Sunrider NuPlus Clean Eating for Health ~ Clean eating is a term that refers to maintaining a diet that is exclusively comprised of whole foods.
When you eat clean your diet is filled with foods eaten in their natural state without added: fats, sugars, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, artificial flavors, colors, textures or any other chemicals.
Eating clean also means avoiding “fake foods” or those chemically created foods that have no real food in them, Twinkies are one good example, as are Pop Tarts.
October 3, 2024: Diana Walker notes: I have been eating Sunrider NuPlus (which means “Nutrition Plus”) for 28 years. This is Eating Clean. Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Founder of Sunrider, keeps the “whole food” components, so that your body is happy with NuPlus.
So many health benefits! Keeps me young! (The photo below is a recent photo. I’m in my late 70s.)
What Is Processing?
In the times of early man and really before the industrial revolution processed foods did not exist. There were no aisles filled with Twinkies, apple pies or cookies. There were no drive-thrus where one can get French fries, chicken nuggets and chili cheese fries.
All food was obtained from natural sources, like the earth and hunting and the human diet was comprised of meat, fruit and vegetables, all eaten in their natural state, many times cooked over an open flame or an early version of the modern stove or oven which ran on wood.
While some processing is still involved in all foods we eat, unless we stick with a completely 100% raw food diet, for example, cooking is a form of processing or grinding steak into hamburger, that is not the definition of processing we refer to here.
There is an inherent difference between mechanical and chemical processing.
Chemical processing means that food has been altered from its original state and then becomes refined with additives, preservatives and other ingredients that make it “highly processed” and turn a one ingredient food item into a 3, 4 or more ingredient dish.
Refined is another term used for highly processed food.
In summary, any food that is not eaten in its original “whole state” is then processed or refined.
An apple is a whole food, apple pie is not.
40 Examples Of Whole Versus Processed Food
Strawberries versus strawberry pop tarts
Raspberries versus raspberry pop tarts
Fresh berries versus fruit filled Danish or jelly filled donuts
Whole fruit versus cereal bars
Butter versus margarine
Whole peaches versus peach cocktail
Brown or wild rice versus white rice
Pinto beans versus canned refried beans
Whole grain bread versus white bread
Whole fruit versus fruit roll ups
Oranges or 100% pure orange juice versus Sunny Delight or Tang
Grilled or raw onions versus Funyuns
Tomatoes versus canned tomato soup
Corn on the cob versus corn chips or corn flakes
Baked potato versus potato chips
Baked potato versus French fries
Raw or grilled onions versus onion rings
Grilled fish fillet versus fish sticks
Grilled chicken breast versus chicken nuggets or coated fried chicken
Whole vegetables versus veggie chips
Grilled pork chop versus bacon
Slice of roast beef or turkey right from the roast or bird versus spam, hot dogs and lunch meats
Raw almonds and other nuts versus chocolate covered, smoked or flavored nut products
Grilled shrimp versus fried shrimp
Raw spinach versus cream of spinach
Corn on the cobb versus canned creamed corn
Grapes versus raisins
Whole berries versus preserves
Whole berries versus berry ice cream toppings
Bananas versus banana chips
Bananas versus frozen banana desserts
White tortillas versus whole grain
Whole wheat, barley, almond, rye or any whole grain flour versus white refined flour
60% + cacao dark chocolate versus Snicker’s, Kit Kat or other chocolate candy bars
Black coffee versus Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino
Food you can pronounce versus any food that is or has UN-pronounceable ingredients
Block of Mozzarella cheese versus American cheese slices, Velveeta, bagged shredded cheese, or nacho cheese sauce.
Full fat yogurt, cottage cheese or sour cream versus nonfat or low fat (it takes processing to remove fat from these dairy products)
Plain yogurt versus flavored or fruit at the bottom yogurt products
Non-homogenized milk and dairy versus their homogenized counterparts
Sunrider NuPlus Clean Eating for Health
Sunrider NuPlus Whole Foods for Energy you can have More Energy, Better Sleep, Nutrition, don’t feel as hungry with Carbs Enzymes, Proteins, Healthy Fats.
Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, will mail you free samples of Sunrider NuPlus if you live in Canada or USA (only for new people who have not received samples from me earlier, and for people who do not already have their own Customer membership). Email me at to request free samples.
Whole foods are foods that are eaten in their natural state and are unprocessed and unrefined. They do not contain any additives like preservatives, chemicals, salt, sugar or fat.
Sunrider NuPlus Whole Foods for Energy
~ What are Whole Foods?
Sunrider NuPlus is Nutrient-Dense and is referred to as “Whole Food” even though it comes in packages, because Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Founder of Sunrider International, purposely makes sure to keep the whole food structure intact in Sunrider NuPlus and other herbal plant-based formulas.
Cells require Carbohydrates, Healthy Enzymes, Proteins and Healthy Fats in order to run properly and extend steady levels of Energy to the Body.
Usually, the term whole foods mainly refers to vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, but, protein can be whole as long as it does not include any processing, for example, a plain chicken breast versus chicken nuggets, or grilled fish versus fish sticks.
The term whole foods should not be confused with organic, because while whole foods can be organic, they are not automatically so.
Processing typically removes all the vital nutrients from foods that they had in their original whole state and so they do not contribute to overall health and wellness as they would had they been eaten in their whole state.
