Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder Vancouver Canada Visit
Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder, with his son Dr. Reuben Chen, Vice President of Business Development at Sunrider International, visited Vancouver, BC, Canada on October 16th. Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, took photos, took notes, and took videos. This is almost a 20-year journey for me (Diana Walker), and it brings me great joy to hear both Drs. Chen speak and share their wisdom with us.
Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder
Dr. Tei Fu Chen asked: “What is the one thing that will make you successful?” …. There is no free lunch. We need to work hard and make the right choices. This is true, and the answer to the question is: “HABIT”…. Your Habit will determine your Destiny. Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder emphasized making a habit of calling 2 people a day. Genius is the result of Practice. Learn how to talk to strangers. Get referrals. Every business is a people business. Dr. Chen is deeply committed to each one of us being successful.
Dr. Reuben Chen Sunrider VP Business Development
Dr. Reuben Chen started out by talking about a Virtual Hug and Real Physical Hugs. Physical Hugs every day reduce depression and increases endorphin levels. Hugs need to be 20 seconds, not 3 seconds. It is important that we feel hugged! Dr. Reuben Chen also emphasized that Networking, to young people, means Social Networking. Most attendees have been part of the “Sunrider Family” for a long time. He emphasized the idea that each one of us is an Influencer, not a Salesperson.
Angelo De Fabrizio is the Sunrider Director, Regional Operations, Canada and Europe did a wonderful job, with his staff, of setting up this lively, educational workshop. Attendees loved the personal attention and guidance and wisdom shared by the father and son team of Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder, and Dr. Reuben Chen. It was such a fun and lively evening.
Sunrider Friends and Leaders
I didn’t get photos with all the wonderful friends who attended the Sunrider Canada event but I did get photos of Jim Pendree, Ravi Pathak, Adrian Armstrong, and Mike and Debbi Lang, which I am showing below.
Sunrider Canada Staff
I didn’t get photos of all the Sunrider Canada staff, but I am showing the photos that I do have of Sunrider staff below. Photos taken with Angelo De Fabrizio, Director – Regional Operations, Canada and Europe. Next photo is me with Ginette Ray. Thank you, Ginette for all you do!! I wish I had taken a photo of Treena Tan – she helps me so much with my Sunrider business. Also shown in the bottom photo is Shu-Ann Hoo, Business Development Manager.
Now I am very motivated…. I love my work, which is sharing Sunrider, and it is my passion and my work, so I feel so fortunate!
This is an exciting time! Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Founder of Sunrider, and Dr. Reuben Chen, will be in Vancouver on Friday, October 16, 2015.
I am so grateful for the Chens and for Sunrider – and to Trudy Stoelting for introducing me to Sunrider 19 years ago!
DATE: Friday, October 16, 2015
TIME: 6:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Radisson Hotel Vancouver Airport “Cambie Room”
COST: $10 per person
Sunrider Vancouver Canada
I am privileged to be able to meet the Chens annually at Sunrider Conventions in California.
We are fortunate to have Dr Tei Fu Chen and Dr Reuben Chen visit Canada on this North American Tour.
They will be in Vancouver, BC on Friday, October 16, 2015 and also in Regina, Saskatchewan on Saturday, October 17, 2015.
I hope to see you at the Sunrider Vancouver Canada Seminar with Dr. Tei Fu Chen and Dr. Reuben Chen!
Mark your calendar – Friday, October 16, 2015 (see details above)
Join us for a Sunrider seminar like never before:
* How to Successfully Start Your Business
* 6 Steps to Talk to New People
* New Product Information and Perspectives
* Sunrider Supplements to Fuel Weight Loss
* Practical Strategies for All Sunrider Business
In 1991, I started suffering from pain in my joints, low-grade fevers, extreme fatigue and insomnia. I forced myself through every day for five years. The pain grew progressively worse. I was sent to see an Arthritis specialist and he said that I did have arthritis but the pain was from fibrositis. Many of you know this as Fibromyalgia. In December of 1995, I went numb from head to toe.
I lost my sense of smell and my sense of taste. I was constantly dizzy. I was so fatigued that I slept 18 hours out of 24. The other 6 hours I was in a mental fog. The numbness was so severe that it was like having dental freezing from head to toe. I had difficulty with motor control because I couldn’t feel my hands or feet. I tripped up stairs, fell down stairs, bumped into furniture, broke dishes, and I couldn’t walk outside without assistance.
