Sunbar Sunrider Fiber Energy Bar


Sunbar Sunrider Fiber Energy Bar Excellent Energy Bar.  Excellent for Colon and Digestive Health. Contains Plant Fiber.

Vegetarian, Lactose-free, non-GMO – satisfy your hunger, naturally.

1.  Ingredients

Available in Fruit and Cocoa/Chocolate Flavors (and new Oatmeal-Cinnamon)

Sunbars Sunrider Energy and Fiber Bars Diana Walker
Sunbars Sunrider Energy and Fiber Bars Diana Walker healthy whole food nutrition

The Fruit Vitalite Sunbar’s ingredients include:

Whole Soy Protein Nuggets,

Fructooligosaccharide (equivalent benefit of 1 Vitadophilus)

Apple and Pineapple Juices, Bananas, Strawberries, Almonds, Mangos, Honey, Lycii Fruit Concentrate, Chinese Asparagus Root Concentrate, Coix Fruit Concentrate, non-GMO Soy Bean Oil, Psyllium Seed Powder, Wheat Germ Oil, Tocopherol, Chinese Yam, Fox Nut, Lotus Seed, Lotus Root, Waterlily Bulb and Imperate Root.

The usual choices in energy bars are high in fat, sodium, excito-toxins, and/or sugars (sugar and corn sweeteners).

Other energy bars usually contain Isolated Soy Protein and Whey Protein, which can be very hard on our digestion.  Other energy bars are not “whole foods”.

The Sunrider Sunbar is full of wholesome ingredients – whole soy protein (non GMO), Regular NuPlus, nuts, FOS fiber and freeze-dried fruits.

Sunrider Sunbars – Buy Sunrider Sunbars

Sunbar photo by Diana Walker Sunrider Healthy Energy Fiber Bars
Sunbar photo by Diana Walker Sunrider Healthy Energy Fiber Bars

2. Description

Our Sunbar contains plant fiber from soluble (digestible), life-giving FOS, an extract from Chicory Root and from Psyllium Seed Powder (a digestive aid).  Beautiful even Energy comes through ancient Chinese herbs including Lycii Fruit Concentrate, Chinese Asparagus Root Concentrate, Coix Fruit Concentrate,

Sunrider Testimonials

“When traveling on my summer holidays, I was reminded of how convenient SunBar® is. It makes the most satisfying breakfast or enjoy it anytime throughout the day. I haven’t found anything that feeds my family so well.”
Brenda Sotropa, Saskatchewan

“I like it because SunBar® is really portable. I try to keep one or two in my purse so when I’m out shopping; I’m not tempted to pick up something unhealthy.”
Ann-Marie Humble, Saskatchewan

Serving Size: 1 bar Each Sunbar contains:


Calories: 120
Carbs: 16 grams
Fat: 3 grams
Fiber: 3 grams
Protein: 7 grams
Sugars: 2 grams


Calories: 120
Carbs: 17 grams
Fat: 2.5 grams
Fiber: 3 grams
Protein: 6 grams
Sugars: 2 grams

Presented by Diana Walker Sunrider Leader
If you would like me to help you buy Sunrider products – Click here:  Order Sunrider products

Sunbars-Sunrider Healthy Energy Fiber Bars for children and adults great for colon health and energy
Sunbars-Sunrider Healthy Energy Fiber Bars for children and adults great for colon health and energySunbars-Sunrider

Sunrider Products USA and Canada June23

Sunrider whole foods and Calli Tea are Foods, not Chemicals! Philosophy of Regeneration Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Canada Sunrider USA Diana Walker 1-800-840-0014

Sunrider Products available in USA and Canada buy here: 
Diana Walker Click Here: 

Dr. Tei Fu Chen is the founder of Sunrider International, and has based all Sunrider products on the Philosophy of Regeneration.  Photo of Dr. Tei Fu Chen with Diana Walker and Goldie Caldwell at Sunrider Convention in Hawaii. 

