GMO is the Soy in Sunrider NuPlus Genetically Modified?

GMO – is the Soy in Sunrider NuPlus Genetically Modified?

GMO is the Soy in Sunrider NuPlus Genetically Modified?   No – it is not and Dr. Tei Fu Chen explains that he has always used close-to-nature plant herbs and foods.  He is the Founder of the 30-year-old company Sunrider International and has reassured us for over 30 years that he is dedicated to safety and health.  Dr Chen says “Nature is the Best Farmer”.

GMO Sunrider Soy Nuplus and products Dr Chen explains
GMO Sunrider Soy Nuplus and products Dr Chen explains

Organic is the label for fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are grown commerically.  Wild foods are grown in nature, no pesticides, no chemicals, no additives.    Sunrider continues to meet and exceed the most rigorous standards of cleanliness, food safety, ingredient quality,

GMO  “Harvesting” Risk?

The question of safety is at the center of the complex and controversial issue of GMO foods. Genetically Modified Organisms are plants or animals “genetically engineered” to contain genes from an entirely different plant, animal, virus, or bacteria.

Potential Risks

Documents made public from a lawsuit revealed that scentists from FDA were uniformly concerned that GMO foods could lead to hard-to-detect allergies, toxins, new diseases, and nutritional problems.

Sunrider’s Approach: “Nature is the Best Farmer”

Sunrider has always been committed to creating products the natural way; the herbs it uses are grown in the wild from non-GMO seeds. Sunrider’s foods, beverages, and supplements are made with only the finest concentrated whole-food ingredients from naturally occurring plant sources. As Dr. Chen says, “Nature is the best farmer”.

Sunrider’s High Standards

Sunrider continues to meet and exceed the most rigorous standards of cleanliness, food safety, ingredient quality, and manufacturing integrity. No artificial preservatives are used in our food products, a highly unusual fact in the food industry. Beyond any doubt, Sunrider products are “Simply the Best” for you and your family.

 This graphic/photo is from “Label GMOs Hollywood”:

GMO are not Foods
GMO are not Foods

There are not many worldwide companies that are NOT using GMO soy and corn and other plants that have been corrupted.  Dr. Chen has always been concerned about quality and has the highest standards.  I (Diana Walker) have had the privilege of annually touring the Sunrider Manufacturing Facilities during the past 16 years.



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Quinary Sunrider Diana Walker

Sunrider Philosophy of Regeneration – NBC; N=Nourish; B=Balance; C=Cleanse Quinary – support and nourish and balance the 5 basic systems of the body, Circulatory, Respiratory, Immune (Defense), Endocrine and Digestive systems.

Sunrider Philosophy of Regeneration Diana Walker Sunrider Leader
NBC; N=Nourish; B=Balance; C=Cleanse

NuPlus by Sunrider provides Nourishment.  The whole food herbal plants in the Sunrider Sunpack formulas pay close attention to the energy needs of the body as a whole.  The organs are linked together and energy flows from one organ system to another. 

Sunrider Philosophy of Regeneration Diana Walker
Sunrider Philosophy of Regeneration Diana Walker

NuPlus – whole body cellular energy formula
Calli Herbal Beverage – cellular cleanser
Quinary – support and nourish and balance the 5 basic systems of the body, Circulatory, Respiratory, Immune (Defense), Endocrine and Digestive systems.

One food can not be as beneficial as a combination of many foods.  Each Sunrider formula is a blend of perfectly balanced whole foods that work together to provide cellular energy.

When we attempt to focus on a single organ or system, this interrupts the natural flow of energy, stressing the other organs and systems.  The integrated Sunrider whole food formulas are designed to work together to support the energy cycles of the body.

If you would like to learn more, please subscribe to Diana Walker’s free newsletter here: Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles Newsletter 
or  To Shop Online Canada & USA Click here: Buy Sunrider Now!


Nourish, Balance, Cleanse with NuPlus, Quinary, Calli Tea Sunrider whole foods are amazing! Sunrider nutrition creates a nurturing environment where our bodies come alive!! Regeneration is the key.

Sunrider whole foods are amazing! Sunrider nutrition creates a nurturing environment where our bodies come alive!! Regeneration is the key. Click Here to Buy Sunrider Products:  Nourish, Balance, Cleanse with NuPlus, Quinary and Calli Tea – you’ll love the way you feel!