A good example of this is white bread, rice, pasta and other refined grain foods. In processing the components of the whole grain that contain its most valuable nutrients, specifically fiber, are eliminated in milling when the bran and the coat of the grain are removed.
Another important distinction is the fact that processing also adds unnecessary ingredients, like sugar and fat.
Whole foods are Nutrient Dense, versus Processed (Refined) foods that are Energy Dense.
What is the difference?
Nutrient dense foods provide vital nutrition the body needs, like vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants without added sugar and fat, while energy dense foods are high in EMPTY CALORIES that provide little or no nutrition.
Ideally a whole food is one ingredient, for example, an apple, chicken breast, baked sweet potato wedges, cucumber, steel cut oatmeal.
While we may cook and combine these ingredients to make a multi ingredient dish, the foods themselves maintain their whole integrity because they are not altered.
Example: A grilled chicken breast eaten with baked sweet potato wedges on the side is a whole food meal, but, a fried chicken breast with a side of French fries is a processed meal.
Another Example: A baked potato is a whole food, potato chips is a processed food.
What are Whole Foods?
Sunrider NuPlus Whole Foods for Energy you can have More Energy, Better Sleep, Nutrition, don’t feel as hungry with Carbs Enzymes, Proteins, Healthy Fats.
Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, will mail you free samples of Sunrider NuPlus if you live in Canada or USA and have not already received samples and if you are a new Customer
Sunrider Diana Walker Top Achiever Interview with Maggi at Sunrider International held by Zoom on December 27, 2022.
(5.50 minutes) Featuring Sunrider NuPlus, Calli Tea, and Beauty Pearl
(8.43 minutes)
My friend Trudy brought me into Sunrider in 1996 – Over 26 years ago!
We worked together at the Salmon Arm Hospital in Administration.
At first I was reluctant to try the Sunrider products because I had Naturopathic training in 1980 and had studied herbs and vitamins.
My cupboards were full and I was pretty healthy for a 49-year-old….
1. I finally tried the NuPlus… the next morning I woke up, and my hips felt so flexible, and I hadn’t felt like that for quite some time!
3. Then I tried Beauty Pearl – and my 8-year-old son said
“Mom, you don’t have flames coming out of your head any more” after a couple of weeks of 1 Beauty Pearl daily.
The Sunrider products brought me in.
Then I started sharing with others, and started to receive commissions from Sunrider.
Then I realized that I could earn enough to pay for the products I was growing to LOVE.
Since 1996, I have been paid by Sunrider on the 20th of every month for sharing products I love!
I love sharing the amazing Sunrider nutritional products with others.
I love meeting new people and helping them live healthy lifestyles.
I love the Community that develops around sharing these life-changing formulas.
I love that it is a Family-owned business, and that I have met the Chens many times – at Sunrider Convention.
I love that Sunrider provided wonderful opportunities to travel and meet other Sunriders from all over the world.
I love that it has helped me earn money to supplement my earnings from the Hospital during those days,
and that I can continue to live a wonderful lifestyle.
I have been honoured 5 times on stage at Sunrider Conventions
I attended over 20 Conventions – in places like Disneyland, California and in Hawaii.
I loved the Sunrider Caribbean Cruise that I went on.
I love meeting and learning from Dr. Tei Fu Chen and Dr. Oi Lin Chen,
and now from Dr. Reuben Chen and Sunny Chen.
People do business with people they Know, Like and Trust
I provide personal guidance and information to prospective Customers.
I provide free samples.
During in-home parties I mix up smoothies with NuPlus, and make Fortune Delight or Calli Tea.
When a new person becomes a Sunrider Customer with me, I provide them with a Welcome package with Fortune Delight and Calli and sometimes other samples, and lots of printed educational information.
I find that sometimes it is months or even years later that people are ready to become Sunrider customers!
Provide guidance and be patient.
I provide educational information about nutrition and health in general,
and then guide people to see how Sunrider is Easy and Convenient to incorporate into their daily lives!
“Be a Product of the Products”
– when you use Sunrider nutrition and are glowing with health – people want to know what you are doing.
Provide Samples.
Follow Up, Follow Up….
*************************************************** WATCH VIDEOS BELOW: 1. SUNRIDER PRODUCTS WITH SUNRIDER DIANA WALKER TOP ACHIEVER
(5.50 minutes)
(8.43 minutes)
Sunrider Products Out of Stock June, July, August 2022 – this has been a difficult time for Customers and Leaders and for Sunrider International. Sunrider International moved worldwide headquarters from California to Texas. This video with Dr. Reuben Chen (August 19, 2022) helps to explain the current situation of Sunrider Products Out of Stock.
“A lot of the out-of-stock situation has been due to delays caused by Covid.
We thought we would have contracts that were honoured with concrete, steel and other machinery parts.
Prices for concrete and steel and machinery parts have increased 20%, 50%, even 100%.
We had contracts, but they demanded more money.
We had to find new vendors and this spiralled to many, many delays.
Concrete, Steel, Machine parts – we have to find new vendors.
There are some things like even air conditioning and refrigeration units are delayed (in home building) a year or year and a half.
For our manufacturing Plant, we have had delays and have had to wait until machines arrived.
Issues with contractors, delays, materials – we have had delays in manufacturing.
Sunrider Planned Ahead with Abundance of Herbs
We did plan ahead – we stock-piled our herbs.
