunrider
FITNESS BRIGADE – incredible tool to get more fit and more effect from these wonderful foods.
Expert in Fitness – Ann Humble – started Sunrider 25 years ago.
Was barely functioning. She did NBC (Nourish, Balance, Cleanse) – had been in constant pain for 6 or 7 years, and within 2 or 3 months was pain-free. Energy going beyond what it had ever been.
Became the owner and trainer at Ladies-Only Fitness Club.
Powerpoint Slide Myth #1: “I can “spot reduce” specific body areas.”
I was often asked, probably every day — how do we lose my love handles? What is best exercise for each spot on body?
Abs and Butts seemed to be the big one (Trudy said – Is that a pun?!!)
You have to burn the fat off your entire body.
You need to build muscle.
You need Cardio-vascular exercise.
Ann said – You create what I call the “melting ice cream” effect. There is no such thing as “spot reducing”. You need to burn fat.
Powerpoint Slide Myth #2: “I work out so I can eat what I want.” Exercise to extreme and then go and have Macdonalds after.
Not all calories are equal. We need Whole Foods – Complex carbohydrates build healthy muscle.
Simple Sugars – don’t act the same way in your body.
Difference between Quality Calories and Empty Calories.
Truth is you have to eat Whole Foods – and preferably highly concentrated nutrition like Sunrider.
Randy Fritz – because of exercising, many people get hungry and overeat.
With Sunrider – you don’t have that problem.
Trudy’s story about her son. 280 pounds – carrying a lot of excess fat around his middle.
Three 60-packs of NuPlus.
Between Christmas and Easter – he had lost 10 inches around his middle.
His body started burning the fat.
Barb Rowe – 25 years, worn-out burnt-out Mom – struggling with health.
Simplicity of NBC – let the body do what it is meant to do – so simple and easy.
First introduction of Sport Caps.
Fifth pregnancy – 4 small children already – I needed all the nutrition I could get.
Started eating the Sport Caps.
Helps with repair and keeping muscles strong and healthy – my baby was born 23 years ago (I was age 37) – my muscle tone was
INCREDIBLE – and my recovery after the delivery and birth was unbelievable.
Wow – these things are incredible.
Sport Caps reverse typical muscle loss – so as we age – this is vitally important.
Also -remember our heart is a muscle – and with a strong heart our body will keep on going.
Lean tissue does burn fat. Naturally with wholesome nutrition.
Randy Fritz – Jim Pendree – when he has back problems – Sport Caps and Korean White Ginseng – muscles and tendons are stronger. Relaxed and Energetic.
Drinking Fortune Delight and Calli Tea are key to keeping your immune system and all body systems strong and healthy.
Jesse Walker uses the Sunrider Sunfit Weight Loss Program to lose 16 pounds.
At age 36, Jesse was finding it more difficult to lose weight, particularly his “love handles”. He weighed 165 most of his life but reached 180 pounds. He lost 16 pounds with the Sunrider Sunfit Weight Loss Program.
Jesse Walker Fitness Sept 13 2014 Sunrider Sunfit Program
Jesse found it was harder to maintain a healthy weight during the last few years. Then he started the Sunrider Sunfit Weight Loss Program. It helps with toning the muscles as well as weight loss. (of course, along with exercise and eating healthy foods). It became easier to eat healthy foods, since he started to lose cravings for junk foods with the Vitashake and Sunrider Stevia. Jesse used 2 Suntrim Plus capsules in the morning and 2 Suntrim Plus capsules in the afternoon. Also Jesse drinks Fortune Delight throughout the day.
In the following video you will see Jesse’s results achieved after just 3 months of using the Sunfit Program, along with exercise and good nutrition. Jesse works at a Swim-up Pool Bar in a Resort area in Grand Cayman Islands. He found it particularly hard to lose his “love handles”! He had tried everything that was popular. He had been using Whey Protein powder – which can often make you GAIN weight, and Jesse said he was getting “puffy” but did not know what to do. Then he started on Sunrider products, and had terrific results!
Jesse ate daily: 1. One Vitashake (Strawberry) 2. Four Suntrim Plus capsules (2 in morning, 2 in afternoon) 3. Sunrider Stevia drops 4. Fortune Delight – one or two packages a day
Diana Walker’s son, Jesse Walker, lives in Grand Cayman Islands. Feels more Alive – wakes up early and runs the beach every day now. Sunfit Program really, really makes a difference for Jesse!
Benefits of SunTrim Plus
Pre-satisfies your appetite within 30 minutes
Naturally resets appetite capacity to a healthy lower level
Helps your body to burn fat in places where fat is typically stored, such as thighs and stomach
Works the first time you take it
More information on the Sunrider Sunfit Program here:
USA Sunrider Orders Canada are possible only if you are an IBO (Independent Business Owner) and these products are for personal use only.