I felt like I was drooling constantly. I couldn’t tell if my chin was wet or not, or if my nose was dripping. I had trouble eating. I could chew on my cheeks or my tongue and not even know. I developed hay fever, allergies, eczema, varicose veins, terrible heart burn, bladder and kidney infections, ovarian cysts, cysts in my kidneys, migraines – the list goes on and on.
I was sent to a lot of different specialists who sent me for a lot of diagnostic tests. M.R.I., Vision Evoked Potentials, Heavy Metals testing, blood tests, urine tests, X-rays, etc. They found things wrong with me but couldn’t give me an overall diagnosis because they didn’t know what I had. They did know that I had a seriously compromised immune system.
With my husband beside me, I was told, “we can treat all your symptoms but we can’t do anything more for your immune system. We don’t have the technology yet to heal the immune system.” I felt like I was going home to die. My husband thought the same. We had our wills drawn up and I signed Power of Attorney to my husband in case I slipped into a coma or couldn’t function at all physically or mentally. My fatigue was so great even my heart was tired. I had an irregular heart beat. I felt 90% dead.
That is when a friend introduced me to Sunrider foods. She quite literally saved my life. My journey back to life has not been an overnight thing. It took several months eating Fortune Delight, Suncare, NuPlus, Quinary and Sunbars before I noticed any marked improvement. Since then, I continue to Cleanse, Nourish and Regenerate. My eczema, dizziness, infections and heart burn were the first to go. My irregular heartbeat was next along with the cysts and allergies. The numbness took two years and I can now walk with balance and control. I can even run and jog with balance. I have no pain in my joints. I can smell and taste again. I have dropped 6 sizes in clothes and lost so many inches that I don’t even measure anymore. Muscle looks so much better than fat. After years on disability, I went back to work, only to quit two months later to do Sunrider as a business. Why? Because I have come from dead to life and I am passionate about sharing this incredible gift with everyone who will listen. Sunrider foods gave my body what it needed to regenerate, and I am so grateful. I have come so far, but feel like a baby just starting out. I am doing my best and Sunrider is making my best better each day. I am FULLY ALIVE! Trudy Stoelting, Sunrider Group Director, Canada
For more information, please contact: DIANA WALKER, SUNRIDER LEADER
Note 1: Diana Walker Sunrider Leader – Trudy and I have been friends since we worked at the local Hospital together over 20 years ago. Trudy found such huge benefits with Sunrider products and shared with Diana Walker. Diana started enjoying the products, and sharing with others, in November 1996. I am forever GRATEFUL to Trudy for sharing these wonderful, nourishing Sunrider foods with me!
Note 2: Trudy had no interest in sharing Sunrider when she first started, but like many others, once she gained back her life, she couldn’t stop herself. She is now a human dynamo, inspiring many others to better health. When she first started telling others, she thought she could only talk with a few people because she wouldn’t have the energy, but she has found that by saturating your body with wonderful nutrition, it’s amazing what it can do. She wants a whole lot of people to come alive!.
This article is for information purposes only and is separate from Sunrider International. It is not intended as medical advice. As with any medical problem, consult your physician.
Katie shows us a power-packed, nutritious, and delicious drink. It is so easy to prepare and you know that you are giving your loved ones the power of greens along with nutrient-dense whole-food nutrition.
Vitashake Sunrider Healthy Recipe Ingredients:
1 package Vitashake Cocoa Flavour
1 package of Alpha 20C
1 package of Vitadophilus
1 bottle of Evergreen
1 glass of Milk
See Video for Recipe directions below:
Sunrider Coco-Mint Vitashake RecipeIf you love chocolate mint ice cream, then you’ll love this cocoa-mint VitaShake recipe that was created by Katie Chen. #Sunrider #SimplytheBest
* Satisfies Hunger
* High Fiber
* Healthy Plant Protein
* Easily Digested
* Delicious(in Chocolate or Strawberry)
* Meal Replacement
* Easy to include in Weight Management Eating Plan
* Feel more Energy
* Convenient
* Concentrated Whole-food nutrition from plants
* Enhanced with food-grade vitamins and minerals that are easily absorbed
* Natural Antioxidants
* Fewer than 100 calories a serving
* Soluble Fiber **FOS Fructooligosaccharides – see note below
* Contains Chinese Herbs including Coix Fruit, Chinese Yam, Fox Nut, Lotus Seed, Lotus Root, Waterlily Bulb and Imperatus Root
* Only 1 gram of fat per serving
NOTE: **FOS – Fructooligosaccharides – is a naturally occuring Fiber and Probiotic that is found in foods such as chicory root, barley, onions, and garlic.