That’s why we have already filled 1/3 of the Back Orders that are on our list. Hopefully over the next month we will fulfil all of the Back Orders.
On our website, click on Back Order – these products are the Priority. Our goal is to be fully stocked SOON. This includes around the world. These delays have influenced product sales around the world. We are very aware.
I know a lot of you have been impacted greatly by this.
We apologize.
Hindsight is 20/20.
We wish we could go back and change our decisions about vendors.
Nobody would know that delays of a year and a year and a half would happen.
We hope you can have a little bit of patience with us during this process.
My brother when he moved to Texas, is an example of delays.
He had started building a house a year before coming out.
Delayed an additional year, and has been living in a rental for over a year, when he thought it would be a month or two.
We are very excited for what is coming up.
If you come to Convention, you will see what we have in store. Some new products.
Talking a lot with our Country Managers.
New ideas for the future of Sunrider. Awesome things in store.
Sunny Beutler (Dr. Reuben Chen’s sister and CEO of Sunrider International) and all our family – we have so much in store for you.
We hope to see you on future Zoom meetings or in person again.
I hope this helps explain some of our situation.
Hope to see you at Convention.”
Dr. Reuben Chen, August 19, 2022
USA – BACK ORDERS THAT WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON (after September 8, 2022)!!!
Dear Sunrider,
Great news! We are pleased to inform you that our warehouse will begin processing Back Orders for the products listed below by Thursday, September 8, 2022.
As a reminder, orders are being shipped by their order date as the product becomes available.
If your Back Order item is not yet on this list, please rest assured we are diligently working to make all Sunrider® products available as soon as possible.
Thank you for your commitment and loyalty to Sunrider.
Alpha 20C® Powder, 10 Packs
Dr. Chen® Hair Serum, 1.25 oz.
Dr. Chen® Hand & Body Lotion, 8 fl. oz.
Dr. Chen® Refining & Lifting Cream, 0.5 oz.
Fortune Delight® Cinnamon, 10/3 g Packs
Fortune Delight® Original, 10/20 g Packs
Fortune Delight® Peach, 10/3 g Packs
Fortune Delight® Peach, 60/3 g Packs
Fortune Delight® Raspberry, 10/3 g Packs
Fortune Delight® Raspberry, 60/3 g Packs
Kandesn® Cleansing Foam, 2 oz.
Kandesn® Conditioner, 8 oz.
Kandesn® Protective Foundation SPF 15 – 404 Light Beige, 1 fl. oz.
Kandesn® Protective Foundation SPF 15 – 412 Natural Beige, 1 fl. oz.
Kandesn® SPA Conditioner, 8 oz.
NuPlus® Mixed Berry™, 60/15 g Packs
NuPlus® Original, 60/15 g Packs
Oi-Lin® Eye Cream, 0.5 oz.
Oi-Lin® Hand & Body Lotion Crazze™, 8 fl. oz.
Oi-Lin® Liquid Soap, 8 oz.
Oi-Lin® Night Emulsion, 1 oz.
Oi-Lin® Rebuild Cream, 0.5 oz.
Oi-Lin® Revitalizing Cleanser, 2 fl. oz.
Oi-Lin® Warm Facial Scrub, 2 oz.
Quinary® Powder, 10/5 g Packs
SunBright® SuperClean™ Laundry, 74 oz.
SunSmile® Herbal Toothpaste, 2.3 oz.
SunSmile® Refresher Drops, 1 fl. oz.
CANADA – BACK ORDER IS NOT AVAILABLE SUNRIDER PRODUCTS RUNNING LOW, MAY BE OUT OF STOCK BY END OF SEPTEMBER 2022 (36 more products) 46 were out by August 31st, plus 36 are running out = 82…
6002111 Sunsmile Refresher Drops 30ml
1510211 Fortune Delight Original 10/20 g Packs
2023111 P.A. (Prime Again) 100 Capsules/Bottle
1514911 Fortune Delight Raspberry 60/3 g packs
3001211 Kandesn Cleansing Foam 60 g
0125311 Oi-Lin Deep Moisture Lotion Paraben Free 1.75 fl. oz/50 ml
2801111 Dandelion Root, 100 capsules/bottle
2604111 Sunrider Cal Tab 90/1600 mg Tabs
0160911 Oi Lin Protective Moisturizer SPF 30
6000211 SunSmile Herbal Toothpaste 65 g
0129011 Suntrim Shake Chocolate 10 pack
2010911 Alpha 20C 60/5 g Packs Powder
2027111 Dr. Chen Veros 50 capsules/bottle
30052111 Kandesn Deep Moisture Lotion 50 ml Fragrance Free
0039211 Dr. Chen Youth Masque 60 ml
3400811 Kandesn Shampoo 240 ml
