Sunrider Philosophy of Regeneration Principle 1
1. The Body has the Ability to Balance Itself With Proper Nutrition.
2. The Body is Designed to Obtain its Nutrition From Whole Foods.
3. Each Person Must Be Willing to Accept Responsibilty for His or Her Health.
Where did Sunrider’s “Philosophy of Regeneration” come from?
The Chinese have the distinction of having the world’s longest on-going record of scientific inquiry, spanning a period of at least 5,000 years.
Did you know that the ancient Chinese doctors were paid only when their patients were well, and not paid when their patients were ill?
Long ago the Chinese discovered that if we restore harmony among all the systems of our bodies, they can and will balance themselves. As communication between our body systems is restored, we return to health.
This is the “Philosophy of Regeneration”.
There are many approaches to achieving happiness, health and longevity in the Chinese philosophy.
A very basic concept is:
“Eat the foods that nourish you and avoid the foods that harm you.”
This is the nutritional approach used by the Chinese in its simplest form.
Using this approach, in conjunction with good common sense in your lifestyle, will have a very positive impact on how you feel.
Now let’s take a look at the three elements of Sunrider’s basic philosophy (Principles 2 and 3 will be posted soon).
“The Body Can Balance Itself With Proper Nutrition” We need Balance and Harmony!

Sunrider was designed to create a solid foundation for health using ancient principles of Nutritional Balance and Harmony.
One Example used by Dr. Tei Fu Chen is:
Consider 5 horses drawing a chariot. If one horse runs too fast or too slow, it will tip the Balance of the chariot, therefore the chariot can only run smoothly when the horses run in harmony.
If you just take nutrition to feed your Immune System, you may throw other systems out of balance, or not take care of the other systems.
Sunrider’s Quinary formula looks after FIVE major systems of the body.
We don’t have to tell the body how to do its job.
Daily enjoying the Quinary capsules or Quinary powder ensures that the 5 systems in our bodies work together smoothly, in balance and Harmony:
1. Circulatory System
2. Respiratory System
3. Immune System
4. Endocrine System
5. Digestive System
Sunrider foods were never intended to treat disease.
Did you know that the ancient Chinese doctors were paid only when their patients were well, and not paid when their patients were ill?
They were expected to keep their patients healthy, or in other words, maintain health.
In the same way, Sunrider’s goal is to help as many people as possible maintain their health by consistently and properly nourishing, balancing, and cleansing the body.
NBC – Nourish, Balance and Cleanse with Sunrider —->
In real life, our health frequently drifts off the true “balance” we need, and this results in disorder of our systems.
Sunrider is also designed to help return order, or harmony, to our systems and then help us to maintain.
A new Sunrider will often ask, “What should I ‘take’ for this or that symptom?”
The answer is always the same: If you have a medical emergency, please see a qualified health practitioner.
If you have a chronic condition that does not require emergency procedures, complement any medical help you’re receiving by reducing, or eliminating, the unhealthy elements of your lifestyle:
1. Undue Stress
2. Excessive salt intake
3. Fatty foods
4. Sweets/Sugar
5. Smoking, etc… you know what they are!
You should also start immediately to attend to the foundation of your health by incorporating whole, balanced Sunrider herb foods into your diet.
Building a foundation of good health can only assist the body’s quest for balance through its own ability.
Suppose you are fortunate to be healthy. Why should you eat Sunrider herb foods?
Quite simply,because…
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
…and Sunrider foods are the best comprehensive program of nutrient-rich, fast, convenient, whole herb foods on the market today!
Eat Healthy!
Drink Healthy!
Look Healthy!
Live Healthy!
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