Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider

Dr Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder Vancouver Canada Visit

Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder, with his son Dr. Reuben Chen, Vice President of Business Development at Sunrider International, visited Vancouver, BC, Canada on October 16th.  Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, took photos, took notes, and took videos.  This is almost a 20-year journey for me (Diana Walker), and it brings me great joy to hear both Drs. Chen speak and share their wisdom with us.

Sunrider Dr Tei Fu Chen Diana Walker Vancouver Oct 16 2015
Sunrider Dr Tei Fu Chen Diana Walker Vancouver Oct 16 2015

Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder

Dr. Tei Fu Chen asked:  “What is the one thing that will make you successful?” ….  There is no free lunch.  We need to work hard and make the right choices.  This is true, and the answer to the question is:  “HABIT”…. Your Habit will determine your Destiny.  Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder emphasized making a habit of calling 2 people a day.  Genius is the result of Practice. Learn how to talk to strangers.  Get referrals.  Every business is a people business.  Dr. Chen is deeply committed to each one of us being successful.

Sunrider Jim Pendree Diana Walker Dr Reuben Chen October 2015  www.diana1.com/sunrider
Sunrider Jim Pendree Diana Walker Dr Reuben Chen October 2015 www.diana1.com/sunrider

Dr. Reuben Chen Sunrider VP Business Development

Dr. Reuben Chen started out by talking about a Virtual Hug and Real Physical Hugs.  Physical Hugs every day reduce depression and increases endorphin levels.  Hugs need to be 20 seconds, not 3 seconds.  It is important that we feel hugged!  Dr. Reuben Chen also emphasized that Networking, to young people, means Social Networking.  Most attendees have been part of the “Sunrider Family” for a long time.  He emphasized the idea that each one of us is an Influencer, not a Salesperson.

Angelo De Fabrizio is the Sunrider Director, Regional Operations, Canada and Europe did a wonderful job, with his staff, of setting up this lively, educational workshop.  Attendees loved the personal attention and guidance and wisdom shared by the father and son team of Dr. Tei Fu Chen Sunrider Founder, and Dr. Reuben Chen.  It was such a fun and lively evening.

Sunrider Canada Angelo De Fabrizio Diana Walker October 2015 www.diana1.com/sunrider
Sunrider Canada Angelo De Fabrizio Diana Walker October 2015 www.diana1.com/sunrider

Sunrider Friends and Leaders

I didn’t get photos with all the wonderful friends who attended the Sunrider Canada event but I did get photos of Jim Pendree, Ravi Pathak, Adrian Armstrong, and Mike and Debbi Lang, which I am showing below.

Sunrider Friends Leaders Diana Walker 2015 www.diana1.com/sunrider
Sunrider Friends Leaders Diana Walker 2015 www.diana1.com/sunrider

Sunrider Canada Staff

I didn’t get photos of all the Sunrider Canada staff, but I am showing the photos that I do have of Sunrider staff below.  Photos taken with Angelo De Fabrizio, Director – Regional Operations, Canada and Europe.  Next photo is me with Ginette Ray.  Thank you, Ginette for all you do!!  I wish I had taken a photo of Treena Tan – she helps me so much with my Sunrider business.  Also shown in the bottom photo is Shu-Ann Hoo, Business Development Manager.

Sunrider Staff Canada 2015 Diana Walker Photo  www.diana1.com/sunrider
Sunrider Staff Canada 2015 Diana Walker Photo www.diana1.com/sunrider

Now I am very motivated…. I love my work, which is sharing Sunrider, and it is my passion and my work, so I feel so fortunate!

Get Started with Sunrider here:
Sunrider Customer HereFree Sunrider Account, Canada and USA

Wishing you Vibrant Health and Success!
Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader

Trudy Stoelting Sunrider

Trudy Stoelting Sunrider Success

Trudy Stoelting Sunrider Diana Walker 1995 to 2015 Leaders www.diana1.com/sunrider
Trudy Stoelting Sunrider Diana Walker 1995 to 2015 Leaders www.diana1.com/sunrider

In 1991, I started suffering from pain in my joints, low-grade fevers, extreme fatigue and insomnia.  I forced myself through every day for five years. The pain grew progressively worse.   I was sent to see an Arthritis specialist and he said that I did have arthritis but the pain was from fibrositis.   Many of you know this as Fibromyalgia.  In December of 1995, I went numb from head to toe.

I lost my sense of smell and my sense of taste.  I was constantly dizzy.  I was so fatigued that I slept 18 hours out of 24.  The other 6 hours I was in a mental fog.  The numbness was so severe that it was like having dental freezing from head to toe.  I had difficulty with motor control because I couldn’t feel my hands or feet.  I tripped up stairs, fell down stairs, bumped into furniture, broke dishes, and I couldn’t walk outside without assistance.