1510511 Fortune Delight Original 10/3 g Packs
2402111 SportCaps 100 Capsules/Bottle
0135911 SunBright SuperClean Laundry 74 oz / 2.2 L
1513511 Fortune Delight Lemon 10/3 g packs
7001411 Kandesn Protective Foundation 30 mL 414 Fair Beige
2030111 Beauty Pearl 28 Tablets/Container
1514511 Fortune Delight Raspberry 10/3 g packs
3200111 Kandesn Beauty Bar 100 g Bar each
2806111 Spirulina 100 Capsules/Bottle
3201811 Kandesn Hand & Body Lotion, 240 ml
2000911 Quinary 60/5 g Packs Powder
6000411 SunSmile Herbal Toothpaste, 135 g
1060511 VitaShake Cocoa 10/25 g packs
3401811 Kandesn Conditioner 240 mL
2022111 A.D. 100 Capsules/Bottle
2401111 Dr. Chen MetaBooster 100 Capsules/bottle
1512211 Fortune Delight Peach, 10/20 g Packs
1512911 Fortune Delight Peach, 60 / 3 g Pcks
4701811 Oi-Lin Conditioner 240 mL
0125111 Oi-Lin Reviatlizing Cleanser – Paraben Free 2 fl. oz/60 ml
1 2028111 Dr. Chen® Men’s Formula® 60 Soft-Gel Caps/Bottle May 20
2 7410111 Kandesn® Mini Color Compacts Set #1 May 18
3 1500511 Calli® Original 10/2.5 g May 16
4 4207011 Oi-Lin® Replenish Gel 14 g May 9
5 2404611 SunBreeze® Oil 5 mL/6-Pack April 20
6 2805111 White Willow Bark 100 Capsules/Bottle April 11
0163411 SunFit321 30-Day Pack (English) April 5
8759611 SunFit321 30-Day Pack (French) April 5
7 0133111 SunFit® Protein Plus April 5
8 0154511 SunSmile® Kids Herbal Toothpaste Berry Burst 135 g N/A
9 1502911 Calli® Mint 60/2.5 g Bags May 31
10 1502511 Calli® Mint 10/2.5 g Bags June 1
11 7020111 Kandesn® Concealer 4 g 501 Light
12 2406511 Sunrise® 10/15 mL Mini Pack Bottles June 3
13 1501911 Calli® Cinnamon 60/2.5 g Bags June 20
14 7000111 Kandesn® Protective Foundation 30 mL 401 Creamy Bisque June 20
15 1500911 Calli® Original 60/2.5 g Bags June 20
16 1501511 Calli Cinnamon 10pk June 27
17 2206111 Fibertone® 100 Capsules/Bottle June 29
18 1503911 Calli® Night 60/2.5 g Bags July 5
19 2804111 Siberian Ginseng 100 Capsules/Bottle July 5
20 4501811 Oi-Lin® Hand & Body Lotion 240 mL July 7
21 7000411 Kandesn® Protective Foundation 30 mL 404 Light Beige July 7
22 1050511 VitaDophilus® 10/3g Packs July 11
23 4501811 Oi-Lin® Hand & Body Lotion 240 mL July 13
24 1004911 NuPlus® Simply Herbs® 60/15 g Packs July 13
25 1511911 Fortune Delight® Cinnamon 60/3 g Packs July 13
26 2205111 VitaTaste® 100 Capsules/Bottle July 13
27 0153311 Kandesn Pure Foaming Cleanser 3.4 oz./100 mL July 22
28 8819311 Top Loved Product Pack July 22
29 8792011 Daily Wellness Pack 10 Day Pack July 22
30 7001211 Kandesn Protective Foundation 412
31 7140111 Kandesn® Lash Enhancer Mascara 10.2 g 991 Dark Charcoal July 29
32 1004511 NuPlus® Simply Herbs® 10/15 g Packs July 29
33 2033511 Sunny Fresh® 10/15 mL Mini Pack Bottles Aug 3
34 1001911 NuPlus® Mixed Berry® 60/15 g Packs Aug 3
35 1002511 NuPlus® Pina Banana 10pk Aug 3
36 1530111 Suncare Plus 30 mL Aug 3
37 1001511 NuPlus® Mixed Berry® 10/15 g Packs Aug 3
38 2605111 Citric C™ Tab 90/1400 mg Tabs Aug 3
39 1003511 NuPlus® Apple Cinnamon 10pk Aug 8
40 4203111 Oi-Lin® Exceptional Cream 28 g Aug 8
41 4003211 Oi-Lin® Warm Facial Scrub 60 g Aug 22
42 8792111 Daily Wellness Pack 30 Day Pack Aug 22
43 1503511 Calli® Night 10/2.5 g Bags Aug 22
44 1510911 Fortune Delight® Original 60/3 g Packs Aug 22
45 1540111 Suncare 30 mL Aug 22
46 0070011 NuPlus® Original 60/15 g Packs Aug 22
SUNRIDER USA – Email dated Thursday, August 23, 2022
August 23, 2022
Dear Sunrider,
Great news! If you placed an order for any of the products listed below from June 30 through August 16, we are pleased to inform you that our warehouse has begun processing your order today. As a reminder, orders are being shipped by their order date as the product becomes available.
If your backorder item is not yet on this list, please rest assured we are diligently working to make all Sunrider® products available as soon as possible. (Back Orders of Calli Mint, 60 pack and Quinary, 60 pack, have been shipped out in early August to those who had ordered).
Thank you for your commitment and loyalty to Sunrider.
