Sunrider Video #3 Variety

SUNRIDER VIDEO #3 VARIETY Principle #3 of the Sunrider Philosophy of Regeneration. Sunrider NuPlus, Calli Tea and Quinary are all based on the Philosophy of Regeneration.  There is no one single plant or herb that is a “Magic Potion” or “Magic Bullet” – We all need a Variety of Whole Food Nutrition.
Diana Walker video of John Teng, Sunrider USA and Sunrider Canada, visit to Vancouver, BC Canada September 30, 2010:
Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader  1-800-840-0014

Author: Diana Walker

Diana Walker Sunrider Leader Holistic Healthy Lifestyles, Nutrition Coach, Sunrider Calli Tea and Fortune Delight help with sugar cravings, salt cravings, junk food cravings. Diana Walker provides natural solutions using herbs and holistic health education.