Sunrider Convention 2016

Sunrider Convention 2016

Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker celebrates 20 Years as a Sunrider Business Leader in November 2016!  I tasted my first NuPlus and my first Fortune Delight in 1996, and the Sunrider business and Sunrider products have been life-transforming for me.  I will always be SO grateful to my friend and Sunrider sponsor Trudy Stoelting.  One of our favourite highlights of Sunrider Convention is the Tour of the Manufacturing Facilities.  You will see that we all dress as though we are going into an operating room.  The environment is meticulously clean, and the tour is fascinating.  We can smell the wonderful herbs as we take the guided tour, and we see the giant juicers.  The tour takes hours, the facilities are so gigantic!

Sunrider Foods Organic Diana Walker 2011
Sunrider Foods Organic Diana Walker 2011


Diana Walker Sunrider Business Leader Convention 2016
Diana Walker Sunrider Business Leader Convention 2016

See more information here Sunrider Fortune Delight

Sunrider Customer HereBuy Sunrider Fortune Delight here:

Diana Walker mails out Free Samples of Fortune Delight for all new Customers.
Choices of Flavors:  Peach, Lemon, Cinnamon, Raspberry or Regular – Contact Diana Walker!!

This is an exciting time in Sunrider’s history.

Sunrider Convention 2016 will be held in Long Beach, California, at the end of July 2016

Diana Walker Sunrider Business Leader Convention 2016-2
Diana Walker Sunrider Business Leader Convention 2016-2

Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker Business Leader

I have my Flight booked, Convention ticket purchased, and I’m looking forward to seeing Sunriders from all over the world once again, at this celebration.  The theme for Sunrider Convention 2016 is “Innovate with Sunrider”.

Dr. Reuben Chen and Dr. Tei Fu Chen were again in Vancouver, BC, Canada April 30, 2016.  This was arranged by Sunrider Canada, and I was honoured to be involved.  Invited in the afternoon to a fairly private meeting, plus dinner, then the public meeting.

Dinner photo with Dr. Tei Fu Chen and Dr. Reuben Chen and Craig Holiday, along with other Sunrider Canada Leaders, below.  (Diana Walker Note – I’m on left at the end of the table).  Jim Pendree is at the front left, and Sheryl Fitzharris is front right in the photo.

Sunrider Convention 2016 Sunrider Leaders Vancouver Canada
Sunrider Convention 2016 Sunrider Leaders Vancouver Canada


Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker
Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker
Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Diana Walker Vancouver Oct 16 2015
Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Diana Walker Vancouver Oct 16 2015
Sunrider Convention 2016 Business
Sunrider Convention 2016 Business
Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker Leader
Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker Leader

See more information here Sunrider Fortune Delight

Sunrider Customer HereBuy Sunrider Fortune Delight here:

Diana Walker mails out Free Samples of Fortune Delight for all new Customers.
Choices of Flavors:  Peach, Lemon, Cinnamon, Raspberry or Regular – Contact Diana Walker!!

See more information here:

Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider

Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder Vancouver Canada Visit

Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder, with his son Dr. Reuben Chen, Vice President of Business Development at Sunrider International, visited Vancouver, BC, Canada on October 16th.  Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, took photos, took notes, and took videos.  This is almost a 20-year journey for me (Diana Walker), and it brings me great joy to hear both Drs. Chen speak and share their wisdom with us.

Sunrider Dr Tei Fu Chen Diana Walker Vancouver Oct 16 2015
Sunrider Dr Tei Fu Chen Diana Walker Vancouver Oct 16 2015

Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder

Dr. Tei Fu Chen asked:  “What is the one thing that will make you successful?” ….  There is no free lunch.  We need to work hard and make the right choices.  This is true, and the answer to the question is:  “HABIT”…. Your Habit will determine your Destiny.  Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder emphasized making a habit of calling 2 people a day.  Genius is the result of Practice. Learn how to talk to strangers.  Get referrals.  Every business is a people business.  Dr. Chen is deeply committed to each one of us being successful.

Sunrider Jim Pendree Diana Walker Dr Reuben Chen October 2015
Sunrider Jim Pendree Diana Walker Dr Reuben Chen October 2015

Dr. Reuben Chen Sunrider VP Business Development

Dr. Reuben Chen started out by talking about a Virtual Hug and Real Physical Hugs.  Physical Hugs every day reduce depression and increases endorphin levels.  Hugs need to be 20 seconds, not 3 seconds.  It is important that we feel hugged!  Dr. Reuben Chen also emphasized that Networking, to young people, means Social Networking.  Most attendees have been part of the “Sunrider Family” for a long time.  He emphasized the idea that each one of us is an Influencer, not a Salesperson.