Calli® Original, 60/2.5g pack
Fortune Delight® Lemon, 60/3g pk
Fortune Delight® Original, 60/3g pk
Fortune Delight® Raspberry, 60/3g pk
NuPlus® Apple Cinnamon, 60/15g pk
NuPlus® Mixed Berry, 10/15g pk
NuPlus® Naturally Plain, 60/15g pk
NuPlus® Piña Banana, 60/15g pk
Oi-Lin® Eye Cream, 0.5 oz
Oi-Lin® Hand & Body Lotion FF, 8 oz
SunSmile® Herbal Toothpaste, 4.75 oz
SunSmile® Refresher Drops 1 oz
SunSmile® Whitening Gel, 2.2 oz
SunnyDew®, 1 oz
Dr Chen® Youth Emulsion, 1 oz.
Kandesn® SPA Shampoo, 8 oz.
Kandesn® Protective Foundation SPF 15, #406, 1 oz.
Kandesn® Revitalizing Masque, 2 oz.
Kandesn® Eye Liner Pencil, #901
Kandesn® Sheer Silk Translucent Powder, #701 Light
Kandesn® Styling Glaze, 4 oz.
Kandesn® Beauty Bar
SUNRIDER Products Out of Stock – Email dated Friday, August 19, 2022
August 19, 2022
Dear Sunriders,
In addition to the inventory updates shared this week, Dr. Reuben Chen, Chief Medical Advisor, has prepared a progress update message of our Texas Manufacturing Plant and the status of the Sunrider® Products you love.
We thank you for your continued commitment and loyalty to Sunrider.
Your Sunrider Team
SUNRIDER Products Out of Stock – Email dated Tuesday, August 16, 2022
August 16, 2022
Dear Sunrider,
As we prepare for the celebration of our 40th anniversary at the Grand convention this year, completing the production of our new, state-of-the art manufacturing facility in Texas has been a tremendous challenge. This has been largely due to the pandemic, which has affected the global supply chain, causing delays in every aspect of the production process. We are aware of the impact this product disruption has had on your daily consumption and business. But please know that we appreciate your patience as we focus on ensuring the best quality products to be manufactured and scaled for our future growth.
Fortunately, Sunrider’s Texas Manufacturing Plant is nearly fully operational and ramping up production of your favorite Sunrider® products. We began delivery of backorder products starting in the beginning of August, and we’ll continue to ramp up production and expedite delivery to fill the backorders.
Please rest assured that our entire manufacturing team is making a concerted effort to resolve this situation and have the Sunrider® products you love available and ready to ship to your doorstep as soon as possible. As a reminder, orders are being shipped by their order date as the product becomes available. Therefore, we encourage you to continue placing your orders to avoid further delays.
As a way to show our appreciation for your loyalty and patience while waiting for your backorders to be delivered, Sunrider would like to offer a special one-time $50 product credit to anyone who has more than $200 of outstanding backorders that are yet to be delivered (one credit per account). This product credit can be used for your purchases for the months of September and October 2022.
On behalf of the Sunrider management team, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for your patience, commitment, and loyalty, as we continue to make progress and prepare to grow Sunrider for the future.
Your Sunrider Team
Sunrider Juiced Plants for Vibrant Health, Education A to Z – Chinese Herbal Formulas
Diana Walker will help you get started with any of our healthy products in USA and Canada and mail a Welcome package with delicious samples. Fill in the form at this link to have me assist and support you with your health and nutrition goals:
1. The Body has the Ability to Balance Itself With Proper Nutrition.
2. The Body is Designed to Obtain its Nutrition From Whole Foods.
3. Each Person Must Be Willing to Accept Responsibilty for His or Her Health.
Where did Sunrider’s “Philosophy of Regeneration” come from?
The Chinese have the distinction of having the world’s longest on-going record of scientific inquiry, spanning a period of at least 5,000 years.
Did you know that the ancient Chinese doctors were paid only when their patients were well, and not paid when their patients were ill?
Long ago the Chinese discovered that if we restore harmony among all the systems of our bodies, they can and will balance themselves. As communication between our body systems is restored, we return to health.
This is the “Philosophy of Regeneration”.
There are many approaches to achieving happiness, health and longevity in the Chinese philosophy.
A very basic concept is:
“Eat the foods that nourish you and avoid the foods that harm you.”
This is the nutritional approach used by the Chinese in its simplest form.
Using this approach, in conjunction with good common sense in your lifestyle, will have a very positive impact on how you feel.
Now let’s take a look at the three elements of Sunrider’s basic philosophy (Principles 2 and 3 will be posted soon).
“The Body Can Balance Itself With Proper Nutrition” We need Balance and Harmony!
Sunrider Philosophy of Regeneration Principle 1
Sunrider was designed to create a solid foundation for health using ancient principles of Nutritional Balance and Harmony.
One Example used by Dr. Tei Fu Chen is:
Consider 5 horses drawing a chariot. If one horse runs too fast or too slow, it will tip the Balance of the chariot, therefore the chariot can only run smoothly when the horses run in harmony.
If you just take nutrition to feed your Immune System, you may throw other systems out of balance, or not take care of the other systems.
Sunrider’s Quinary formula looks after FIVE major systems of the body.
We don’t have to tell the body how to do its job.
Daily enjoying the Quinary capsules or Quinary powder ensures that the 5 systems in our bodies work together smoothly, in balance and Harmony:
1. Circulatory System
2. Respiratory System
3. Immune System
4. Endocrine System
5. Digestive System
Sunrider foods were never intended to treat disease.
Did you know that the ancient Chinese doctors were paid only when their patients were well, and not paid when their patients were ill?
