Sunrider Cleansing and Detox

Sunrider Cleansing and Detox

Sunrider Cleansing and Detox and The Philosophy of Regeneration – Sunrider is a lifestyle that coordinates and balances the workings of all the systems of our body.  When our body’s systems are balanced and synchronized, they all work together harmoniously in the way they were intended.   WE FEEL GOOD!

Sunrider Cleansing and Detox Diana Walker

Symptoms are the body’s signal that something is wrong.

The best way to get rid of symptoms is to correct the cause.  When the cause of the symptom is removed, our whole body can function properly.  Our body is designed to take care of itself.  Our body is a self-contained, self-healing, self-regulating survival machine.  When we disobey the natural laws the disease momentum increases, and it can be like a runaway car.
As we begin to eat Sunrider foods the disease momentum is brought to a stop and we begin to feel better.  Then we must get the car turned around and begin the trip toward health.  It is back up the same road.  We have no way of knowing just what road you took to find Sunrider, so we cannot tell what road you will take back, but it will be exactly the same one.  This time you will be traveling in the direction of health.


Sunrider nutrition is gentle yet powerful.

Learn more here:

Sunrider Cleansing and Detox – The regeneration cycle may produce symptoms new to you.
If you had a hysterectomy, as your body’s energy is rebalanced, the body will attempt to send the proper amount of energy to the uterus.  But of course, there is no uterus.  The energy has been dispatched and now must be diverted into alternate pathways, causing temporary discomfort.  If you had a broken arm, which healed naturally, you will not get these symptoms as that area is cleansed because it healed in a way nature intended.
A lack of body awareness accompanies a sickened condition.  This is what permits the body to degenerate.  If a person is in tune they will become aware something is wrong and make the necessary changes as they go along to overcome the problem before it has a chance to become a full blown disease.

Some symptoms of healing:
*Headaches *Chills *Dripping nose   *Body odour
*Rashes *Boils    *Old aches and pains coming back






Some toxins in the body that may cause reactions as they leave.

Pharmaceutical Drugs
One of the largest sources of the body toxins are the drugs people take to fight disease.  Medicinal drugs are very strong to overcome the body’s natural defense system.  They are either eliminated or stored within to be eliminated later.
As you get better and the drugs are discontinued, the old toxins enter the bloodstream for elimination.  The circulation of these old drug toxins in the system may produce bewildering symptoms that can be alarming.  You may even taste them in the mouth as they leave the body.

Every drug taken leaves its mark on the body.  They are stored in the fatty tissues and the organs.  As the body regains health, the drug deposits are put into circulation  for elimination.  Several varieties  may enter the bloodstream at the same time causing rashes as they leave the body through the skin.

Suggested Sunrider products:  Since the drugs are stored in the fat and leave the body with the fat, drink the Fortune Delight and eat the Sunrider  Sunbar.

Caffeine and Nicotine
Heavy smokers or coffee drinkers may experience nervous irritability and emotional outbreaks the same as drug addicts when they are detoxing.  Nicotine and caffeine damage the nervous system and upset the vascular system, so symptoms such as headaches, edginess, mental cloudiness are expected.  People who go on a health program, or lifestyle change, and still drink coffee and smoke are committing serious offense on their bodies.  They will pay the price.
Sunrider Cleansing and Detox – Suggested Sunrider  products:  With the Sunrider program, the symptoms of going off the addicting caffeine and nicotine are greatly reduced or not present at all.  Products which help with addictions are Sunny Dew or Sunectar (it is the sugar in cigarettes, pop, etc. that are so addicting), NuPlus (good nutrition just naturally helps with cravings), Vitataste, ESE, Sunrider Calli to pull out old toxins.

Salt and Other Condiments
Old salt deposits in the body exit through the skin and kidneys.  Sometimes you will have a salty taste in the mouth.
Suggested Sunrider products:  Because the craving for salt is simply a body out  of balance as with sugar based items, the Sunrider program is very much the same as for nicotine and caffeine.

White Sugar Withdrawal
Eliminating sugar from the diet may make a person feel slightly nervous and hyperactive.  Mood changes, are noticeable.  Reformed sugar addicts may feel periods of depression as their blood sugar tries to right itself.
Suggested Sunrider products:  With the Sunrider program, the symptoms of going off the addiction effects of sugar are greatly reduced or not present at all.  The same products as for the other addictions.

