Sunrider Products In Stock Canada and USA

Sunrider Products In Stock Canada and USA – January 2023 and Calli Tea, NuPlus, Quinary Back Orders in USA

Sunrider Products In Stock Canada and USA – December 2022 – updated by Diana Walker with emails from Sunrider Canada and Sunrider USA.  Products have been low on stock since May 2022, and some of the reasons are explained here:

Sunrider Products In Stock Canada and USA Diana Walker December 2022

USA – Sunrider Products In Stock January 2023 to February 2023

For thousands of years the Chinese have eaten, studied and categorized herbs.
Through Sunrider, Dr. Tei Fu Chen has elevated the ancient practices with his innovative formulas and advanced practices of extraction and concentration.
We are pleased to inform you that the products listed below are available for purchase and immediate shipping, where indicated.
Other Sunrider products can be Back Ordered in USA.
If you do not have a Sunrider account, please go here and Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, will assist you:
Click and begin placing your order:



Every day back orders are being sent out.  MANY products are now available  – in fact RIGHT NOW CALLI 10 pack Original Flavour is available.
Vitataste – First of February
Sunbreeze Oil – First of February (Limited Quantity)
Calli Original, 10 pack  – Mid January (Limited Quantity)
Calli Original, 60 pack  –  End January/Early February
Vitadophilus, 10 pack  –  Mid February
Quinary Caps, 100 capsules – Mid February
Herb Cal Tabs  –  Mid February
Toothpaste, 2.3 oz  –  Mid February
Alpha 20C, 30 pack  –  Mid February
Bella  –  Early to Mid February
Beauty Pearl  –  Early to Mid February
Fibertone  –  Early to Mid February
Calli Mint, 10 pack  –  Early to Mid February
Calli Mint, 60 pack  –  Early to Mid February
NuPlus Original, 30 pack  –  Mid February
NuPlus Apple Cinnamon, 10 pack  –  Mid February
NuPlus Pina Banana, 10 pack  –  Mid February
Vitashake, Strawberry  –  Early February
Vitashake, Cocoa  –  Late February
Citric C  – Late January
Vitaspray  –  Early to Mid February
TOP – Late January to Early February
Vitamin D, 5000 IU  –  Mid February
Vitamin D 1000 IU  –  Early February
Protein Plus, Vanilla  –  Mid February
Protein Plus, Caramel Macchiato  –  Mid February



You see that a small amount of SUNBREEZE OIL will be shipped out this week, however they are still having trouble with the ‘liquid fill machine’ and so the rest of the SUNBREEZE OIL and SUNNY DEW and SUNECTAR will be shipped in April.
*QUINARY POWDER will be shipped in April as well.
WATCH for this upcoming FEBRUARY special!!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Sunrider Int’l. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Weight loss success stories are in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Results not typical. The information contained in this Newsletter is provided for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as and should not be relied upon as medical advice. The information may not apply to you and before you use any of the information provided in the site, you should contact a qualified medical, dietary, fitness or other appropriate professional.9

  • backorders. Any remaining inventory will be to fulfill new orders.If your backordered items are not on these lists, rest assured we are diligently working to make all Sunrider® products available as soon as possible.Thank you for your commitment and loyalty to Sunrider.
  • NOTE:  Diana Walker has included only Nutritional products in this list.
    Many Kandesn and Oi Lin Makeup, Skincare and Bodycare products are also available.

Sunrider Products In Stock Canada and USA – December 2022
CANADA – Sunrider Products In Stock December 9, 2022


(I can’t wait for this to be back in stock. I always have some on hand, for coughs, colds, sore throat, tickle in your throat) INTENSE Relief, and tastes Great!


Beauty Pearl

Diana Walker’s Favourite Product – for Hormone and Emotional Balance
Beauty Pearl helps me so, so much. I haven’t had Beauty Pearl in stock for 2 months. I feel more anxious than usual. I will be ordering 2 or 3 boxes when it comes in!)


(Pets – dogs and cats – love Spirulina and it is terrific for them)!!


Liqui Five (liquid Quinary)




Shop Here:

In USA – Try using the Search bar – Type in the word AVAILABLE –
That way you can easily see what products are AVAILABLE!! Hope it works for you!!