Angelo De Fabrizio is the Sunrider Director, Regional Operations, Canada and Europe did a wonderful job, with his staff, of setting up this lively, educational workshop.  Attendees loved the personal attention and guidance and wisdom shared by the father and son team of Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder, and Dr. Reuben Chen.  It was such a fun and lively evening.

Sunrider Canada Angelo De Fabrizio Diana Walker October 2015
Sunrider Canada Angelo De Fabrizio Diana Walker October 2015

Sunrider Friends and Leaders

I didn’t get photos with all the wonderful friends who attended the Sunrider Canada event but I did get photos of Jim Pendree, Ravi Pathak, Adrian Armstrong, and Mike and Debbi Lang, which I am showing below.

Sunrider Friends Leaders Diana Walker 2015
Sunrider Friends Leaders Diana Walker 2015

Sunrider Canada Staff

I didn’t get photos of all the Sunrider Canada staff, but I am showing the photos that I do have of Sunrider staff below.  Photos taken with Angelo De Fabrizio, Director – Regional Operations, Canada and Europe.  Next photo is me with Ginette Ray.  Thank you, Ginette for all you do!!  I wish I had taken a photo of Treena Tan – she helps me so much with my Sunrider business.  Also shown in the bottom photo is Shu-Ann Hoo, Business Development Manager.

Sunrider Staff Canada 2015 Diana Walker Photo
Sunrider Staff Canada 2015 Diana Walker Photo

Now I am very motivated…. I love my work, which is sharing Sunrider, and it is my passion and my work, so I feel so fortunate!

Get Started with Sunrider here:
Sunrider Customer HereFree Sunrider Account, Canada and USA

Wishing you Vibrant Health and Success!
Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader

Sunrider Vancouver Canada

Sunrider Vancouver Canada

This is an exciting time!  Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Founder of Sunrider, and Dr. Reuben Chen, will be in Vancouver on Friday, October 16, 2015.

I am so grateful for the Chens and for Sunrider – and to Trudy Stoelting for introducing me to Sunrider 19 years ago!

DATE:  Friday, October 16, 2015
TIME:  6:30 p.m.
LOCATION:  Radisson Hotel Vancouver Airport “Cambie Room”
COST:  $10 per person

Sunrider Vancouver Canada Dr Reuben Chen Vancouver BC Canada 2015
Sunrider Vancouver Canada Dr Reuben Chen Vancouver BC Canada 2015

Sunrider Vancouver Canada

I am privileged to be able to meet the Chens annually at Sunrider Conventions in California.
We are fortunate to have Dr Tei Fu Chen and Dr Reuben Chen visit Canada on this North American Tour.
They will be in Vancouver, BC on Friday, October 16, 2015 and also in Regina, Saskatchewan on Saturday, October 17, 2015.

Sunrider Vancouver Canada Diana Walker Dr Reuben Chen Vancouver BC Canada 2015
Sunrider Vancouver Canada Diana Walker Dr Reuben Chen Vancouver BC Canada 2015

I hope to see you at the Sunrider Vancouver Canada Seminar with Dr. Tei Fu Chen and Dr. Reuben Chen!
Mark your calendar – Friday, October 16, 2015 (see details above)
Join us for a Sunrider seminar like never before:
* How to Successfully Start Your Business
* 6 Steps to Talk to New People
* New Product Information and Perspectives
* Sunrider Supplements to Fuel Weight Loss
* Practical Strategies for All Sunrider Business

See you there!
Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader
Sunrider Customer HereClick here —-> Buy Sunrider Canada products


Sunrider International Sunrider Canada Vancouver March 2013

Sunrider Simply the Best Canada Diana Walker Healthy Living
Sunrider Simply the Best Canada Diana Walker Healthy Living

Sunrider International and Sunrider Canada Seminar in Vancouver
Listen here to our Conference Call – with Diana Walker hosting, and guest speakers Trudy Stoelting, Diane Haryett and Barb Rowe.  This is a dynamic call and I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed providing this for you!  Listen here:

Dr. Reuben Chen, Acupuncturist, and Medical Doctor, arrived in Richmond, BC, Canada to introduce Sunrider’s new Weight Management system, SunTrim Plus, Sunfit program.  Julie McLewee provided a beautiful demonstration on Kandesn natural skincare and makeup.

Dr Reuben Chen and Angelo de Fabrizio Sunrider Canada
Dr Reuben Chen and Angelo de Fabrizio Sunrider Canada
Sunrider 2013 Fitness Program Weight Loss with SunTrim Plus
Sunrider 2013 Fitness Program Weight Loss with SunTrim Plus