Heavy Metal Elimination
Almost every person is poisoned by deposits of heavy metals in the body.  Lead, aluminum, mercury, copper and arsenic collect in organs throughout the body.  They are difficult to eliminate, and may cause headaches and a general achiness all through the body.  The gums may hurt and the kidneys may throb as these metals leave the organs and bones.  Heavy metal poisoning is very common due to all the environmental toxins.  As you eliminate these metals, bear the aches and realize they are leaving your body forever.
Suggested Sunrider products:  With the Sunrider program the symptoms of ridding the body of heavy metals are greatly reduced or not present at all.  The most important product for removal of heavy metals is Sunrider Calli Tea beverage.  It pulls the heavy metals from the tissues and flushes them out of the body.

Meat Eating and the Acid Body Condition
· Meat eating creates an acid condition in the body.  When meat is eliminated, the body tries to return to its natural alkaline condition.
· A sour disagreeable odor may emit from the body as the acids leave or are neutralized.
· Bad breath, dark urine and a bitter taste in the mouth.
· Weakness in the arms or legs may occur, because the body’s energies are going toward neutralizing and eliminating the acid toxins.
· Exercise, good sleep and lack of stress, sunshine and fresh air are powerful help.
Fresh fruits and vegetables also very beneficial.
Suggested Sunrider products:  These symptoms may or may not occur.
The products suggested are Calli, NuPlus, Quinary, Sunbars.

Headaches are the body’s most common warning signal of toxicity.  The toxic load in the body has increased so fast that poisons are circulating in the bloodstream and cause irritation to the brain and nerves.  A quick way to relieve headaches is a brisk outdoor walk or run.  Increases elimination and provides relief.
Suggested Sunrider products:  Areas to look at with headaches are the digestive and hormonal systems.  Most headaches are caused by a build up of toxins in the colon, impacted colon, or an imbalance in the hormonal system.  Sunbreeze Oil or Balm are very soothing while waiting.

Upset stomach and Diarrhea
When food is not being digested properly or is passing right through the body, this is the body’s way of telling you to go light on food because you are going through a time of cleansing.
Suggested Sunrider products:  Calli, Assimilaid (A.D. in Canada), Evergreen, Vitadophilus, Sunbars.

You need to eat food high in water content, fruit (such as melons).  Also drink lots of water.  There is not enough fluid in the body so fluid is drawn from the colon to help the body.  This leads to impactions of fecal material and since they can’t leave the colon, a leaching back into the body of these materials through the liver and back to the tissues.
Suggested Sunrider products:  Lots of Calli, Fortune Delight, Sunbars, Fibertone, Assimilaid (A.D. in Canada), Evergreen, Vitadophilus.

Weight Loss or Management
Weight loss or managing the weight is a side benefit of cleaning up the diet.  Since sodium holds water in the tissues, from five to fifteen pounds of water alone may be lost when salt is greatly reduced in the diet.
In some individuals, five to twenty pounds of old fecal matter may be eliminated from the colon.
The body will also try to eliminate all diseased tissue in an effort to rebuild a healthy body.  Movement will help rebuild the body with lean, muscle tissue.  Almost all symptoms during a transition to a health promoting diet are due to the body’s efforts to detoxify itself as rapidly as possible.
Suggested Sunrider products:  NuPlus, Calli, Fortune Delight, Quinary, Sunbars, Sunrider Stevia (Sunectar/SunnyDew in USA and Suncare/Suncare Plus in Canada, Vitataste, Vitadophilus

Sunrider Cleansing and Detox
The basic foundation of Sunrider is the “Philosophy of Regeneration” Which means:

1.   The body has the ability to heal itself, naturally.
2.  When given the proper nutrition from live, organic, pure, whole foods.
3.  Each person must take responsibility for themselves.

Sunpack is Sunriders foundation of proper nutrition.  The Sunpack includes foods to Nourish Balance and Cleanse our body for proper nutrition from live, organic, pure, whole foods.