Would you like your own Sunrider USA or Sunrider Canada Customer account to purchase this wonderful nutrition?

Diana Walker would love to help you get started

Order Sunrider products here:



Sunrider Convention 2016

Sunrider Convention 2016

Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker celebrates 20 Years as a Sunrider Business Leader in November 2016!  I tasted my first NuPlus and my first Fortune Delight in 1996, and the Sunrider business and Sunrider products have been life-transforming for me.  I will always be SO grateful to my friend and Sunrider sponsor Trudy Stoelting.  One of our favourite highlights of Sunrider Convention is the Tour of the Manufacturing Facilities.  You will see that we all dress as though we are going into an operating room.  The environment is meticulously clean, and the tour is fascinating.  We can smell the wonderful herbs as we take the guided tour, and we see the giant juicers.  The tour takes hours, the facilities are so gigantic!

Sunrider Foods Organic Diana Walker 2011
Sunrider Foods Organic Diana Walker 2011


Diana Walker Sunrider Business Leader Convention 2016
Diana Walker Sunrider Business Leader Convention 2016

See more information here Sunrider Fortune Delight

Sunrider Customer HereBuy Sunrider Fortune Delight here:

Diana Walker mails out Free Samples of Fortune Delight for all new Customers.
Choices of Flavors:  Peach, Lemon, Cinnamon, Raspberry or Regular – Contact Diana Walker!!

This is an exciting time in Sunrider’s history.

Sunrider Convention 2016 will be held in Long Beach, California, at the end of July 2016

Diana Walker Sunrider Business Leader Convention 2016-2
Diana Walker Sunrider Business Leader Convention 2016-2

Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker Business Leader

I have my Flight booked, Convention ticket purchased, and I’m looking forward to seeing Sunriders from all over the world once again, at this celebration.  The theme for Sunrider Convention 2016 is “Innovate with Sunrider”.

Dr. Reuben Chen and Dr. Tei Fu Chen were again in Vancouver, BC, Canada April 30, 2016.  This was arranged by Sunrider Canada, and I was honoured to be involved.  Invited in the afternoon to a fairly private meeting, plus dinner, then the public meeting.

Dinner photo with Dr. Tei Fu Chen and Dr. Reuben Chen and Craig Holiday, along with other Sunrider Canada Leaders, below.  (Diana Walker Note – I’m on left at the end of the table).  Jim Pendree is at the front left, and Sheryl Fitzharris is front right in the photo.

Sunrider Convention 2016 Sunrider Leaders Vancouver Canada
Sunrider Convention 2016 Sunrider Leaders Vancouver Canada


Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker
Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker
Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Diana Walker Vancouver Oct 16 2015
Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Diana Walker Vancouver Oct 16 2015
Sunrider Convention 2016 Business
Sunrider Convention 2016 Business
Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker Leader
Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker Leader

See more information here Sunrider Fortune Delight

Sunrider Customer HereBuy Sunrider Fortune Delight here:

Diana Walker mails out Free Samples of Fortune Delight for all new Customers.
Choices of Flavors:  Peach, Lemon, Cinnamon, Raspberry or Regular – Contact Diana Walker!!

See more information here:

Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider

Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder Vancouver Canada Visit

Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder, with his son Dr. Reuben Chen, Vice President of Business Development at Sunrider International, visited Vancouver, BC, Canada on October 16th.  Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, took photos, took notes, and took videos.  This is almost a 20-year journey for me (Diana Walker), and it brings me great joy to hear both Drs. Chen speak and share their wisdom with us.

Sunrider Dr Tei Fu Chen Diana Walker Vancouver Oct 16 2015
Sunrider Dr Tei Fu Chen Diana Walker Vancouver Oct 16 2015

Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder

Dr. Tei Fu Chen asked:  “What is the one thing that will make you successful?” ….  There is no free lunch.  We need to work hard and make the right choices.  This is true, and the answer to the question is:  “HABIT”…. Your Habit will determine your Destiny.  Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder emphasized making a habit of calling 2 people a day.  Genius is the result of Practice. Learn how to talk to strangers.  Get referrals.  Every business is a people business.  Dr. Chen is deeply committed to each one of us being successful.