Diana Walker Dr Tei Fu Chen Hawaii Sunrider
Diana Walker Dr Tei Fu Chen Hawaii Sunrider

This Philosophy has 4 important principles. 

Principle #2  is FOOD, NOT CHEMICALS

The body is designed to digest food, not chemicals.  Any time we push too many “chemicals” into our bodies there is always a side effect.  Even vitamins, minerals, protein powders, fats, and carbohydrates by themselves, are just chemicals.

Each element comes from nature, but by themselves the body does not recognize them as food.

Dr. Chen states:  “It would be so easy for me to sell you a protein powder.  Even though the public is given an RDA – Recommended Daily Allowance – of nutrients to consume, the reality is that these quantities are only a generic “one size fits all” standard that does not really address  the exact nutrient requirements for each individual.

The Sunrider whole foods and Calli Tea (whole food beverage) are Foods, not Chemicals!

Where do I buy Sunrider?  Buy Sunrider Calli Tea online with Diana Walker as your Sunrider sponsor and mentor.   I provide free samples of Sunrider Calli Tea to all new customers and to interested customers-to-be in USA and Canada. 

Diana Walker, Sunrider Group Leader, Sunrider Canada and Sunrider USA

Calli Tea NuPlus Sunrider Recipes #2

I have been eating Sunrider NuPlus since 1996 – It is wonderful to eat on a daily basis for everyone, young and old. NuPlus is Sunrider’s original concentrated herbal whole food, juiced and dried in a complex process.


NuPlus Sunrider smoothie

Calli Tea NuPlus Sunrider Recipe

Sunrider Calli Tea, NuPlus, Sunrider NuPlus Recipes – by Diana Walker – I have been eating Sunrider NuPlus since 1996 – It is wonderful to eat on a daily basis for everyone, young and old.  NuPlus is Sunrider’s original concentrated herbal whole food, juiced and dried in a complex process.

Sunrider NuPlus Diana Walker
Sunrider NuPlus Diana Walker

Contains – bioflavonoids, antioxidants, amino acids, and other beneficial phytochemicals in an herbal food base.

Delicious and Nutritious!
Choose from – Apple Cinnamon, Mixed Berry, Simply Herbs, Naturally Plain and Pina Banana.  Regular comes in bulk only.


1 package Apple Cinnamon NuPlus
1/2 cup Granola
1/2 cup hot almond milk, vanilla flavor is great
1 Tablespoon raisins
1 Tablespoon chopped almonds
3 drops SunnyDew
Directions: Mix together for a great, filling breakfast

1 package of Apple Cinnamon NuPlus
1/2 package Fortune Delight, Cinnamon
1/2  cup apple juice
half an apple chopped
3 drops SunnyDew

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and eat as a cereal.  Add more liquid (can be Fortune Delight or Calli) and blend for a drink.  You can make Calli Cinnamon into only 1/2 cup water, steep for 10 minutes, and the liquid will be concentrated enough to use for this recipe.

Where do I buy Sunrider Products? Order Sunrider Calli Tea online with Diana Walker as your Sunrider sponsor and mentor.   I provide free samples of Sunrider Calli Tea to all new customers and to interested customers-to-be.

Diana Walker, Sunrider Group Leader, Sunrider Canada and Sunrider USA

Sunrider Canada 25 Year Birthday Video

Happy Birthday, Sunrider Canada! 25 Years, since 1984…  when Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Founder of Sunrider International, brought Sunrider to Canada.  John Teng, Sunrider North America Sales Manager, came from California to join with Patrice Li, Sunrider Canada Manager, to give us an incredible day of celebration.  Sunrider Fortune Delight and Calli Tea products enjoyed by hundreds of Sunriders all day and all night!