You can order Sunrider Calli Tea, Sunrider NuPlus, Sunrider Quinary and Sunrider Fortune Delight here: with Diana Walker as your Sunrider Leader and Nutrition Coach.  Get started today on your Vibrant Health Journey!

Sunrider Cinnamon Calli Eggnog Recipe 3

Sunrider whole foods and whole food beverages like Cinnamon Calli Tea, and Cinnamon Fortune Delight, along with Apple Cinnamon NuPlus make delicious winter-time drinks, and you can use this one during the Christmas and New Year holiday season and any time during the year.

NBCSunriderGiftPackSunrider whole foods and whole food beverages like Cinnamon Calli Tea, and Cinnamon Fortune Delight, along with Apple Cinnamon NuPlus make delicious winter-time drinks, and you can use this one during the Christmas and New Year holiday season and any time during the year.



1 cup strong Sunrider Cinnamon Calli Tea or Cinnamon Fortune Delight
1 cup Vanilla rice milk or almond milk
1  ripe banana
1 package Sunrider NuPlus – use Regular or Simply Herbs or Apple Cinnamon NuPlus
5 drops Stevia (SunnyDew)
1 tsp Vanilla (try to get the alcohol-free kind) – optional
1 Tbsp raw almond butter
1/2 tsp cinnamon  (or use powdered Cinnamon Fortune Delight, just add to taste! and save some to sprinkle on top)
1/2 tsp nutmeg

1. Prepare your Calli Tea or Fortune Delight Tea first – use 1 Cinnamon Calli Teabag to 2 cups of water, or use 1 package of Cinnamon Fortune Delight to 1 cup of water in preparation.  Or make it stronger or weaker, depending on how much you like cinnamon!
2.  Blend all ingredients together in blender
3.  Pour into glasses
4.  Sprinkle some Cinnamon Fortune Delight straight from the package on top of each glass of Sunrider Eggnog, as well as some nutmeg
5.  Enjoy this delicious, nutritious, superior, high quality nutrition!


Hint – have a glass of this before leaving for a party – and it will curb your cravings and your appetite for all the high-fat, high-sugar food that is going to be there!

Diana Walker, Sunrider Group Leader, Sunrider Canada and Sunrider USA

Calli Tea NuPlus Sunrider Recipes #2

I have been eating Sunrider NuPlus since 1996 – It is wonderful to eat on a daily basis for everyone, young and old. NuPlus is Sunrider’s original concentrated herbal whole food, juiced and dried in a complex process.


NuPlus Sunrider smoothie

Calli Tea NuPlus Sunrider Recipe

Sunrider Calli Tea, NuPlus, Sunrider NuPlus Recipes – by Diana Walker – I have been eating Sunrider NuPlus since 1996 – It is wonderful to eat on a daily basis for everyone, young and old.  NuPlus is Sunrider’s original concentrated herbal whole food, juiced and dried in a complex process.

Sunrider NuPlus Diana Walker
Sunrider NuPlus Diana Walker

Contains – bioflavonoids, antioxidants, amino acids, and other beneficial phytochemicals in an herbal food base.

Delicious and Nutritious!
Choose from – Apple Cinnamon, Mixed Berry, Simply Herbs, Naturally Plain and Pina Banana.  Regular comes in bulk only.


1 package Apple Cinnamon NuPlus
1/2 cup Granola
1/2 cup hot almond milk, vanilla flavor is great
1 Tablespoon raisins
1 Tablespoon chopped almonds
3 drops SunnyDew
Directions: Mix together for a great, filling breakfast

1 package of Apple Cinnamon NuPlus
1/2 package Fortune Delight, Cinnamon
1/2  cup apple juice
half an apple chopped
3 drops SunnyDew

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and eat as a cereal.  Add more liquid (can be Fortune Delight or Calli) and blend for a drink.  You can make Calli Cinnamon into only 1/2 cup water, steep for 10 minutes, and the liquid will be concentrated enough to use for this recipe.

Where do I buy Sunrider Products? Order Sunrider Calli Tea online with Diana Walker as your Sunrider sponsor and mentor.   I provide free samples of Sunrider Calli Tea to all new customers and to interested customers-to-be.

Diana Walker, Sunrider Group Leader, Sunrider Canada and Sunrider USA