Sunrider Jim Pendree Diana Walker Dr Reuben Chen October 2015
Sunrider Jim Pendree Diana Walker Dr Reuben Chen October 2015

Dr. Reuben Chen Sunrider VP Business Development

Dr. Reuben Chen started out by talking about a Virtual Hug and Real Physical Hugs.  Physical Hugs every day reduce depression and increases endorphin levels.  Hugs need to be 20 seconds, not 3 seconds.  It is important that we feel hugged!  Dr. Reuben Chen also emphasized that Networking, to young people, means Social Networking.  Most attendees have been part of the “Sunrider Family” for a long time.  He emphasized the idea that each one of us is an Influencer, not a Salesperson.

Angelo De Fabrizio is the Sunrider Director, Regional Operations, Canada and Europe did a wonderful job, with his staff, of setting up this lively, educational workshop.  Attendees loved the personal attention and guidance and wisdom shared by the father and son team of Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder, and Dr. Reuben Chen.  It was such a fun and lively evening.

Sunrider Canada Angelo De Fabrizio Diana Walker October 2015
Sunrider Canada Angelo De Fabrizio Diana Walker October 2015

Sunrider Friends and Leaders

I didn’t get photos with all the wonderful friends who attended the Sunrider Canada event but I did get photos of Jim Pendree, Ravi Pathak, Adrian Armstrong, and Mike and Debbi Lang, which I am showing below.

Sunrider Friends Leaders Diana Walker 2015
Sunrider Friends Leaders Diana Walker 2015

Sunrider Canada Staff

I didn’t get photos of all the Sunrider Canada staff, but I am showing the photos that I do have of Sunrider staff below.  Photos taken with Angelo De Fabrizio, Director – Regional Operations, Canada and Europe.  Next photo is me with Ginette Ray.  Thank you, Ginette for all you do!!  I wish I had taken a photo of Treena Tan – she helps me so much with my Sunrider business.  Also shown in the bottom photo is Shu-Ann Hoo, Business Development Manager.

Sunrider Staff Canada 2015 Diana Walker Photo
Sunrider Staff Canada 2015 Diana Walker Photo

Now I am very motivated…. I love my work, which is sharing Sunrider, and it is my passion and my work, so I feel so fortunate!

Get Started with Sunrider here:
Sunrider Customer HereFree Sunrider Account, Canada and USA

Wishing you Vibrant Health and Success!
Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader

Sunrider Vancouver Canada

Sunrider Vancouver Canada

This is an exciting time!  Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Founder of Sunrider, and Dr. Reuben Chen, will be in Vancouver on Friday, October 16, 2015.

I am so grateful for the Chens and for Sunrider – and to Trudy Stoelting for introducing me to Sunrider 19 years ago!

DATE:  Friday, October 16, 2015
TIME:  6:30 p.m.
LOCATION:  Radisson Hotel Vancouver Airport “Cambie Room”
COST:  $10 per person

Sunrider Vancouver Canada Dr Reuben Chen Vancouver BC Canada 2015
Sunrider Vancouver Canada Dr Reuben Chen Vancouver BC Canada 2015

Sunrider Vancouver Canada

I am privileged to be able to meet the Chens annually at Sunrider Conventions in California.
We are fortunate to have Dr Tei Fu Chen and Dr Reuben Chen visit Canada on this North American Tour.
They will be in Vancouver, BC on Friday, October 16, 2015 and also in Regina, Saskatchewan on Saturday, October 17, 2015.

Sunrider Vancouver Canada Diana Walker Dr Reuben Chen Vancouver BC Canada 2015
Sunrider Vancouver Canada Diana Walker Dr Reuben Chen Vancouver BC Canada 2015

I hope to see you at the Sunrider Vancouver Canada Seminar with Dr. Tei Fu Chen and Dr. Reuben Chen!
Mark your calendar – Friday, October 16, 2015 (see details above)
Join us for a Sunrider seminar like never before:
* How to Successfully Start Your Business
* 6 Steps to Talk to New People
* New Product Information and Perspectives
* Sunrider Supplements to Fuel Weight Loss
* Practical Strategies for All Sunrider Business

See you there!
Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader
Sunrider Customer HereClick here —-> Buy Sunrider Canada products


Are Sunrider Chinese Herbs Safe?