Vitashake Sunrider Does NOT contain:
* No Artificial Sweeteners
* No Artificial Ingredients
* No Chemically Processed ingredients
* No Animal-based Protein
* No Cholesterol
* No “isolated protein”
* No “isolated” vitamins and minerals
* Very low sodium
* Very low sugar
* Does not contain Whey Protein or “Isolated” soy protein
One Serving:
* is a full meal replacement
* Easily digested
* Great for breakfast or afternoon snack
Video by Dr. Reuben Chen, Sunrider International:
1. Easy Recipe
Just take your Cocoa or Strawberry shake and add it to 1 cup of water or milk (almond, rice, cashew)
Add Sunrider Stevia and drink. Or – you can add it to your hot or cold Calli Tea or Fortune Delight
2. Blender Recipe
You can add your package to a blender with almond milk (or your favourite milk), fruits, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, nuts, nut butters etc. to give it more calories and be a heartier drink.
3. Simple Mix
You can mix your package into oatmeal/cereal, stir in yogurt or applesauce, on nut butter sandwiches.
4. Shake/Chocolate Fortune Delight
Mix Cocoa package into 1 cup of Fortune Delight (Raspberry is terrific) and Sunrider Stevia, of course.
5. Chocolate Snack Balls
1 cup nut butter of your choice
1 cup honey
Cream these 2 ingredients.
Mix in:
1/2 cup Cocoa VitaShake (about 3 packages)
3/4 cup ground nuts of your choice
3/4 cup unsweetened coconut
Make into balls then roll in added coconut and VitaShake.
Vary this recipe and even add sunflower seeds, raisin, etc., if you like.
Try Strawberry flavour instead of the chocolate.
Could roll in secame seeds too. Have fun making your own kind and enjoy 🙂
6. Almond/Date Drink
1 cup Almond Dream, Vanilla Rice Milk or Soy Milk (8 oz.)
1 Banana (frozen is best)
5 or 6 Raw Almonds
2 or 3 Dates
1 package Simply Herbs NuPlus or Vitashake
1 package Quinary Powder (optional)
Sunrider Stevia – Sunny Dew (or Sunectar) to taste
Blend in blender
VitaShake Sunrider Nutrition and Ingredient Facts:
One packet contains one serving of NuPlus PLUS protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber. The fiber in the shake is from FOS which is an extract from chicory root. The vitamins in the shake are NOT isolates! Dr. Chen has combined them with NuPlus in the formulation process.
Four VitaShake packets per day supplies 100% of your daily requirement of vitamins and minerals.
Compare Vitashake with Ensure or Boost
Compare with Ensure or Boost. Ensure and Boost and other advertised drinks are made from water, sugar, isolated protein, isolated vitamins and minerals, and numerous chemicals. VitaShake is “real” food.
The body can NOT digest most protein drinks because they are usually made from “isolated” protein.
One shake is equal to 3 Vitadophilus (Sunrider Acidophilus), but the FOS doesn’t just implant in the colon like acidophilus, but also bifidus and faciem bacteria.
Most fiber only “sweeps” the intestines, but FOS fiber also aids digestion, thus boosting assimilation of foods through the intestinal walls.
When you have enough good bacteria in the intestines, you are better able to produce adequate amounts of B vitamins.
Sunrider shakes also minimizes osteoporosis and candida, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides and, over time, brings down LDL cholesterol and boosts HDL cholesterol.
It also helps to make you feel full and satisfied and helps with the assimilation of carbohydrates.
It is VERY important to drink 16 oz. of liquid each time you have your shake.