I felt like I was drooling constantly. I couldn’t tell if my chin was wet or not, or if my nose was dripping. I had trouble eating. I could chew on my cheeks or my tongue and not even know. I developed hay fever, allergies, eczema, varicose veins, terrible heart burn, bladder and kidney infections, ovarian cysts, cysts in my kidneys, migraines – the list goes on and on.

I was sent to a lot of different specialists who sent me for a lot of diagnostic tests. M.R.I., Vision Evoked Potentials, Heavy Metals testing, blood tests, urine tests, X-rays, etc.  They found things wrong with me but couldn’t give me an overall diagnosis because they didn’t know what I had.  They did know that I had a seriously compromised immune system.

With my husband beside me, I was told, “we can treat all your symptoms but we can’t do anything more for your immune system. We don’t have the technology yet to heal the immune system.” I felt like I was going home to die. My husband thought the same. We had our wills drawn up and I signed Power of Attorney to my husband in case I slipped into a coma or couldn’t function at all physically or mentally. My fatigue was so great even my heart was tired. I had an irregular heart beat. I felt 90% dead.

That is when a friend introduced me to Sunrider foods. She quite literally saved my life. My journey back to life has not been an overnight thing. It took several months eating Fortune Delight, Suncare, NuPlus, Quinary and Sunbars before I noticed any marked improvement. Since then, I continue to Cleanse, Nourish and Regenerate. My eczema, dizziness, infections and heart burn were the first to go. My irregular heartbeat was next along with the cysts and allergies. The numbness took two years and I can now walk with balance and control.  I can even run and jog with balance.  I have no pain in my joints.  I can smell and taste again.  I have dropped 6 sizes in clothes and lost so many inches that I don’t even measure anymore.   Muscle looks so much better than fat.   After years on disability, I went back to work, only to quit two months later to do Sunrider as a business.  Why?  Because I have come from dead to life and I am passionate about sharing this incredible gift with everyone who will listen.   Sunrider foods gave my body what it needed to regenerate, and I am so grateful. I have come so far, but feel like a baby just starting out. I am doing my best and Sunrider is making my best better each day.   I am FULLY ALIVE!        Trudy Stoelting, Sunrider Group Director, Canada

For more information, please contact:    DIANA WALKER, SUNRIDER LEADER

www.diana1.com  or   www.diana2.com   Email: sunridermom@gmail.com

Trudy Stoelting Sunrider

Note 1:  Diana Walker Sunrider Leader – Trudy and I have been friends since we worked at the local Hospital together over 20 years ago.  Trudy found such huge benefits with Sunrider products and shared with Diana Walker.  Diana started enjoying the products, and sharing with others, in November 1996.  I am forever GRATEFUL to Trudy for sharing these wonderful, nourishing Sunrider foods with me!

Note 2: Trudy had no interest in sharing Sunrider when she first started, but like many others, once she gained back her life, she couldn’t stop herself. She is now a human dynamo, inspiring many others to better health. When she first started telling others, she thought she could only talk with a few people because she wouldn’t have the energy, but she has found that by saturating your body with wonderful nutrition, it’s amazing what it can do.  She wants a whole lot of people to come alive!.

This article is for information purposes only and is separate from Sunrider International.  It is not intended as medical advice.  As with any medical problem, consult your physician.

Sunrider Convention 2015

Sunrider Convention 2015

Sunrider Convention 2015 will be held on the Big Island of Hawaii – YAY!  I love Hawaii!  What a wonderful opportunity to reunite with friends and other Sunrider Customers and Leaders for almost a week.  The dates are June 23 to June 28, 2015.

Sunrider Convention 2015 Diana Walker Hawaii www.diana2.com
Sunrider Convention 2015 Diana Walker Hawaii www.diana2.com

Here is Sunrider Convention 2015 news sent by Sharon Farnsworth

(sent to Diana Walker and other Sunrider Leaders)

“I have had so many requests asking me if I knew where Sunrider will be having their next convention. Well, now we have the good news. the Big Island of Hawaii, at Waikoloa Marriott. That is really an exciting place. We have had at least two other Sunrider Conventions in Waikoloa, but I think we were at the Hilton. No matter what, it is heaven to go there. So mark your calendar, and make sure you start planning on joining us there. I am ready for Hawaii again. I can never go there often enough. It is such a wonderful place. If you have been there before, you know what I mean. If you have not been there before, now is the time to plan and make it happen for you.

I am so excited, and will be dreaming about being there. But it is more fun if you are with us. The more Sunriders that attend, the more fun it is and the better it will be. We can all be together in heaven for a few days.

Shelly was talking about taking her whole family, and going to the east side of the Island and visiting Volcano park and other places. There is always so much exploring to do there. Please do everything you can to join us.  Now is a good time to book your flight, as the rates are lower now than when it becomes closer to the event. Save those frequent flyer points, and maybe you can fly free or at least at a discount.
We were so excited with this news. Hope you will seriously make plans now to be with us. I can’t wait.”

We are so excited with this news. Spread the word.
Contact Diana Walker here if you would like to learn more about Sunrider Convention 2015