They were expected to keep their patients healthy, or in other words, maintain health.
In the same way, Sunrider’s goal is to help as many people as possible maintain their health by consistently and properly nourishing, balancing, and cleansing the body.
In real life, our health frequently drifts off the true “balance” we need, and this results in disorder of our systems.
Sunrider is also designed to help return order, or harmony, to our systems and then help us to maintain.
A new Sunrider will often ask, “What should I ‘take’ for this or that symptom?”
The answer is always the same: If you have a medical emergency, please see a qualified health practitioner.
If you have a chronic condition that does not require emergency procedures, complement any medical help you’re receiving by reducing, or eliminating, the unhealthy elements of your lifestyle:
1. Undue Stress
2. Excessive salt intake
3. Fatty foods
4. Sweets/Sugar
5. Smoking, etc… you know what they are!
You should also start immediately to attend to the foundation of your health by incorporating whole, balanced Sunrider herb foods into your diet.
Building a foundation of good health can only assist the body’s quest for balance through its own ability.
Suppose you are fortunate to be healthy. Why should you eat Sunrider herb foods?
Quite simply,because… “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
…and Sunrider foods are the best comprehensive program of nutrient-rich, fast, convenient, whole herb foods on the market today!
Eat Healthy!
Drink Healthy!
Look Healthy!
Live Healthy!
Sunrider NuPlus is a formula made from Non-GMO herbal plants, seeds, roots, nuts and fruits which nourish the entire body at a cellular level. This wonderful, delicious formula will be available once again in Canada in early December 2015! (It was available from 1982 to 2011) It has been available in USA and many other countries for over 30 years consistently. More details here: Sunrider NuPlus Delicious Flavours
It contains live enzymes, vitamins and minerals, not in isolated forms, but in a whole food form which your body understands and recognizes.
This “Whole Food” aspect of NuPlus is why this food is so powerful and you will feel extremely nourished from it, even more than your other meals!
Calories 60 Total Fat 1 gram (Zero Saturated Fat and Zero Trans Fat) Cholesterol 0 mg. Sodium 15 mg Total Carb 10 grams Protein 3 grams Dietary Fiber 0 grams Sugar Less than 1 gram
Yellow Bean (Non-GMO Soybean Seed) (Second ingredient in NuPlus)
Delays aging, eases menopause (has good, harmless plant estrogen); beneficial to weight management; fights fatigue; helps regulate blood sugar; strengthens the spleen; lessens indigestion; and lowers harmful LDL cholesterol without affecting beneficial HDL (soy compound genestein helps block formation of fatty plaques, reducing a risk of heart disease). (NOTE: – Dr. Chen does not use indigestible soy protein ISOLATE. – see notes below) Dr. Chen soaks the beans to start the sprouting process, which increases the nutritional benefits of NuPlus. The sprouting process allows more of the enzymes, vitamins and minerals to be digested, plus it eases digestion and helps eliminate excess gas.
Chinese Yam Root
Counters coughing; helps correct hormonal imbalance, helps reduce inflammation; strengthens kidneys, stomach, spleen, lungs, adrenal glands, and reproductive system. (Dr. Chen will use only Chinese Yam since Mexican Yam contains saponin, which is medicinal and can be poisonous Dr. Chen has warned us of this source, telling us that it is a steroid containing cortisone.)
Fox Nut (Euryale Ferox Seed)
Helps relieve joint pains in legs and back, diarrhea, and chronic fever; increases energy.
Lotus Seed (Nelumbo Nucifera Seed)
Nourishes deficient spleen; strengthens heart and circulation; and helps peristalsis.
Lotus Root (Nelumbo Nucifera Root)
Absorbs clots and bruises; stops bleeding; and aids in circulation
Water Lily Bulb (Lilium Brownii)
Benefits poor circulation; helps relieve joint pains, diarrhea, incontinence, thirst, dizziness, restlessness, chronic fever, and stomach disorders;
increases energy and systemic balance.
Green Bean Seed (Phaseolus Vulgaris)
Nourishes and strengthens the liver; helps reduce age spots
Red Bean Seed (Phaseolus Vulgaris)
Nourishes and strengthens the heart.
Black Bean Seed (Phaseolus Vulgaris)
Nourishes and strengthens the kidneys, reproductive system, and immune system.
White Bean Seed (Phaseolus Vulgaris)
Nourishes and strengthens the kidneys and immune system; strengthens the pancreas; and helps to eliminate mucous.
Imperata Root
Is highly nourishing; anti-inflammatory; anti-viral
Sunrider NuPlus in NUPUFFS – A NuPlus Snack for the Family
1. Ingredients
Sunrider NuPuffs which contain Sunrider NuPlus, are a highly concentrated blend of Regular NuPlus foods, such as Coix Fruit, Chinese Yam, and Fox Nut, along with Brown Rice. Power-packed with complex carbohydrates and natural proteins, NuPuffs are low in calories, fat and sodium. Available in flavors: Cheese and Cocoa
2. How to Eat:
Available in 12 x 1 ounce bags. NuPuffs are a terrific, tasty treat for the entire family. Kids will especially love these flavorful snack “puffs”.
Each NuPuffs package contains one and one-half packages of Sunrider NuPlus.
A healthy alternative to snacks, such as chips, cookies or popcorn.