If you mix the 1 package in only 8 oz. of liquid, be sure to drink another 8 oz. of liqid later to prevent bloating or constipation.
As with all fiber, FOS needs to be accompanied by plenty of liquid.
It is a whole food powder made with concentrated herbs, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
It helps fill in any nutritional gaps in your diet with the added benefit of whole fiber.
This “super shake” is also formulated with coix fruit, a powerful antioxidant, and fructooligosaccharide (FOS), a probiotic soluble-fiber carbohydrate that supports the growth of beneficial bacteria. Phytonutrients and high-quality soy protein (similar to superconcentrated tofu) add further nutritional balance.
While most protein and nutritional shakes are a cocktail of chemical additives, artificial flavors, and artificial sweeteners, VitaShake is free of those
potentially harmful ingredients.
Vitashake Sunrider is Unique
It’s a unique product in today’s “shake” market with fewer than 100 calories a serving, no cholesterol, very low sodium, and very low sugar. And because we use a whole-food base with natural vitamins and minerals in our exclusive formulation, your body is better able to absorb the nutrients.
Mix with your favorite Sunrider herbal beverage for a healthy breakfast, snack, or meal supplement.
Delicious, nutritious, and convenient, this is the perfect blend for your life.
Review of Possible Health Benefits for Vitashake Sunrider and for NuPlus:
Some benefits are:
* Feeds every cell in your body
* Helps balance blood sugar
* Provides nutrients for calm peaceful energy
* Diminishes cravings for foods which cause energy loss and mood swing
* Nourishes joints and muscles
* Nourishes Immune System
* Gives energy to brain (promoting mental and emotional stability)
* Relaxes for better sleep
* Helps improve muscle tone
* Promotes healthy cholesterol levels and helps burn fat
* Helps the body regulate metabolism
* Contains all 5 flavors and 5 colors of food (balance)
Ingredients in Original NuPlus formula
(these ingredients are also in Vitashake): Coix Fruit, Chinese Yam, Fox Nut, Lotus Seed, Lotus Root, Waterlily Bulb, Imperate Root. (Does not contain any type of beans.) Read More https://diana1.com/nuplus/
By age 40 no digestive enzymes left.
You are not digesting your food properly.
You are using antacids because you think you need them.
You are causing the problems with what you eat and drink (along with stress).
Digestion Stomach Problems caused by Stomach Busters Video #3
To add to that, we’ve got:
• Prescription drugs, and things like aspirin
• Stress
These are the things that are hardest on our stomachs. Too much of any one of these things will make your stomach feel uncomfortable because it shocks it.
If the stomach was working perfectly, you’d have lots of digestive enzymes and lots of mucus. The mucus helps the stomach protect itself from stomach acid.
Digestion Stomach Problems – By Age 8 !
They’ve determined that by age 8 many children’s stomachs have already gone into shock and have already become weakened by constant sugar and chocolate and salt, etc. Most people think they can eat terribly one day, and the next day they’ll have a fresh start, but it doesn’t work that way. There’s a certain amount of accumulation.
Digestion Stomach Problems – By Age 40
By age 40, many people have very little digestive enzyme left, and as the stomach loses digestive enzyme, the mucus layer deteriorates.
So you have very little digestive enzyme or mucus, and you’ll eat, say, some chocolate, or an orange with that little bit of citric acid in it. In your stomach, the stomach acid is immediately driven upwards and there’s no protection from the mucus, and it irritates the wall of your stomach. Your stomach starts spasming, so it tightens and squishes. When it squishes, it just pushes that acid even higher up into the esophagus where there’s no mucus at all and we feel a burn. We think, “Oh, I have an overactive stomach,” and we reach for an antacid.
Meanwhile, everything in the stomach is tightening and something needs to give. It’s struggling and straining against the diaphragm. So it’s either going to pull your head down – which doesn’t usually happen!! – or it’s going to start pulling itself up past the diaphragm.
It gets a bolus stuck there, under the diaphragm, and that’s what a Hiatus Hernia is. The bolus stretches the valve at the top of the stomach out of place, and when you lie down at night, you can have the problem where the acid runs right into your throat.
