Sunrider Business Convention 2017

Sunrider Business Convention 2017

Sunrider Business Convention 2017 will be held in California.  We (Diana Walker and Trudy Stoelting)  have our hotels and flights booked for the wonderful event July 24 to 29, 2017.  This will be our 20th Convention!!  Celebrating 35 Years of Sunrider – Changing Lives!

Sunrider Business Convention 2017 Diana Walker
Sunrider Business Convention 2017 Diana Walker

Sunrider EXISTING Preferred Customer Transition

Transition Plan for EXISTING IBOs to Preferred Customers Starting June 1, 2017

  1.  Current IBOs can transition to a Preferred Customer from June 1, 2017- May 31, 2018
  2.  No Cost
  3.  Pay the IBO (Wholesale) price.
  4.  Pay the IBO price indefinitely, as long as you purchase $200 every 6 months
  5.  No renewal fee and no autoship necessary

IBOs will need to initiate the transition to Preferred Customers since Sunrider International cannot legally change their status without their consent.

After June 1, 2017 —  You can fill out a form on Sunrider’s website, email, or call the Sunrider office to make the change.

Sunrider Business Convention 2017
New Plan Advantages: Legal Compliance

FTC settlements will cost Vemma $238 million and cost Herbalife $200 million!

The change in legal landscape BENEFITS us! • At least 51% of our revenue must come from Retail Customers. • A Retail Customer is someone who is not involved in the business.  IBO consumers don’t count! • Our new Preferred Customer program will help us distinguish between Retail Customers and IBOs. • This is a huge opportunity for Sunrider! • Sunrider is successful because of our amazing products. And now our customers have an even better loyalty program!

Sunrider Business Convention 2017
3 Ways to Join Sunrider after June 1, 2017

1. Retail Customer – pay retail price.
(Retail Price will be lowered about 10% after June 1, 2017. IBO price is the same.)

2. Preferred Customer

*  Enroll with an annual $30 fee and enjoy 5% off retail price.
*  Enroll in monthly Autoship and earn 10% off retail price.

3. Independent Business Owner

*  Purchase a Starter Pack ($120) and enjoy 10% off retail price.
*  Pay an annual renewal fee of $120.
The renewal fee is a standard industry practice and includes:
* IBO Pages
* Sunrider University
* Business Center and Mobile App
* SunSpot Newsletter, Product Catalog, SunWriter Magazine, and other printed marketing tools.

Sunrider Customer HereGet Started with Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, here:

or here:


Sunrider Convention 2016

Sunrider Convention 2016

Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker celebrates 20 Years as a Sunrider Business Leader in November 2016!  I tasted my first NuPlus and my first Fortune Delight in 1996, and the Sunrider business and Sunrider products have been life-transforming for me.  I will always be SO grateful to my friend and Sunrider sponsor Trudy Stoelting.  One of our favourite highlights of Sunrider Convention is the Tour of the Manufacturing Facilities.  You will see that we all dress as though we are going into an operating room.  The environment is meticulously clean, and the tour is fascinating.  We can smell the wonderful herbs as we take the guided tour, and we see the giant juicers.  The tour takes hours, the facilities are so gigantic!

Sunrider Foods Organic Diana Walker 2011
Sunrider Foods Organic Diana Walker 2011


Diana Walker Sunrider Business Leader Convention 2016
Diana Walker Sunrider Business Leader Convention 2016

See more information here Sunrider Fortune Delight

Sunrider Customer HereBuy Sunrider Fortune Delight here:

Diana Walker mails out Free Samples of Fortune Delight for all new Customers.
Choices of Flavors:  Peach, Lemon, Cinnamon, Raspberry or Regular – Contact Diana Walker!!

This is an exciting time in Sunrider’s history.

Sunrider Convention 2016 will be held in Long Beach, California, at the end of July 2016

Diana Walker Sunrider Business Leader Convention 2016-2
Diana Walker Sunrider Business Leader Convention 2016-2

Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker Business Leader

I have my Flight booked, Convention ticket purchased, and I’m looking forward to seeing Sunriders from all over the world once again, at this celebration.  The theme for Sunrider Convention 2016 is “Innovate with Sunrider”.

Dr. Reuben Chen and Dr. Tei Fu Chen were again in Vancouver, BC, Canada April 30, 2016.  This was arranged by Sunrider Canada, and I was honoured to be involved.  Invited in the afternoon to a fairly private meeting, plus dinner, then the public meeting.

Dinner photo with Dr. Tei Fu Chen and Dr. Reuben Chen and Craig Holiday, along with other Sunrider Canada Leaders, below.  (Diana Walker Note – I’m on left at the end of the table).  Jim Pendree is at the front left, and Sheryl Fitzharris is front right in the photo.

Sunrider Convention 2016 Sunrider Leaders Vancouver Canada
Sunrider Convention 2016 Sunrider Leaders Vancouver Canada


Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker
Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker
Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Diana Walker Vancouver Oct 16 2015
Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Diana Walker Vancouver Oct 16 2015
Sunrider Convention 2016 Business
Sunrider Convention 2016 Business
Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker Leader
Sunrider Convention 2016 Diana Walker Leader

See more information here Sunrider Fortune Delight

Sunrider Customer HereBuy Sunrider Fortune Delight here:

Diana Walker mails out Free Samples of Fortune Delight for all new Customers.
Choices of Flavors:  Peach, Lemon, Cinnamon, Raspberry or Regular – Contact Diana Walker!!

See more information here:

Sunrider IBO Pages Diana Walker

Sunrider IBO Pages Diana Walker

Sunrider IBO Pages – Hello Sunriders!

We have some great news, especially if you are considering the Sunrider Business.
Sunrider IBO Pages are now available for US Sunriders.
The Sunrider IBO Pages will be available in Canada in the near future.

As it is still not 100% glitch free and is still in Beta mode, Sunrider will not charge you monthly fees at this time.
So take advantage of this long awaited possibility.

Contact Diana Walker if you want to watch  the exciting presentation regarding the launching of Sunrider IBO Pages (40 min), which explains many important things.

After listening, create your user-friendly website in just minutes to support your sponsoring activities.
To get started with your own IBO Pages and participate in the superior Sunrider Business opportunity, contact Diana Walker.

Sunrider IBO Pages Diana Walker Sunrider Business
Sunrider IBO Pages Diana Walker Sunrider Business

NuPlus back in Canada

I just wanted to say how amazing we feel to have Nuplus back in Canada.  For those of you who are new, here is some awesome information that may help you understand why we are so excited!!  Just try it for yourself and your body will THANK YOU!

How does NUPLUS benefit the body’s functions, tissues, and cells?

* It helps maintain a healthy defense system and nervous system
*  Promotes healthy cholesterol levels and helps burn fat
*  Helps the body regulate metabolism
*  Nourishes joints and muscles
*  Gives energy to brain (promoting mental and emotional stability) and muscles (supplying energy)

Some People call it “Food for life support”

NuPlus contains 5 “tastes” and 5 “colors”.

The taste of the food indicates the benefit the food has on the body.  When you eat all five tastes at each meal, you find that the body balances and cravings are decreased.  Every flavor of NUPLUS contains all five tastes:  sour (astringent effect), bitter (cleansing effect), sweet (toning effect), spicy (perspiration effect), salty (softening effect).

Sunrider IBO Pages Diana Walker

Research shows that the very pigments that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors may themselves be the disease fighters.  Scientist now say that the actual color compounds themselves, not just the foods that contain them, are some of the best things you can put in your body.  These are the same substances that give fruits and vegetables their hues.  They are powerful phyto(plant) chemicals. Ten years ago, scientist didn’t know most of these phytochemicals existed.

Nuplus  is enhanced with the five color philosophy.

The five beans in NuPlus formula nourish the entire body as well as the five key organs:

Red foods – nourishing the heart muscle, strengthening the heart itself.

White foods – nourish the lungs, which provide oxygen to every living cell.

Green foods – get their verdant color from chlorophyll which has the ability to block the action of degenerating substances.  Green foods nourish the liver.

Black foods – nourish and strengthen the kidneys and their related organs.

Yellow foods – nourish the spleen and aid digestion.  Nutritious whole soy, prepared properly (not isolated soy) is a yellow food in NuPlus.

NUPLUS comes in 5 flavors:  Simply Herbs, Naturally Plain, Pina Banana, Mixed Berry, Apple-Cinnamon and “Original” (Original contains no beans and is used for babies and people with very weak digestion).

NUPLUS is also in Vitashake – Cocoa and Strawberry

NUPLUS is also in NuPuffs – Cheese and Cocoa

NUPLUS is also in the Sunbars, Chocolate  or Fruit flavor.

When my sons were in school, I posted a sign on the fridge:

“Always positive”

“Always kindness”

“Always NuPlus”

Whenever things weren’t going right, I would say “Eat NuPlus”

In the early days of Sunrider we would ask Dr. Chen: ” If people can only eat one Sunrider product, whatwould you suggest”.

His answer:  “NuPlus” Nuplus is the fuel that runs your engine, the key that turns the motor on!

Always Nuplus!

(thanks to Colleen and Trudy for these words)

Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader

Sunrider Customer HereClick Here: Get Started with Sunrider


Sunrider Discounts Update

Diana Walker Sunrider Business Discounts for Customers February 2014
Diana Walker Sunrider Business Discounts for Customers February 2014
Hello Sunriders!

This is an important update to make sure that you will keep your level and get the discounts that you are entitled to. 

Sunrider requires a minimal qualification but rewards you with generous discounts and other benefits. The qualification must be done every 12 months.

If you have not done any qualification from March 1st 2013, your deadline is February 28th, 2014.

To keep the levels we need to do the following:

Retail Member must accumulate $100 retail value every 12 months.

VIP Member must accumulate $500 (Retail price) every 12 months.

Advantage of being VIP member is that he/she gets up to 10% discount. In my opinion it is better to upgrade to IBO by just purchasing Fortune Delight Business Pack for $100 (plus shipping and tax). As an IBO we receive 20% discount and have other benefits. We then need to qualify with just 200 IBO dollars (Wholesale price) every 12 months.

IBO Member must accumulate $200 IBO dollars (Wholesale price) every 12 months.

As an IBO we are receiving 20% discount and have many other benefits like additional bonuses and can earn money on purchases of Sunriders who are part of your organization. As you can see you want to keep your IBO Member level. It is important to keep your IBO status to make sure you keep your discounts.

Free Sunrider Customer Account —->

Be sure and contact your Sunrider sponsor for more details.

Thank you
Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader
February 3, 2014