Are Sunrider Products Expensive?
Are Sunrider Products Expensive? The more understanding and knowledge people have, the less expensive the products will be to them. Then again, it depends how people use the products, how much they use and how many different products they consume.
Sunrider Calli Tea Beverage
I have friends who like Calli beverage very strong. They put two bags in one cup. You might think this is very expensive ($2 a cup). Well, it is still cheaper than a cup of coffee at Starbucks and much healthier for the body!
Then there are Sunriders who will make 4 to 8 liters (1 – 2 gallons) of Calli beverage out of just one bag ($0.02 a cup).
This way 50 people can enjoy a cup of Calli from just one bag.

Some people like Sunrider products so much that they use every one of the more than 400 products that Sunrider provides.
And then there are Sunriders who are so eager to see positive results fast, they consume large quantities of products each day. This can be more costly.
Sunrider products are very inexpensive when we understand their value, considering they give us results like no other products on the market.
Are Sunrider Products Expensive? Sunrider products are 7 to 40 times concentrated.
The fact that Sunrider products are 7 to 40 time concentrated means that the company will take up to 40 lbs and concentrate it down to 1 lb or they will take 40 kg and concentrate it down to 1 kg.
Sunrider extracts the bulk and water out of herbs and plants and end up with just nutrients still in a life force form that are so essential for our body.
Read PDF File here: Are Sunrider Products Expensive Diana Walker
Regular food today is Depleted of Nutrients
The regular food today is so depleted of nutrients and there is no wonder that people get tired, have low energy or end up sick.
We still eat regular food for bulk and some nutrition but we need to supplement.
Vitamins and minerals are NOT the answer. They are just chemical isolates, without life force and are difficult for the body to absorb or even eliminate.
You can choose Sunrider foods, not just for their powerful concentration, but also for the variety of different herbs, plants, fruits and vegetables that are not available in our grocery stores but are so essential for the well being of our body.
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If we eat just our basic NBC program which is: Nu-Plus, Calli and Quinary, we will enjoy over 100 different highly concentrated foods.
In the grocery stores you will find around 75 fruits and vegetables and of course we cannot eat them all each day. This is the Sunrider difference.
Are Sunrider Products Expensive? NO! Here is The Sunrider Difference:
- Because the products are so concentrated we will not overeat and at the same time will nourish our body with 100’s of foods each day to keep the body healthy, strong and in balance.
- Sunrider products are formulated and enhanced, making sure the herbs work the best for us and that there are no side effects.
- All the herbs are food grade herbs and can be eaten in large amounts.
- Sunrider foods are inexpensive when you consider the high concentration, formulation and enhancement which create great value and incredible positive results.
Sunrider products are foods not just supplements and can replace many groceries and drinks. This way we can save about 50% on food and up to 100% on drinks.
Related Post by Diana Walker re Sunrider 30-Day Cost:
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