We had a wonderful celebration yesterday, at the Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel, all day and into the late night – it was so much fun – I did not want the party to end.   Above is a video I produced (I’m a videographer as well as a photographer now!) of the 25 Year Sunrider Canada Anniversary Cake Cutting by John Teng.  You will see  Sunrider Leaders who have been with Sunrider 25 years or more (Sunrider USA was founded in 1982, Headquarters for the world are in California)

In the afternoon we had the Sunrider Product Fair, Kandesn Skin Care and Natural Herbal Makeup Training with Julie McLewee, Kandesn Marketing Manager, meeting with John Teng, North American Sales Manager.  So many Sunrider friends came from all over Canada and United States.  We had a banquet and dance in the evening.

What unique and delicious and nutritious Sunrider foods we have – I’ve been enjoying them for almost 13 years now. Well – November 25, 2009, will be my personal Year 13 Anniversary of eating Sunrider NuPlus, drinking Sunrider Calli Tea, Sunrider Fortune Delight, Sunrider Quinary, Sunrider Vitashake. Love them all.
Diana Walker, Sunrider Group Leader

Sunrider Diana Walker Video

Sunrider Canada and Sunrider USA and Sunriders from around the world attended the Sunrider International Grand Convention 2009 in Anaheim, California. Diana Walker, Trudy, and Goldie express their appreciation to Dr. Tei Fu Chen and Sunrider International for the wonderful Convention:

Sunrider Products were highlighted and enjoyed like Tei-Fu Metashaper, Sunrider Calli Tea, Sunrider Fortune Delight, along with many more new products.

Sunrider Convention 2009 Diana Walker Live

I am posting this live from Sunrider Convention 2009 in California.  What an amazing, amazing event.  We toured the Sunrider International Manufacturing facilities here in Torrance California on Wednesday.

Even though I live in Canada, and the headquarters for the world are in the United States, I feel like a part of a global family.  I have hundreds of Sunrider Customers in Canada and the United States.  I get to meet with, have meals with and participate in meetings with Sunriders from all over the world.

I’ve attended 12 Sunrider Grand Conventions, and 10 Leadership Sunrider Leadership trips (like to Hawaii and on Cruises) – and this may even top all of them — it is such a privilege to be “personally mentored” by a world-renowned Herbalist like Dr. Tei Fu Chen.

I say “personally mentored” even though of course there are thousands of others here at Convention – because he speaks to the heart of each one of us.  I feel like I am part of one big healthy, happy family — and seeing Dr. Tei Fu Chen and Dr. Oi Lin Chen on stage, and up close, is phenomenal and I am so grateful.

Dr. Chen spent several hours on Tuesday and more hours on Thursday telling us about the newest herbal products he has brought out – he does all the Research and Development – these are not outsourced.  All Sunrider products are unique and completely non-duplicatable.

Naturally, I am drinking my Sunrider Calli Tea and Sunrider Fortune Delight all day long – as are all the other Sunriders here!

I tasted the new Sunrider Chocolate Vitalite Sunbars — they taste as delicious as a fresh “brownie” or chocolate cake — amazing, amazing!! — they will not be available for 3 to 5 months.  On our tour of the Sunrider Manufacturing Plant we received samples that were “fresh-baked” – as Dr. Chen joked to us later.

Sunny Days will be available soon.  They are like a tasty “cough candy” – special formula.  I remember them from years ago.  In fact my son, who is 21 now – remembers them from when he was 10 years old – and was asking me about them recently – so I am excited to see those become available again soon!

Dr. Chen’s new water – Pearl – is “living water” –  alkaline naturally, and pure, pure, pure and really is natural from an underground source.

Dr. Chen’s Tei Fu MetaShaper is a super hit.  Inches are falling away from many people, especially around the hardest areas – you know what I mean – like the waist, hips and thighs!!!

Well, I better go and get ready for another wonderful day with 1000s of other Sunrider Leaders and Customers here in California.

Today we will have lots of entertainment – and this evening we will even have Cirque de Soleil and more.  It is a Gala Banquet and Gala Evening – I am so very grateful to be a part of this amazing company and living to my full potential and helping others with my Sunrider Family from all over the world.

Wishing You Vibrant Health!

Diana Walker, Cravings Coach
CEO, Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles
Sunrider Group Business Leader