Are Sunrider Chinese Herbs Safe?

Sunrider products are made in our company-owned manufacturing plant in Los Angeles, California.

Start Your Healthy Eating Plan Here —-> Diana Walker Sunrider Customer

Our facilities conform to the highest standards of quality control, safety, and energy efficiency.

Our manufacturing processes ensure that all Sunrider® products are not only safe for consumers, but also safe for the environment.

  • Company-owned spotlessly clean manufacturing facilities
  • Self-manufactures natural, whole food products
  • Pharmaceutical-grade, state-of-the-art machinery
  • Only food-grade, biodegradable lubricants and paints are used for Sunrider machinery and equipment in manufacturing
  • The Chens only make products that they and their family use
Are Sunrider Chinese Herbs Safe July 7 2015 Diana Walker Manufacturing Process
Are Sunrider Chinese Herbs Safe July 7 2015 Diana Walker Manufacturing Process

 Are Sunrider Chinese Herbs Safe to Eat?

We are so very, very fortunate to have Dr. Tei Fu Chen – he is a Genius, and a Visionary.


Dr. Chen explained at the 2009 Convention how it has taken him years to develop a process to get rid of heavy metals.

“We use 3 layers of Extraction and Filtration. We are so proud. These are the safest products on the market”

Dr. Chen said


Sunrider Manufacturing

Dr. Chen:
1. Does Not Use Fumigation (which uses Poisonous Gas to remove insects, bacteria and mould)
2. Does NOT Use Radiation (this kills everything, even the taste changes!
(Radiation is Unsafe and changes the chemical composition of herbs, making the herbs lose their

Dr. Chen developed a method to:
1. Get rid of Heavy Metals
2. Sterilize the Herbs

Are Sunrider Chinese Herbs Safe Remove Heavy Metals
Are Sunrider Chinese Herbs Safe Remove Heavy Metals

In 2009 Dr. Chen developed a new sterilization process that is able to eliminate toxicity in the plants and eradicate bacteria, insects and mould.
Most companies in the USA must fumigate or radiate the herbs. Sunrider does not do this because the herbs are already cleaned at our overseas plants.


  • Self-manufacturing
  • Over 2 Million Square Feet Manufacturing space
  • Owner Expertise and all formulas created and prepared by Sunrider
  • Established in 1982 in USA (33 years ago!!) and 1984 in Canada; Proven track record; Respected worldwide


  • Hire out to lowest bidder
  • No Manufacturing facilities, no investment, no long-term commitment
  • Out-source or hire staff to create product
  • Have not proven themselves, may only be in business a few years

Are Sunrider Chinese Herbs Safe? Developed by Dr. Tei Fu Chen

Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Founder of Sunrider International, has shared with us how polluted the world has become.

At one time he was able to just clean the herbs and the product was pure.

Now the toxins are in the water, air and soil, which contribute to high concentrations of heavy metals inside fruits, vegetables, herbs, fish and meat.

In an outstanding achievement for Sunrider, Dr. Chen has developed a new sterilization process that is able to eliminate toxicity in the plants and eradicate bacteria, insects and mould. At the same time, Sunrider products that had previously been concentrated 7 times will now be concentrated up to 40 times. People are experiencing very positive results in just days.

Are Sunrider Chinese Herbs Safe Los Angeles California
Are Sunrider Chinese Herbs Safe Los Angeles California

Sunrider is the only company in the world with this highly advanced technology.

