


Menopause Stress can increase the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. Anything you can do to reduce your level of stress will help you feel better during this time of your life.

Menopause Stress Mood Swings Beauty Pearl
Menopause Stress Mood Swings Beauty Pearl

There are natural ways of reducing stress:

  • Aerobic exercises like running, jogging, walking, swimming, and cycling can reduce stress. Exercise should ideally be done for thirty minutes a day on most days of the week.
  • Anaerobic exercise, such as weight machines and lifting weights can be done about twice a week to increase muscle tone and lessen your stress.
  • You can also practice meditation or guided imagery in order to reduce stress. In meditation, you focus on breathing and on progressively relaxing your muscles so you are in a completely relaxed state. This can be done sitting up in a comfortable position or lying down on your bed or on a mat. In guided imagery, you focus on your breath and imagine yourself in a peaceful location, focusing on the sights, sounds, and smells of being in that location. You can take yourself there whenever you feel you are under stress in order to reduce your perception of stress.
  • Yoga, Tai Chi, and QiGong are wonderful mind-body exercises to relieve stress.
  • Massage, a spa day, or even a weekend in nature can do wonders to reduce stress levels.
  • Some people get rid of their stress by de-stressing their lives. When you do this, you tackle those things that negatively affect the stress in your life. This might mean getting rid of a stressful job, managing a stressful relationship, or handling stressful finances.
  • Take up a hobby that reduces the impact of stress on your life.
  • Make yourself a priority; make sure to relax several times per day.


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Menopause Mood Swings There are numerous natural remedies for mood swings.

Some of them include the following:

• Make sure you eat a diet with healthy foods in it. Avoid processed foods and foods containing things like sugar, salt, and high fructose corn syrup.
• Eat smaller portions. If you get food cravings, try eating a small snack instead of loading up on unhealthy foods.
• Take in at least five portions of vegetables per day and at least 2 servings of fruit per day. Eat foods that are high in color as these contain healthful phytonutrients that can improve your mood and cognitive function.
• Eat organic foods whenever they are available. Try to avoid foods that may contain hormones, pesticides, herbicides, and food preservatives.
• When eating fruits, stick to the whole fruits instead of the juice of the fruit. Whole fruits contain fiber, which are good for your bowels.
• Decrease your intake of caffeine. This means eating less caffeine-containing sodas, black tea, and coffee.
• Instead of black tea, switch to healthier green tea or purified water to avoid caffeine intake.
• Eat as many berries as you can. They contain healthful antioxidants, which scavenge for oxygen free radicals and can improve the way your brain works.
• Eat more canola oil and olive oil and stay away from saturated fats (found in meats and dairy products) and trans fats, found in processed foods.
• Eat foods that are high in vitamin C, including citrus fruits, red peppers, and spinach. These contain antioxidants that can increase the dryness of your skin and can cause wrinkling.
• Increase the amount of omega 3 fatty acids in your diet. You can find omega 3 fatty acids by eating higher amounts of canola oil, flaxseed oil, walnuts, and fatty fish.
• Eat foods high in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities. You can increase the anti-inflammatory effect by adding turmeric, cayenne pepper, garlic, and rosemary to the foods you eat.
• Get more exercise. You can do this by increasing the amount of walking you do, by cycling, swimming, or engaging in any exercise that gets your heart rate going and increases your respiratory rate.
• Stop smoking. Women who smoke often have worse menopausal symptoms when compared to women who do not smoke and will get their menopausal symptoms 2 years earlier than those who don’t smoke.
• Avoid perfumes as these can disrupt the balance of chemicals in your body.
• Engage in stress-relieving activities. This can mean enjoying a hobby or taking the time to read a book.
• De-clutter your life so you have fewer things to be stressed out over.


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