Sunrider TeleClass Beauty Pearl Stress Help
We had a fantastic TeleClass today with 4 Sunrider Leaders
Diana Walker – Sunrider Leader for 15 years
Trudy Stoelting – Sunrider Leader for 16 years
Barb Rowe – Sunrider Leader for 22 years
Diane Haryett – Sunrider Leader for 28 years

Sunrider TeleClass Beauty Pearl Stress Help
Here are resources for you if you are interested in more inner calm, clearer thinking, less emotional ups and downs, more peaceful sleep, and balance in your life:
1. Audio: Stress Solutions Sunrider TeleClass Diana Walker Host 33 Minutes Nov.16-11
AUDIO – You may prefer to listen right here:
2. Document: Stress Sunrider Solutions
3. Link: Stress Help Sunrider Quinary
We have covered Sunrider TOP, ESE, Prime Again (called P.A. in Canada), Beauty Pearl and Vitaspray. We also emphasized that all of us enjoy Sunrider Calli Tea and Fortune Delight, along with these other formulas.
Sunrider Beauty Pearl, along with Sunrider ESE, TOP and Quinary have natural calming properties. Sunrider Vitaspray B-vitamin spray was also discussed.
These are powerful formulas for Relaxation, Balance, Concentration and Joy.
During our TeleClass today, Sunrider Leaders discussed the power of these formulas and provided stories from our own experience on what a difference they have made in our lives.
Sunrider TeleClass Beauty Pearl – 1 to 2 pearls a day
Beauty Pearl is nutrient-rich food that was originally developed for the Empress of China to provide beautiful skin and preserve youthfulness.
Beauty Pearl Ingredients: Honey, Korean White Ginseng, Chrysanthemum Flower, Royal Jelly Extract.
This formula, which is hundreds of years old, comes to us from the ancient Chinese herbal manuscripts. The Chinese understood that true beauty comes from proper nutrition. Beauty Pearls are not only for women, but men and children can also eat them.
- Helps re-establish normal, stabilized hormone system balance for both men and women.
- Relief from PMS symptoms and hot flashes.
- Cell nourishment for the skin all over the body.
- Improved skin texture and conditions.
- Promotes moisture retention on the face and other areas of the body.
- Enables the body to better assimilate other foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
- Promotes youthfulness and a positive attitude.
- High in assimilable calcium
- Emotional support
- More peaceful sleep (when taken before going to bed)
ESE – 2 to 3 capsules a day
- Clearer Concentration
- Soothing to the mind
- Nourishes the nervous system
- Increased capacity to handle stress
- Relief of addictive cravings
Sunrider TOP – 2 to 3 capsules daily
- Improved Mental Clarity and Brain Function
- Nourishing herbs to maintain mental and emotional balance
- Nourishes occipital part of the brain
- Nourishes the production of Endorphins
- Promotes Calmness
A still and focused mind lets us concentrate keenly during periods of activity, yet sleep peacefully during periods of rest.
We have covered Sunrider ancient Chinese herbal formulas on the TeleClass.
If you would like to order Sunrider products, in Canada or USA, Diana Walker can help you.
Click Here: Buy Sunrider Products with Diana Walker as your sponsor and coach