• Sunrider products are concentrated up to 40 times
• Sunrider uses whole foods, not isolated chemicals
• Sunrider products are enhanced for greatest effect
• Sunrider uses only the highest quality ingredients
• Sunrider products, ounce for ounce, cost less (even before factoring in concentration, enhancement and quality)

Start Your Healthy Eating Plan Here —-> Diana Walker Sunrider Customer

Are Sunrider Chinese Herbs Safe Trudy Stoelting, Diana Walker, Randy Fritz
Are Sunrider Chinese Herbs Safe Trudy Stoelting, Diana Walker, Randy Fritz

Video 2012 on Sunrider Manufacturing

Video 2018 on Sunrider Manufacturing

Start Your Healthy Eating Plan Here —-> Diana Walker Sunrider Customer

Sunrider Canada

Sunriders in Canada
You are invited to a Special Sunrider Event in Vancouver, BC, Canada, to meet and learn from Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Founder of Sunrider International and Sunrider Canada.  Phone Diana Walker at 1-800-840-0014 if you need more information.

Sunrider Canada Dr Tei Fu Chen
Sunrider Canada Dr Tei Fu Chen

Here is your Invitation if you live nearby and are able to attend!


LOCATION: Richmond Radisson Hotel,
Vancouver Airport

TIME: 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

Join us for Dr. Chen Special Meeting featuring his Expert Business Advice and extensive Sunrider product knowledge.

Dr. Tei Fu Chen formulates all Sunrider products.

Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Canada in Vancouver BC Canada
Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Canada in Vancouver BC Canada

You are invited to join us in Vancouver, BC, Canada – at the Richmond Radisson Hotel at 8181 Cambie Road in Richmond on Friday, October 14, 2011.  You can phone Sunrider Canada at 604-464-5018 for more information, if necessary.

Sunrider 2011 Awards Diana Walker
Sunrider 2011 Awards Diana Walker

Dr. Chen is flying in to Vancouver Airport and will be sharing his expertise with us at the Radisson Hotel, near the Vancouver Airport.  Founder of Sunrider Fortune Delight and Sunrider Calli Tea, almost 30 years ago.  Sunrider International was formed in 1982 and Sunrider Canada was opened in 1984.  Almost 30 years of wonderful whole food nutrition, healthy for the whole family!

I have been eating and drinking the Sunrider nutrition products for 15 years now, and love them!  Dr. Chen, of course, is the formulator of the wonderful, delicious Calli Tea and Sunrider Fortune Delight beverages.

Sunrider 2011 Awards Diana Walker at Grand Convention.

Dr. Oi Lin Chen and Dr. Tei Fu Chen on left, Diana Walker in turquoise.  Top Award in Canada, and 2nd in North America.

From: SunriderCanada
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 2:33 PM

I hope you can come and enjoy some Sunrider Fortune Delight and Calli Tea with all the other Sunriders!  It is always very fun to get together and learn more and share our knowledge!

Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, Certified TeleClass Leader

Click Here ——>  Order Sunrider Products Free Customer Account

Open Sunrider Customer Free Account and Shop for Sunrider Products

Does Sunrider Calli and Fortune Delight Have Caffeine?

Does Sunrider Calli Tea and Fortune Delight Beverage Have Caffeine? Dr Tei Fu Chen extracts the beneficial ingredients and minimizes the undesirable substances like caffeine and tannic acid.

Sunrider Calli Tea Diana Walker photo Caffeine in Calli Tea?
Sunrider Calli Tea Diana Walker photo Caffeine in Calli Tea?

Does Sunrider Calli and Fortune Delight Have Caffeine?

Does Sunrider Calli and Fortune Delight Have Caffeine?  Get off Coffee  Click Here —> Order Sunrider Calli Tea


Does Sunrider Calli and Fortune Delight Have Caffeine? Here is a quote from Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Master Herbalist and founder of Sunrider International in 1982.  This quote is contained in Sunrider’s Business Update in April 2009:

Camellia Sinensis – Green Tea and Black Tea

When you put traditional green tea in a pot of hot water, you get the good stuff like antioxidants (tea catechins and tea flavonoids) but you also get high levels of caffeine, tannic acid, and alkaloids at the same time.

The challenge is to extract the beneficial ingredients and minimize the undesirable substances like caffeine and tannic acid.

Unfortunately, accomplishing the process is easier said than done.  This process is so important that Sunrider has invested millions of dollars in our extraction process to mazimize the antioxidants and to minimize the caffeine and tannic acid in our herbal beverages.” – Quote from Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Master Herbalist, and owner of Sunrider International.

Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, was able to get off 8 cups of coffee a day with Sunrider Calli Tea Herbal Beverage.  Watch the video here:

Do you want to get off coffee or cola drinks?

Click here ——-> Buy Sunrider Fortune Delight and Calli Tea with Diana Walker in Canada and United States

Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader

CEO, Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles

Sunrider Video #4 Owner Expertise

SUNRIDER VIDEO #4 OWNER EXPERTISE Principle #4 of the Sunrider Philosophy of Regeneration. Discussion of Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Founder of Sunrider International, and his expertise, world-renowned Master Herbalist. Dr. Oi Lin Chen is a Medical Doctor.  Diana Walker video of John Teng, Sunrider USA and Sunrider Canada, visit to Vancouver, BC Canada September 30, 2010:

Click here—-> Easily Order Sunrider Calli Tea and Nutrition Products


Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader  1-800-840-0014

Sunrider Products USA and Canada June23

Sunrider whole foods and Calli Tea are Foods, not Chemicals! Philosophy of Regeneration Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Canada Sunrider USA Diana Walker 1-800-840-0014

Sunrider Products available in USA and Canada buy here: 
Diana Walker Click Here: 

Dr. Tei Fu Chen is the founder of Sunrider International, and has based all Sunrider products on the Philosophy of Regeneration.  Photo of Dr. Tei Fu Chen with Diana Walker and Goldie Caldwell at Sunrider Convention in Hawaii. 

Diana Walker Dr Tei Fu Chen Hawaii Sunrider
Diana Walker Dr Tei Fu Chen Hawaii Sunrider

This Philosophy has 4 important principles. 

Principle #2  is FOOD, NOT CHEMICALS

The body is designed to digest food, not chemicals.  Any time we push too many “chemicals” into our bodies there is always a side effect.  Even vitamins, minerals, protein powders, fats, and carbohydrates by themselves, are just chemicals.

Each element comes from nature, but by themselves the body does not recognize them as food.

Dr. Chen states:  “It would be so easy for me to sell you a protein powder.  Even though the public is given an RDA – Recommended Daily Allowance – of nutrients to consume, the reality is that these quantities are only a generic “one size fits all” standard that does not really address  the exact nutrient requirements for each individual.

The Sunrider whole foods and Calli Tea (whole food beverage) are Foods, not Chemicals!

Where do I buy Sunrider?  Buy Sunrider Calli Tea online with Diana Walker as your Sunrider sponsor and mentor.   I provide free samples of Sunrider Calli Tea to all new customers and to interested customers-to-be in USA and Canada. 

Diana Walker, Sunrider Group Leader, Sunrider Canada and Sunrider USA

Sunrider Products USA and Canada June22

Sunrider products nourish and cleanse your body to achieve Balance. Balance is foundation of Sunrider’s Philosophy of Regeneration, basis of each product. The Chinese culture has 5,000 years of herbal research.

Sunrider Products available in USA and Canada buy here:
Diana Walker Click Here:   

Dr. Tei Fu Chen is the founder of Sunrider International, and has based all Sunrider products on the Philosophy of Regeneration.  Photo of Dr. Tei Fu Chen taken by Diana Walker at Sunrider Convention in Hawaii.

Sunrider Dr Chen Diana Walker photo Hawaii
Sunrider Dr Chen Diana Walker

This Philosophy has 4 important principles.


Sunrider products nourish and cleanse your body to achieve BalanceBalance is the foundation of Sunrider’s Philosophy of Regeneration and the basis of each product.

The Chinese culture has 5,000 years of herbal research and experience.  Dr. Chen has devoted his life to understanding this in order to put foods together in the perfect way. Unlike many other students of Chinese herbology who try to cure a specific illness, Sunrider’s Philosophy of Regeneration is totally different.

The Sunrider whole foods are not created to Cure but rather to create Balance.

Where do I buy Sunrider?
Click here to get started —->  Buy Sunrider Products with Diana Walker as my Coach

Diana Walker provides free samples of Sunrider Calli Tea to all new customers and to interested customers-to-be in USA and Canada.

Diana Walker, Sunrider Group Leader, Sunrider Canada and Sunrider USA