Sometimes people don’t experience this to a great extent, but they do notice the pressure in their chests and more problems elsewhere. The biggest problem from this, from low digestive enzymes, is that you aren’t digesting your foods properly. Undigested food, especially proteins, starts passing down into the intestines and your liver is absorbing these nutrients up so it can transfer them into your blood stream. The liver will pick up these chunks of undigested protein that were supposed to be emulsified, but are now being absorbed in a chunk. That’s where your food allergies come from – specialists will always tell you that it’s the protein in food that your body reacts to. Why is your body reacting to a protein? Because you don’t have the digestive enzymes to break it down.
Digestion Stomach Problems can be caused by “Stomach Busters” which include:
Children – by age 8 – have weakened stomachs. So sad that they eat so much crap. Accumulation. By age 40, very little digestive enzymes left Very little acid left in stomach. No protection. Mucous becomes less. Stomach tightens. We feel burning and reach for Antacid. Acid runs into your throat. Acid indigestion. This is due to eating the Stomach Busters…. or Stress, usually!
Digestion Stomach Nervous System Why is Your Stomach So Weak?
Digestion Video #2 – Nervous System and Spleen Toxic Colon 78 Chemicals
Digestion and Nervous System
Consider your nervous system. In neurodegenerative diseases – things like Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Fibromyalgia, etc. – there is an attack of some sort on your nervous system. The attack is coming from somewhere – where is it coming from? The attack chops up your nerves; it stops the communication along the nerves. It can show up as vibrations, tremors, loss of feeling in a limb, and many other areas, but the attack is actually coming from the organ right before that. It’s coming from the spleen.
Digestion and Spleen
Your spleen tells your T-cells what to do, and T-cells are what attack foreign cells that come into your body. They’re part of your immune system, and you don’t want them on your bad side. So your spleen tells your T-cells what to do, but if your spleen is full of toxicities and not functioning properly, it starts giving your T-cells garbled messages. Then the T-cells might start attacking your joints, like in MS, or your nerves, like in Parkinson’s.
Moreover, your spleen is at the tail end of your filtration system. So, when your spleen is full of toxicities, more toxicities start slipping past the spleen as well, and the problem worsens. It’s a vicious cycle. This is where the problem of the nervous system is.
Well, can we take a pill for the nervous system, and get it to work? Well, not really. Not until we deal with the spleen. And the spleen didn’t develop a problem all by itself, either, did it? It took what we were feeding it to become that way. It was fed by the circulatory system and the lymph system, which it’s the tail end of.
Digestion and Lymph System and Liver
The lymph system starts filtering at the small intestine from the portal vein before it even gets to the liver, but the liver also feeds into the circulatory system. So you’re getting the toxicities not only through the lymph system, but also from the liver. It’s a combination of toxicities from what you eat, form what you absorb through your skin, and the toxicity that comes from your colon. There are 78 chemicals that come from the rotting mass that sits in your colon – especially from undigested protein. We’re talking about chemicals like alcohol, and methane gas, and formaldehyde, all produced right in your own colon.
Those chemicals aren’t only released into the atmosphere – they’re also absorbed by your body, and they start toxifying the body. Well, why does the colon have a problem? It has a problem because your stomach has a problem.
Poor Digestion and Your Stomach and Undigested Proteins
Poor digestion, with low digestive enzymes, has a hard time breaking down your food. All the undigested food you have – especially your undigested proteins – comes down to the colon and it just layers on top of itself and sits there and rots and ferments. The problem comes back to the digestive system and the stomach.
Well, why is the stomach weak? The stomach is weak because of your diet. Health is not that simple, but it’s very predictable.
How to have a Healthy Digestive System, Diana Walker friend Jim Pendree, both Sunrider Leaders. How to have healthy digestion. Chinese herbs and Raw foods health benefits. Will our foods help our body to regenerate or degenerate? Demonstration of how our body works, how to be healthy.
Sunrider Digestion #1 How to Have a Healthy Digestive System
I want to help you understand how you can be more fit, have more energy, and feel the greatest you possibly can.
