Sunrider whole foods are “True Foods”, healthy foods, like Calli Tea, Fortune Delight, NuPlus and Vitashake. These are important “building blocks” for the “house of your dreams”!
If you give a contractor the blueprint for the house of your dreams, but only provide the building materials for a SHACK, there’s simply no way you’re ever going to get that dream house built.
The same is true for your body!!!
Without the necessary nutrients and building blocks your body requires to create healthy new cells,
you will not regenerate your body to its fullest potential.
If the body is fed nutritious food, the new cells will be healthier than before. This is healthy Regeneration.
Sunrider’s Philosophy of Regeneration is very simple: When the body is provided with proper nutrition, it has the innate ability to balance itself.
Every day, old cells die and new cells are born.
In fact, on average, every seven years you are literally a new person because every cell in your whole body has been replaced with new cells.
True Foods:
• Fresh Organic Fruits and Vegetables
• Fresh Organic Greens
• Raw Nuts, Sprouted Grains and Legumes
• Sunrider Whole Food Concentrates – NuPlus, Vitashake, Quinary
• Sunrider Stevia, Raw Honey and Pure Maple Syrup
• Sunrider Cleansing Teas – Calli Tea and Fortune Delight
• Sea Salt, Bragg’s All Purpose Seasoning
False Foods:
• Fast Food
• Processed Food with Chemicals, Preservatives and Additives
• Refined Grain Products with Gluten
• Isolated Vitamins and Minerals
• Sugar, Aspartame and Nutrasweet
• Coffee, Soda Pop and Artificially Sweetened Beverages
• Salt and High Sodium Condiments
• Factory Farmed Meat and Dairy
• Alcohol, Wine and Beer

Diana Walker, CEO, Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles