Sunrider NuPlus Whole Foods for Energy

Sunrider NuPlus Whole Foods for Energy

Whole foods are foods that are eaten in their natural state and are unprocessed and unrefined. They do not contain any additives like  preservatives, chemicals, salt, sugar or fat.

Sunrider NuPlus Whole Foods for Energy
~ What are Whole Foods?

Sunrider NuPlus is Nutrient-Dense and is referred to as “Whole Food” even though it comes in packages, because Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Founder of Sunrider International, purposely makes sure to keep the whole food structure intact in Sunrider NuPlus and other herbal plant-based formulas.

Cells require Carbohydrates, Healthy Enzymes, Proteins and Healthy Fats in order to run properly and extend steady levels of Energy to the Body.

Sunrider NuPlus Whole Foods for Energy Diana WalkerUsually, the term whole foods mainly refers to vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, but, protein can be whole as long as it does not include any processing, for example, a plain chicken breast versus chicken nuggets, or grilled fish versus fish sticks.

The term whole foods should not be confused with organic, because while whole foods can be organic, they are not automatically so.

Processing typically removes all the vital nutrients from foods that they had  in their original whole state and so they do not contribute to overall health and wellness as they would had they been eaten in their whole state.

A good example of this is white bread, rice, pasta and other refined grain foods. In processing the components of the whole grain that contain its most valuable nutrients, specifically fiber, are eliminated in milling when the bran and the coat of the grain are removed.

Another important distinction is the fact that processing also adds unnecessary ingredients, like sugar and fat.

Whole foods are Nutrient Dense, versus Processed (Refined) foods that are Energy Dense.

What is the difference?

Nutrient dense foods provide vital nutrition the body needs, like vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants without added sugar and fat, while energy dense foods are high in EMPTY CALORIES that provide little or no nutrition.

Ideally a whole food is one ingredient, for example, an apple, chicken breast, baked sweet potato wedges, cucumber, steel cut oatmeal.

While we may cook and combine these ingredients to make a multi ingredient dish, the foods themselves maintain their whole integrity because they are not altered.

Example: A grilled chicken breast eaten with baked sweet potato wedges on the side is a whole food meal, but, a fried chicken breast with a side of French fries is a processed meal.

Another Example: A baked potato is a whole food, potato chips is a processed food.

What are Whole Foods?
Sunrider NuPlus Whole Foods for Energy you can have More Energy, Better Sleep, Nutrition, don’t feel as hungry with Carbs Enzymes, Proteins, Healthy Fats.

Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, will mail you free samples of Sunrider NuPlus if you live in Canada or USA and have not already received samples and if you are a new Customer

Read more about Sunrider NuPlus here:

I would love to provide more education on Healthy Lifestyles and Whole Foods here:


Sunrider Products USA and Canada June23

Sunrider whole foods and Calli Tea are Foods, not Chemicals! Philosophy of Regeneration Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Canada Sunrider USA Diana Walker 1-800-840-0014

Sunrider Products available in USA and Canada buy here: 
Diana Walker Click Here: 

Dr. Tei Fu Chen is the founder of Sunrider International, and has based all Sunrider products on the Philosophy of Regeneration.  Photo of Dr. Tei Fu Chen with Diana Walker and Goldie Caldwell at Sunrider Convention in Hawaii. 

Diana Walker Dr Tei Fu Chen Hawaii Sunrider
Diana Walker Dr Tei Fu Chen Hawaii Sunrider

This Philosophy has 4 important principles. 

Principle #2  is FOOD, NOT CHEMICALS

The body is designed to digest food, not chemicals.  Any time we push too many “chemicals” into our bodies there is always a side effect.  Even vitamins, minerals, protein powders, fats, and carbohydrates by themselves, are just chemicals.

Each element comes from nature, but by themselves the body does not recognize them as food.

Dr. Chen states:  “It would be so easy for me to sell you a protein powder.  Even though the public is given an RDA – Recommended Daily Allowance – of nutrients to consume, the reality is that these quantities are only a generic “one size fits all” standard that does not really address  the exact nutrient requirements for each individual.

The Sunrider whole foods and Calli Tea (whole food beverage) are Foods, not Chemicals!

Where do I buy Sunrider?  Buy Sunrider Calli Tea online with Diana Walker as your Sunrider sponsor and mentor.   I provide free samples of Sunrider Calli Tea to all new customers and to interested customers-to-be in USA and Canada. 

Diana Walker, Sunrider Group Leader, Sunrider Canada and Sunrider USA