Now, most people at one time or another have tried health products and have had the kind of result where they think, “I think I feel better, but I’m not sure.” They don’t notice a change or a difference to how they felt before they started the product. There are several reasons for that. Most books and programs give you a neat idea, but that idea is never complete. They’re always focused on one thing, and the general idea is that, if you give your body x-y-z nutrients, it will be okay. It doesn’t work like that. I’ve never found a book that was totally complete, as far as giving me everything I need to know to be healthy.
First, we take our basic nutrients – the core nutrients our body needs. From that, we subtract two things.
We subtract
Bad foods and bad beverages (things that we all know are bad for us!)
Everyday Foods like Wheat (Gluten)
The first thing we subtract is bad foods and beverages.
These are things like
Artificial Sweeteners – things that we know are very bad for us.
The second thing we subtract is basic foods (that are hard to digest). What are some of these basic foods?
Corn (GMO) – includes High Fructose Corn Syrup
Soy (GMO)
Wheat (Gluten) – To give you an example, 80% of the population have a sensitivity to wheat; they find wheat difficult to digest. A lot of people have problems like this. They have sensitivities to foods they eat on a daily basis, but they’re so used to experiencing how they feel with these foods in their diets that they don’t know anything different. They don’t know how much better they could feel. You have to take those foods out of your diet before you’ll actually understand – “Wow! This is how I feel without those!”
So you have your basic nutrients, and then you subtract bad foods and beverages and basic foods you have trouble digesting. What you have left over is energy. That’s the core.
So let’s say, looking at this, that you buy some vitamins, and you add them to your diet, but you leave in all the bad “junk foods” and everyday foods. It’s impossible for you to notice an improvement. You’re not actually going to the source of the problem!
Sunrider Digestion Suggestions
Now we look at specific nutrients – the nutrients that the Chinese, for example, took 5000 years to figure out. They found out what foods are on your specific system’s shopping lists – what your digestive system needs, or your circulatory system, or your immune system. They found foods that they could provide the body with every day to be strong and healthy. Over in the west, we eat per taste. We look at our food choices, and we make our choices based on what we like. In the east, they focus on what the food actually does, rather than how it tastes.
Whether or not you eat these system-specific foods determines whether or not your body will regulate or regenerate. What does regenerate mean? On a small scale, let’s say you cut yourself, and then you heal. That’s what we’re used to. But you can take that concept to a much further extent. Why can’t your body fix its liver, or its large intestine, or its pancreas? Truth be told, your body can regenerate almost anything. In the west, we assume we have to go to the doctor to achieve that. We have to take medication and allow that to fix us.
Sunrider Digestion System-Specific Foods include Sunrider Vitadophilus, Sunrider Sunbars, and Sunrider Vitashake.
Dr. Chen explained at the 2009 Convention how it has taken him years to develop a process to get rid of heavy metals.
“We use 3 layers of Extraction and Filtration. We are so proud. These are the safest products on the market”
Dr. Chen said
Sunrider Manufacturing
Dr. Chen:
1. Does Not Use Fumigation (which uses Poisonous Gas to remove insects, bacteria and mould)
2. Does NOT Use Radiation (this kills everything, even the taste changes!
(Radiation is Unsafe and changes the chemical composition of herbs, making the herbs lose their
Dr. Chen developed a method to:
1. Get rid of Heavy Metals
2. Sterilize the Herbs
In 2009 Dr. Chen developed a new sterilization process that is able to eliminate toxicity in the plants and eradicate bacteria, insects and mould.
Most companies in the USA must fumigate or radiate the herbs. Sunrider does not do this because the herbs are already cleaned at our overseas plants.
Over 2 Million Square Feet Manufacturing space
Owner Expertise and all formulas created and prepared by Sunrider
Established in 1982 in USA (33 years ago!!) and 1984 in Canada; Proven track record; Respected worldwide
Hire out to lowest bidder
No Manufacturing facilities, no investment, no long-term commitment
Out-source or hire staff to create product
Have not proven themselves, may only be in business a few years
Are Sunrider Chinese Herbs Safe? Developed by Dr. Tei Fu Chen
Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Founder of Sunrider International, has shared with us how polluted the world has become.
At one time he was able to just clean the herbs and the product was pure.
Now the toxins are in the water, air and soil, which contribute to high concentrations of heavy metals inside fruits, vegetables, herbs, fish and meat.
