Sunrider Prices Canada

Sunrider Prices Canada and USA Calli Tea Diana Walker

Sunrider Prices Canada

Sunrider Retail Price List Canada March 2015


  • As a Customer, when you accumulate purchases, you will receive 5% to 10% discounts and as an IBO you can receive 20% discounts
  • You will receive personal Nutrition support and coaching by Diana Walker (value: $60/hour)
  • There is NO monthly minimum purchase required.

Become a Sunrider Customer with Diana Walker here:
(and receive Free Samples):

Sunrider Prices Canada March 1, 2015
See more details for Canada and USA here:

Herbal Beverages – Calli and Fortune Delight Retail Prices
NOTE:  Effective in absorbing damaging free radicals, the antioxidants in these delicious and exceptional herbal beverages also help assist the body’s natural cleansing processes.
Calli Canada Retail Price is $14.97 for 10 pack
Fortune Delight is $14.97 for 10 pack

Sunrider Prices Canada Calli Tea Fortune Delight
Sunrider Prices Canada Calli Tea Fortune Delight

Sunrider Sunbars are formulated with herbal ingredients that serve as a foundation on which to build a healthy diet, and fill nutritional gaps.  Energy and Fiber bars, great for a quick snack any time of day, and particularly great when working out.

Sunbars are $25.06 for a box of 10 (Canada Retail price)

Sunrider Prices Canada Sunbar
Sunrider Prices Canada Sunbar

Sunrider Herbal Concentrates

Innovative, cutting-edge herbal concentrates.  Exclusive concentrates help you feel healthier, younger, more energetic.

Quinary Canada Retail Price is $50.30 for 100 capsules.

TOP, JOI and ESE each cost $77.70 for 100 capsules.

Sunrider Prices Canada Quinary Diana Walker
Sunrider Prices Canada Quinary Diana Walker

 Sunrider Active Lifestyle Products
– Sports and Weight Loss

Prices in Canada effective March 1, 2015:
Electrosport costs $46.60 for box of 10 vials
Evergreen costs $50.00 for box of 10 vials
SportCaps costs $52.10 for 100 capsules
SunTrim Plus costs $47.80 for 50 capsules

Sunrider Canada Prices Sports and Weight Loss
Sunrider Canada Prices Sports and Weight Loss

Sunrider Vitamins and Minerals contain unique formulas that combine vitamins with concentrated herbs and other natural ingredients to help provide balance, complement their inherent benefits, and maximize the body’s absorption of Vitamin C, Calcium and Magnesium, and Vitamin E.

Sunrider Prices Vitamins and Minerals Canada
Sunrider Prices Vitamins and Minerals Canada

Author: Diana Walker

Diana Walker Sunrider Leader Holistic Healthy Lifestyles, Nutrition Coach, Sunrider Calli Tea and Fortune Delight help with sugar cravings, salt cravings, junk food cravings. Diana Walker provides natural solutions using herbs and holistic health education.