Cheese flavor NuPuffs are great as croutons in salads.
Cocoa flavor NuPuffs are great as a cereal
NuPlus has a strong regenerating effect on the adrenals, reproductive glands, liver, pancreas, kidneys and nervous system. It helps build lean muscle tissue, improves fat metabolism and greatly increases stamina and energy.
One Sunrider NuPlus is more nutrition than most people get in a day!
NuPlus is readily assimilated by everyone, no matter their health condition or age. When we eat foods, we have to grind it, digest it, break it down and then hope the body assimilates it. Just because we eat something doesn’t mean our body assimilates it! It’s true that it’s not what we eat, but what we assimilate that counts. Get Started with Sunrider NuPlus here: Free Sunrider Account, Canada and USA
Wishing you Vibrant Health and Success! Diana Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader
Sunrider smoothie Recipe is quick and easy to make, and packed with nutrition. One of Diana Walker’s favourite recipes contains Quinary and NuPlus.
Sunrider Berry Smoothie Recipe:
1 cup almond or hemp milk 1 cup blueberries or other berries, frozen 1 banana, frozen 2 tablespoons hemp hearts
1 package Sunrider NuPlus
1 package Sunrider Quinary
5 drops of Stevia (use SunnyDew or Sunectar – USA names) (called Suncare Plus and Suncare in Canada)
Ice cubes, if you like
* NuPlus comes in several flavours and in the video I am using Apple Cinnamon
* Sunrider Stevia is perfect for this drink. In USA it is called SunnyDew and Sunectar. In Canada the same formulas are called Suncare Plus and Suncare.
Blend and enjoy! (1 serving)
Eating healthy and nutritious food can be easy when you have good recipes.
NuPlus Mixed Berry Smoothie – Serves 2
• 2 packets NuPlus Mixed Berry
• 16 oz. Fortune Delight Raspberry
• 1 cup strawberries (frozen or fresh)
• 1 cup blueberries (frozen or fresh)
• 2 cups spinach, fresh
• Ice (optional)
1. Put all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.
2. Add more Fortune Delight® or water as necessary to reach desired consistency.
3. For a cooler smoothie, add ice and blend, or use frozen berries.
N – Nourish with NuPlus (and Vitashake):
For nourishment for all your cells, NuPlus is a balanced whole food concentrate that energizes and helps reduce unhealthy cravings. NuPlus is enzyme rich, complex carbohydrate food that fills in the gaps that regular meals do not satisfy. Also great for “Energy”. Vitashake and Sunbars are also incredible for nourishing the cells and energy.
B – Balance with Quinary:
For the five major systems: 50 concentrated foods designed to nourish the digestive, circulatory, immune, respiratory and endocrine systems, and to keep the energy balanced between the five.
C – Cleanse with Calli & Fortune Delight: Calli – A great replacement for coffee or regular tea. This whole food beverage with unique herbal extracts assists in the body’s natural cleansing processes and reduces unwanted fat and cholesterol in the blood. It is rich in antioxidants and catechins. Calli enhances mental focus.
Fortune Delight – Is a great tasting all-natural powdered herbal concentrate beverage that is naturally low in calories and contains no fat, cholesterol, or artificial sweeteners – an excellent replacement for coffee, tea, soft drinks and soda. It helps with digestion and elimination of fats. Fortune Delight is rich in anti-oxidants and provides the body with much energy.
Sunectar (Suncare) and SunnyDew (Suncare Plus) is a very sweet stevia plant extract with no calories. In many countries it is used instead of sugar. Stevia is an excellent supplement to your diet to help maintain normal blood sugar levels – food for pancreas and adrenal.
Sunrider Stevia is all natural stevia leaf liquid extract with chrysanthemum flowers. It makes every Sunrider drink very tasty and will make water taste delicious.
Sunrider Foods That Loves You Back Happy Valentines Day!
Sunrider Foods That Love You!
Sunrider Foods – Your Choices Now will dictate your Health in the Future!
Choose Food that LOVES you back!
I am so grateful that my good friend Trudy Stoelting introduced me to Sunrider Chinese herbal nutrition almost 20 years ago! I made a Tribute to Trudy Video which I want to share with you. I am so very grateful to her for introducing me to these life-changing formulas, and I am also grateful to have such a wonderful friend.
Sunrider Foods That Love You Back!
If you are already a Sunrider Customer – I know you are LOVING your powerful nutrition, and that it LOVES you back!!
If you are not yet a Sunrider Customer – I would love to be your coach and Nutrition Consultant – just become a free Customer here:
When you listen to Trudy’s story and watch our “adventures” together in the video above, you will learn that cravings for junk food disappear, and cravings for Healthy Food develop, just by simply implementing a few changes. Add Calli Tea, Fortune Delight, Sunrider NuPlus, Vitashake, Stevia, Quinary, into your daily routine, and you will be Vibrantly Healthy!
Be sure to watch the full video – it’s just over 5 minutes long – I hope you enjoy it!
Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader
Update February 2016… It was wonderful to meet up with my good friend and Sunrider Leader Trudy Stoelting in Vancouver. Trudy and her husband Rye flew in from Nova Scotia to visit family, and I arrived in Vancouver to visit family, so we were able to meet up for dinner and to celebrate 20 years of Sunrider with Calli Tea. Here’s our photo!!
