Sunrider ESE Herbs for Anxiety
Sunrider ESE – Nervous System Formula #2 (along with JOI and TOP)
Please be sure to watch Diana Walker’s Video at the end of this blog post.
1. Ingredients of Sunrider ESE
Cassia Tora Seed, Gou Teng, Ji Tsau Herb, Sophora Flower, Yeuan Wu Root, Orange Peel, Pinelliae Root
2. Description of Sunrider ESE
Sunrider ESE is Brain Food. This formula contains natural herbs for anxiety and stress relief.
This formula is SOOTHING to the mind and the entire body.
Sunrider ESE nourishes the nervous system as it regulates the body’s response to stress. Its calming effect allows for relief from restlessness, anxiety and sleeplessness. Better rested, the body is more able to deal with stress, and a clearer mind will enhance the powers of concentration. It basically helps our thought messages get to where they are meant to go.
Sunrider ESE doesn’t create neurotransmitters, but FEEDS them.
a. Hyperactive Children
This natural herbal formula can be used for hyperactive children or nervous adults or just about anyone with a stressful lifestyle – in other words, just about everybody!
b. Alzheimers and Memory
Can be used by older people who seem confused and forgetful.
c. Jet Lag
Can be helpful for jet lag, or for a stressful situation, like going to the dentist.
d. Students and Studying
This is a great food for students to take while studying or just prior to taking exams.
A good way to remember its function is to associate ESE with how it helps us be at “ease”.
But remember, this is not a medicine, it is a food. Like all of these formulas, it is not intended to replace your medical doctor’s instructions.
3. Suggested Amounts
ESE is very powerful. 1 to 2 capsules at a time is sufficient. Complements TOP and JOI.
4. Summary of Benefits: – Focus on Sleep and Mental Clarity
• Natural sleep
• Clearer Concentration
• Increased capacity to handle stress
• Relief of addictive cravings (can be helpful in drug or alcohol withdrawal)
5. The “JET” Set – JOI, ESE, TOP
These 3 nervous system formulas descend from ancient formulas designed to enhance powers of concentration. When eaten in conjunction with Sunrider’s basic food program, the JOI, ESE and TOP help to balance us more mentally, and spiritually, to be more in harmony with those around us and with nature. These herbal formulas are a unique blend of herb foods, which the Chinese have traditionally eaten to enhance an overall sense of well-being. These formulas feed processes related to focus and concentration.
Focus and concentration come from the property we might call mental stillness, which essentially barricades us against things that might otherwise disturb and distract us, like pain. A still and focused mind lets us concentrate keenly during periods of activity, yet sleep peacefully during periods of rest.
Diana Walker will be happy to help you buy Sunrider ESE.