Read more about NBC – Nourish, Balance, Cleanse (Sunrider Sunpack – also called the Basic Program)

Nourish with Nuplus, Sunny Dew, Sunectar
Balance with Quinary.
Cleanse with Calli, Fortune Delight
Relax with Sunbreeze Oil or Balm.

Movement, plenty of rest, fresh air and sunshine.  Have faith in yourself!  You will become a new person, healthier and more alive!!!  Keep yourself positive, loving, forgiving, kind and happy.

It would be my joy and pleasure to help you get started on these wonderful and delicious plant-based whole foods here:

Sunrider Customer HereI mail free Sunrider samples to all new Customers.

Sunrider Diana Walker Fortune Delight

Sunrider Diana Walker Fortune Delight

Sunrider Diana Walker Fortune Delight and Evergreen and Vitashake and Quinary – These are just a few of the Sunrider products that I eat and drink every day, and I have for over 22 years.  My Family and Extended Family all love Sunrider whole food plant-based nutrition.

My sons are flying back to the Caribbean.  They loved having Sunrider Fortune Delight and Evergreen when they were here.  My sisters and I always take our Sunrider products when we are travelling.  We are definitely a “Sunrider Family”!!

Sunrider Diana Walker Fortune Delight

I am so grateful.  Here’s why!

  1.  Sunrider Founder Dr. Tei Fu Chen was so far ahead of everyone, and started Sunrider International over 40 years ago (in 1982)
  2.  I don’t have to do my own juicing!!!  Juiced plants are so popular now!!!  Dr. Tei Fu Chen started juicing plants over 40 years ago.  His expertise in juicing and drying the exact herbs and plants that we need to live a vibrantly healthy life, is unsurpassed.
  3. The Fortune Delight, Vitashake and Evergreen are a delicious and convenient way to get powerful antioxidants and nutrition daily.
  4. It is so easy to get Whole Food Concentrates.  Whole foods are what we want.  Our bodies do not know how to process vitamins and minerals when they are isolated.  That is not how we are made!  Our cells need whole food nutrition, preferably lots and lots of PLANTS!

Owner expertise is especially important in the health and beauty industry to evaluate the safety, quality, and effectiveness of the herbs.

Dr. Tei-Fu Chen has a degree in Pharmacy and is a world-renowned Herbalist.

Dr. Oi-Lin Chen is a licensed Medical Doctor in the United States.

They lead a team of scientists to research, formulate, and manufacture all of Sunrider’s products. You will never find questionable or unsafe ingredients in our products.

Fortune Delight®
Comes in 5 Delicious flavours: Lemon, Peach, Raspberry, Cinnamon and Original
See more information here:

* Cleanses the body with naturally derived antioxidants
* Provides healthy hydration for workouts or dieting
* Revitalizes without a sugar or caffeine “crash”
* Supports any weight-loss program

Sunrider Diana Walker Fortune Delight and Sunrider Philosophy of Regeneration

What makes Sunrider products the best?

• The Philosophy of Regeneration®:

A unique blueprint by which every Sunrider® product is made to help Nourish, Balance and Cleanse the body so it can run optimally.
See more here on NBC (Nourish, Balance, Cleanse with Sunrider):

• Concentration:

Of course antioxidants are good for you, but their benefits are multiplied exponentially with proper concentration.
That’s why every Sunrider® product is highly concentrated—to provide maximum benefits and effectiveness.

• Owner Expertise:

Sunrider’s owners are professionals in Medicine, Pharmacy, and Herbal Studies
They know exactly what they are doing and what goes into every product.
To assist in product endeavors, Sunrider hires only the most talented, experienced, knowledgeable professionals.

According to the Philosophy of Regeneration™, the body can balance itself when nourished and cleansed with the proper nutrition.

Thus, all Sunrider® products are exclusively formulated to keep a balance between yin (nourish) and yang (cleanse) and the body’s five systems.

Sunrider Diana Walker Fortune Delight

It would be my joy and pleasure to help you get started on these wonderful and delicious plant-based whole foods here:

Sunrider Customer HereI mail free Sunrider samples to all new Customers.


Sunrider Diana Walker Fortune Delight

Sunrider Diana Walker Fortune Delight and Vitashake

Sunrider Diana Walker Fortune Delight