In an outstanding achievement for Sunrider, Dr. Chen has developed a new sterilization process that is able to eliminate toxicity in the plants and eradicate bacteria, insects and mould. At the same time, Sunrider products that had previously been concentrated 7 times will now be concentrated up to 40 times. People are experiencing very positive results in just days.
Sunrider is the only company in the world with this highly advanced technology.
• Sunrider products are concentrated up to 40 times
• Sunrider uses whole foods, not isolated chemicals
• Sunrider products are enhanced for greatest effect
• Sunrider uses only the highest quality ingredients
• Sunrider products, ounce for ounce, cost less (even before factoring in concentration, enhancement and quality)
Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider is derived from cornstarch and coconut oil. The formula is edible and biodegradable. It thoroughly cleans everything from delicate broccoli heads and herbs to waxy coatings and residues. Be sure to watch the videos at the bottom of my blog post.
Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider Sunsmile is the smart way to enhance the freshness of your favorite foods while protecting your family.
Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider Sunsmile
Cleans fruit & vegetables of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, dirt and waxy glazes.
We all love our fruit and vegetables and they are an important part of our daily diet by providing us with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Unfortunately, in the growing of our fruits and vegetables, herbicides and pesticides are used. In addition, there are various germs and parasites that exist on these fruits and vegetables that we are unable to wash away.
But now we have the answer …
Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider
There really is no product equal to SunSmile Fruit Vegetable Rinse Sunrider. It is derived from natural ingredients that will literally destroy all harmful organisms on fruits or vegetables and neutralise each of the carcinogenic sprays (herbicides and pesticides). It can even penetrate the wax (and remove most of it) to destroy any pesticides or germs that existed prior to the wax application.
This includes organisms that cause intestinal worms and amoebic dysentery.
The primary cleansing agent in SunSmile Fruit & Vegetable Rinse is decyl polyglucose, a biodegradable surfactant derived from corn starch and coconut oil. The vegetable rinse is highly concentrated, non-toxic and powerful enough to destroy harmful organisms, yet safe enough to swallow without harmful effects. It is also environmentally friendly for those who have septic tanks; it will not destroy the bacterial required for decomposition of the waste.
Fruits & Vegetables
When fruit or vegetables are rinsed or soaked in this solution, then removed, not only will it clean the produce of herbicides, pesticides, oily contaminants and other harmful substances, but Fruit and Vegetable Rinse Sunrider Sunsmile will help the produce stay fresher for a longer period of time because oxidation has been reduced.
One capful in 4 litres of water stays active for about one hour.
• Wash fruit and vegetables in ordinary tap water to remove dirt
• Mix 1 capful Fruit and Vegetable Rinse in 1 gallon of tap water.
• Soak fruit and vegetables in the Rinse for 3 to 5 minutes then remove and pat or air dry. Do not wash off the rinse as it is non-toxic and edible
• Note that Fruit and Vegetable Rinse retains effectiveness for up to one hour after mixing.
First Aid
Any cuts, scrapes or burns can be sterilised immediately and thoroughly with this solution. Can be applied full strength or diluted.
House Cleaning & More
SunSmile Fruit and Vegetable Rinse can also be used to sterilise against strep, staph, ecoli, etc. on surfaces in the kitchen where food is prepared or in the bathroom where microorganisms could be a problem – even add a few drops in the toilet tank.
Other uses:
• Add to your dish washing liquid or laundry detergent for an effective disinfectant.
• Mix with shampoo to kill head lice.
• A must for travelling out of the country where clean water is an issue.
• A few drops in your pet’s food will eliminate worms during flea season.
• Spritz on plants where bugs or snails are a problem – great for roses.
• Nothing could clean children’s hands more thoroughly than soaking them in this solution for a few minutes.
• Spritz your carpet during flea season – your pets are happy, you are happy and the planet is
• Ear infections
• To counteract candida overgrowth and parasites, try 1/2 – 1 teaspoon per day in a glass of water for a couple of weeks.
• For those in the insecticide and pesticide spraying industry, it can be used to wash any exposed skin surface and masks could be soaked in this solution so no harmful solutions can penetrate through the mask.
All articles are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Sunrider Corporation. This information is for nutritional purposes only. It is not the intent to diagnose, prescribe, or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.