Trudy Stoelting and Diana Walker Sunrider Vancouver February 5 2016
Vitashake is included in Sunrider Recipes – so Delicious, Nutritious and very convenient. Juiced and dried Whole Foods, no junk, no chemicals, no additives, non-GMO, Gluten-free, Vegetarian. Available in 10 pack, Chocolate and Strawberry. Vitashake is “NuPlus Plus”, a great meal-replacement shake.
Vitashake with Cat Vacily Pets love Sunrider too
Unlike other brands that contain chemically processed or animal-based protein powders, our soy protein in VitaShake® is similar to super-concentrated tofu. This makes VitaShake® a wonderful nutritious shake for young and old people who require easily digestible food.
Also, because we use a whole food base with natural vitamins and minerals in our exclusive formulation, you will absorb more of the nutrients when you eat it.
NuPlus and Soy – Not GMO
Dr. Chen was asked about the soya in NuPlus. You hear a lot in the health industry about 90% of soy raised in the United States being Genetically Modified … and that soy is hard to digest, etc.
Protein in NuPlus obtains the Protein from soy beans
This is very differently than basic soy-based protein formulas. Manufacturers of typical protein powders, such as whey or other soy based products, focus on isolating the proteins through high heat processes. Also,
pasteurization’s high heat changes the protein structure. This alteration of protein makes it very hard on the digestive system and can create a toxic buildup. Also, the essential flavonoids that naturally occur in soy beans are discarded in that type of isolation method.
Sunrider uses a very different and extremely complicated natural process through advanced technology that retains the healthy flavonoids in a complete form without isolating them. The other repository of flavonoids in the soy and other bean’s skins are also added to NuPlus.
The body uses this high quality protein to build the cells, immune system antibodies and the building blocks of the body – amino acids. This is superior pure nutrition at its best!
Chocolate Fortune Delight Recipe
1 package Cocoa VitaShake
1 package Raspberry Fortune Delight
in 1 cup hot water or hot almond milk
Sunrider Stevia
VitaShake Snack Balls Recipe
1 cup nut butter of your choice
1 cup honey
Cream these 2 ingredients.
Mix in:
1/2 cup Cocoa VitaShake
3/4 cup ground nuts of your choice
3/4 cup unsweetened coconut
Make into balls then roll in added coconut and VitaShake.
Vary this recipe and even add sunflower seeds, raisin, etc., if you like.
Try Strawberry VitaShake instead of the chocolate.
Could roll in secame seeds too. Have fun making your own kind and enjoy 🙂
Vitashake Ingredients
One packet contains one serving of NuPlus PLUS protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber. The fiber in the VitaShake is from FOS which is an extract from chicory root. The vitamins in the VitaShake are NOT isolates! Dr. Chen has combined them with NuPlus in the formulation process. Four VitaShake packets per day supplies 100% of your daily requirement of vitamins and minerals.
Ensure is made from water, sugar, isolates protein, isolated vitamins and minerals, and numerous chemicals. VitaShake is “real” food. The body can NOT digest most protein drinks because they are usually made from “isolated” protein.
Vitashake Health Benefits Energy, Brain Power, Flexibility
One VitaShake is equal to 3 Vitadophilus, but the FOS doesn’t just implant in the colon like acidophilus, but also bifidus and faciem bacteria. Most fiber only “sweeps” the intestines, but FOS fiber also aids digestion, thus boosting assimilation of foods through the intestinal walls. When you have enough good bacteria in the intestines, you are better able to produce adequate amounts of B vitamins.
VitaShake also minimizes osteoporosis and candida, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides and, over time, brings down LDL cholesterol and boosts HDL cholesterol. It also helps to make you feel full and satisfies and helps with the assimilations of carbohydrates. It is VERY important to drink 16 oz. of liquid each time you have VitaShake.
If you mix the VitaShake in only 8 oz. of liquid, be sure to drink another 8 oz. of liqid later to prevent bloating or constipation. As with all fiber, FOS needs to be accompanied by plenty of liquid.
Almond Dream Recipe
Vanilla Rice, Almond, or Coconut Milk (8 oz.)
Banana (frozen is best)
Raw Almonds -5 or 6
Dates 2 or 3 Simply Herbs NuPlus – 1 pkg. (or 1 scoop) Vitashake, Cocoa or Strawberry Quinary Powder – 1 pk. (optional)
Sunny Dew (or Sunectar) to taste
Blend in blender
VitaShake is a whole food powder made with concentrated herbs, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It helps fill in any nutritional gaps in your diet with the added benefit of whole fiber. This “super shake” is also formulated with coix fruit, a powerful antioxidant, and fructooligosaccharide (FOS), a probiotic soluble-fiber carbohydrate that supports the growth of beneficial bacteria. Phytonutrients and highquality soy protein (similar to superconcentrated tofu) add further nutritional balance. While most protein and nutritional shakes are a cocktail of chemical additives, artificial flavors, and artificial sweeteners, VitaShake is free of those potentially harmful ingredients.
It’s a unique product in today’s “shake” market with fewer than 100 calories a serving, no cholesterol, very low sodium, and very low sugar. And because we use a whole-food base with natural vitamins and minerals in our exclusive formulation, your body is better able to absorb the nutrients.
Mix VitaShake with your favorite Sunrider herbal beverage for a healthy breakfast, snack, or meal supplement.