Stress Help Sunrider Quinary

Stress Help Sunrider Quinary

Stress Help Sunrider Quinary

Stress is caused by Change.  Sunrider Quinary, an ancient natural plant-based herbal formula, can help with stress in your life.

What is Stress?

To your body, stress is synonymous with Change.  Anything that causes a change in your life causes stress.  It doesn’t matter if it is a “good” change, or a “bad” change, they are both stress.

Good Changes Cause Stress, for example:
1.  Finding your perfect home
2.  Winning the Lottery
3.  Travel

Bad Changes Cause Stress, for example:
1.  Losing your Job
2.  Illness
3.  Emotional stress – arguments, disagreements, conflicts
4.  Working too hard
5.  Partying too hard

Symptoms can include:
1.  Brain Overstress – Fatigue, aches, pains, crying spells, depression, anxiety attacks, sleep disturbance
2. Digestive Problems – ulcer, cramps, diarrhea, colitis, irritable bowel
3.  Hormonal Problems – thyroid gland malfunction
4.  Circulatory/Cardiovascular – high blood pressure, heart attack, abnormal heart beat, stroke
5.  Skin – itchy skin rashes
6.  Immune System – decreased resistance to infections, colds, flus

If you need help with stress, please join our Sunrider TeleClass – Stress Relief Nutrition TeleClass – on Wednesday, November 16, 2011.  The recording will be there, if you miss the class.  Everyone is welcome to dial in to the class, whether you are a Sunrider or not.  There will be an abundance of wisdom shared by Diana Walker, Certified TeleClass Leader, along with 3 special guests from Canada and USA.

You may also like to learn more about Sunrider Quinary, one of Diana Walker’s favorite Sunrider products, in this recent video:


I wish you Vibrant Health!

Diana Walker, Certified TeleClass Leader
Sunrider Leader, Cravings Coach, Nutrition Coach


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