If you live in Canada or USA, I can help you here: Become a Sunrider Customer
Please contact me here:
1. The products below are available to all those in USA
2. These products can be ordered by Canadians for Personal Use Only
3. Maximum $500 on any one order
4. In Canada, you have to be an IBO (Independent Business Owner) to place an order for these products:
20261 ESE® 100 capsules Retail: $61.90
ESE Order Sunrider USA Products Canada
Fortunately you can order Sunrider USA NuPlus from Canada (and it is important to note that Vitashake also contains NuPlus within it)
NuPlus Order USA Sunrider Products CanadaNuPlus USA Sunrider Orders Canada Diana Walker
10005 Naturally Plain 10/15 g Packs Retail: $21.00
10015 Mixed Berry 10/15 g Packs Retail: $21.00
10025 Pina Banana 10/15 g Packs Retail: $21.00
10035 Apple-Cinnamon 10/15 g Packs Retail: $21.00
10045 Simply Herbs 10/15 g Packs Retail: $23.45
10009 Naturally Plain 60/15 g Packs Retail $117.50
10019 Mixed Berry 60/15 g Packs Retail $117.50
10029 Pina Banana 60/15 g Packs Retail: $117.50
10039 Apple-Cinnamon 60/15 g Packs Retail $117.50
10049 Simply Herbs 60/15 g Packs Retail: $124.90
New Name – Original NuPlus (formerly Regular NuPlus) – Retail: $128.75
When you place a USA Sunrider order from Canada you will be able to use these products for personal use only. Sunbreeze Oil was available in Canada from 1984 to 2011, available then from Sunrider Canada headquarters in British Columbias.
24036 Balm – 6/.19 oz. Small Balm Retail: $63.63
24046 Oil – 6/.17 fl. oz. Bottle Oil Retail: $63.63
Many times I am asked, “Can an expectant mother eat the Sunrider products?” I have two daughters, Sherri and Shelly who have been good first hand examples for us to see what eating Sunrider before pregnancy and during pregnancy did for them and their children. (quoted from Sharon F, Sunrider Leader)
We now have four grandchildren. Our latest, Jeremy John, arrived on November 23, 1997. His mother Shelly has eaten Sunrider for over 15 years. She continued eating Sunrider during her pregnancy. In addition to the experiences of my two daughters, over the years that I have been involved with Sunrider I have seen many women experience the benefits of Sunrider foods throughout their pregnancies. (This information was shared by Sharon F, Sunrider Leader) in 1997.
The following is information that I have found to be helpful for expectant mothers and their little ones.
General Nutrition and Exercise
Before and during pregnancy, nutrition is absolutely important. In my opinion, and from observation, a couple cannot be too healthy when planning to have a baby, so before pregnancy is the best time to prepare, for both mother and father. A basic Sunrider food program cannot be under-estimated, both before and during pregnancy.
The diet is very important; the expectant mother is eating for two.
The nutrition will go to the baby first.
If the diet is not excellent, the mother can be left depleted. This can result in many of the common “pregnancy complaints” which we will discuss later. Eat plenty of fresh and steamed vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and good sources of protein. Stay away from junk food, fast food, and empty calories. Everything the mother eats should be nutritionally superior. During pregnancy it is imperative that the expectant mother take good care of herself and her developing baby.
Moderate daily exercise is also recommended. For the expectant mother, the best types of exercise are non- or low-impact exercise. Walking is always easy and safe, and it seems to help strengthen the muscles for the birthing process. Just listen to your body, and don’t overdo it. When you feel tired that is a signal for you to rest.
Pregnancy Babies Sunrider
Sunrider Nutrition for Pregnancy
Our Sunrider foods, as we know them today, came about because of Dr. Chen’s studies of ancient Chinese writings. I remember what Dr. Chen told us in the beginning that many of Sunrider’s formulas were based on formulas developed by or for the emperors of China. They wanted to be healthy themselves, to live long and well, and to have healthy wives and children. The Sunrider herbal foods we have today are “power-nutrition”. In addition to the basics, such as NuPlus, Calli and/or Fortune Delight and Quinary, there are several other formulas and single herbs that are absolutely wonderful for pregnancy.
Evergreen is imperative during pregnancy. Pregnancy Babies Sunrider – This is such a wonderful blood builder. It is rich in chlorophyll, which appears to help prevent excessive hemorrhaging or bleeding during labor and after.
After Jeremy was born, I heard the doctor say, “She is not bleeding, this is so unusual.” Shelly had been
drinking Evergreen throughout her pregnancy and during the early stages of labor.
Sunrider whole foods are “True Foods”, healthy foods, like Calli Tea, Fortune Delight, NuPlus and Vitashake. These are important “building blocks” for the “house of your dreams”!
If you give a contractor the blueprint for the house of your dreams, but only provide the building materials for a SHACK, there’s simply no way you’re ever going to get that dream house built.
The same is true for your body!!!
Without the necessary nutrients and building blocks your body requires to create healthy new cells,
you will not regenerate your body to its fullest potential.
If the body is fed nutritious food, the new cells will be healthier than before. This is healthy Regeneration.
Sunrider’s Philosophy of Regeneration is very simple: When the body is provided with proper nutrition, it has the innate ability to balance itself.
Every day, old cells die and new cells are born.
In fact, on average, every seven years you are literally a new person because every cell in your whole body has been replaced with new cells.
True Foods:
• Fresh Organic Fruits and Vegetables
• Fresh Organic Greens
• Raw Nuts, Sprouted Grains and Legumes
• Sunrider Whole Food Concentrates – NuPlus, Vitashake, Quinary
• Sunrider Stevia, Raw Honey and Pure Maple Syrup
• Sunrider Cleansing Teas – Calli Tea and Fortune Delight
• Sea Salt, Bragg’s All Purpose Seasoning
False Foods:
• Fast Food
• Processed Food with Chemicals, Preservatives and Additives
• Refined Grain Products with Gluten
• Isolated Vitamins and Minerals
• Sugar, Aspartame and Nutrasweet
• Coffee, Soda Pop and Artificially Sweetened Beverages
• Salt and High Sodium Condiments
• Factory Farmed Meat and Dairy
• Alcohol, Wine and Beer
Sunrider True Foods Diana Walker help with Healthy and NutritionFalse Foods junk food fast food leads to Degeneration
3 ripe Avocados
8 Dates (organic)
1/4 cup Cocoa (organic)
1 teaspoon Vanilla
10 drops liquid Stevia – Sunrider Liquid Stevia
(or 2 tablespoons Agave Nectar)
1 package Sunrider Vitashake Chocolate
1/2 to 1 cup Water or Almond Milk
Put all ingredients in high-speed blender
Add more or less water or Almond Milk, to get the right consistency.
Spoon into individual wine glasses or custard dishes
Refrigerate for 3 hours or more.
To Shop Online and Order Sunrider Chocolate Vitashake and Sunrider Stevia please check with Diana Walker here: Free Sunrider Customer Member
N – Nourish with NuPlus (and Vitashake):
For nourishment for all your cells, NuPlus is a balanced whole food concentrate that energizes and helps reduce unhealthy cravings. NuPlus is enzyme rich, complex carbohydrate food that fills in the gaps that regular meals do not satisfy. Also great for “Energy”. Vitashake and Sunbars are also incredible for nourishing the cells and energy.
B – Balance with Quinary:
For the five major systems: 50 concentrated foods designed to nourish the digestive, circulatory, immune, respiratory and endocrine systems, and to keep the energy balanced between the five.
C – Cleanse with Calli & Fortune Delight: Calli – A great replacement for coffee or regular tea. This whole food beverage with unique herbal extracts assists in the body’s natural cleansing processes and reduces unwanted fat and cholesterol in the blood. It is rich in antioxidants and catechins. Calli enhances mental focus.
Fortune Delight – Is a great tasting all-natural powdered herbal concentrate beverage that is naturally low in calories and contains no fat, cholesterol, or artificial sweeteners – an excellent replacement for coffee, tea, soft drinks and soda. It helps with digestion and elimination of fats. Fortune Delight is rich in anti-oxidants and provides the body with much energy.
Sunectar (Suncare) and SunnyDew (Suncare Plus) is a very sweet stevia plant extract with no calories. In many countries it is used instead of sugar. Stevia is an excellent supplement to your diet to help maintain normal blood sugar levels – food for pancreas and adrenal.
Sunrider Stevia is all natural stevia leaf liquid extract with chrysanthemum flowers. It makes every Sunrider drink very tasty and will make water taste delicious.
Laura Spiess Baby Pregnancy Sunrider Nutrition Story
Sunrider Healthy Pregnancy and Healthy Baby Sunrider Nutrition Story
My husband and I had been married about three years when we decided we wanted to have a baby. Eight or nine months later, when we were still not pregnant, I started charting and used an ovulation kit. We went to see a fertility specialist, a CNM, and a naturopath. The conclusion was I had low thyroid, luteal phase defect, endometriosis, and possible PCOS.
I started taking a homeopathic for my thyroid and it worked great…for about one month! I also tried every vitamin known to man for fertility. I started taking Clomid which forces your body to ovulate and helps lengthen your luteal phase. This did not work either, so I decided it was time to get my health back with Sunrider products.
Sunrider Prime Again, NuPlus, Calli Tea and Fortune Delight, Bella and Beauty Pearl
I started taking Prime Again, Bella, Beauty Pearl, and Nu Plus, along with my Calli Tea and Fortune Delight. Overall, my health started to improve. My hair stopped falling out, I had a lot more energy, felt more rested in the morning, and my cycles weren’t painful anymore. I was feeling great! Then it happened — we were blessed with expecting our first baby!
Sunrider Healthy Pregnancy
My pregnancy went very well. I kept taking Prime Again and the Sunrider basics. With the exception of some morning sickness here and there I felt great. I absolutely loved being pregnant and felt wonderful!
Approximately nine months later, and a week late, we had a beautiful baby girl on the 4th of July. She was born while fireworks were going off and remains our little firecracker at one-and-a-half-years-old. She is an active toddler now and loves her Calli, Fortune Delight, and NuPlus! Thank you, Sunrider!
NOTE: Sunrider Prime Again is a combination of herbs that work on the hormonal system.
Prime Again (called P.A. in Canada) is available in capsule form, 100 capsules to a bottle.
More information here——> Prime Again in Quinary Formula
Diana Walker can help you get started on Sunrider formulas that help to strengthen and nourish your body.
—–> Free Sunrider Customer Account