Sunrider Convention 2009 Diana Walker Live

I am posting this live from Sunrider Convention 2009 in California.  What an amazing, amazing event.  We toured the Sunrider International Manufacturing facilities here in Torrance California on Wednesday.

Even though I live in Canada, and the headquarters for the world are in the United States, I feel like a part of a global family.  I have hundreds of Sunrider Customers in Canada and the United States.  I get to meet with, have meals with and participate in meetings with Sunriders from all over the world.

I’ve attended 12 Sunrider Grand Conventions, and 10 Leadership Sunrider Leadership trips (like to Hawaii and on Cruises) – and this may even top all of them — it is such a privilege to be “personally mentored” by a world-renowned Herbalist like Dr. Tei Fu Chen.

I say “personally mentored” even though of course there are thousands of others here at Convention – because he speaks to the heart of each one of us.  I feel like I am part of one big healthy, happy family — and seeing Dr. Tei Fu Chen and Dr. Oi Lin Chen on stage, and up close, is phenomenal and I am so grateful.

Dr. Chen spent several hours on Tuesday and more hours on Thursday telling us about the newest herbal products he has brought out – he does all the Research and Development – these are not outsourced.  All Sunrider products are unique and completely non-duplicatable.

Naturally, I am drinking my Sunrider Calli Tea and Sunrider Fortune Delight all day long – as are all the other Sunriders here!

I tasted the new Sunrider Chocolate Vitalite Sunbars — they taste as delicious as a fresh “brownie” or chocolate cake — amazing, amazing!! — they will not be available for 3 to 5 months.  On our tour of the Sunrider Manufacturing Plant we received samples that were “fresh-baked” – as Dr. Chen joked to us later.

Sunny Days will be available soon.  They are like a tasty “cough candy” – special formula.  I remember them from years ago.  In fact my son, who is 21 now – remembers them from when he was 10 years old – and was asking me about them recently – so I am excited to see those become available again soon!

Dr. Chen’s new water – Pearl – is “living water” –  alkaline naturally, and pure, pure, pure and really is natural from an underground source.

Dr. Chen’s Tei Fu MetaShaper is a super hit.  Inches are falling away from many people, especially around the hardest areas – you know what I mean – like the waist, hips and thighs!!!

Well, I better go and get ready for another wonderful day with 1000s of other Sunrider Leaders and Customers here in California.

Today we will have lots of entertainment – and this evening we will even have Cirque de Soleil and more.  It is a Gala Banquet and Gala Evening – I am so very grateful to be a part of this amazing company and living to my full potential and helping others with my Sunrider Family from all over the world.

Wishing You Vibrant Health!

Diana Walker, Cravings Coach
CEO, Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles
Sunrider Group Business Leader

Sunrider Products Nourish Balance Cleanse

Sunrider Products NuPlus and/or Vitashake, Sunrider Quinary and Sunrider Calli and/or Fortune Delight

Sunrider Calli Tea Diana Walker
Sunrider Calli Tea Diana Walker

You can Nourish your entire body with whole foods at the cellular level with Sunrider NuPlus and/or Vitashake.

You can Balance the 5 body functions or systems with Quinary or LiquiFive.

You can Cleanse the cells with Sunrider Calli Tea beverage and Fortune Delight – which are whole food beverages.

When you choose vibrant health as your goal, you’ll want to nourish the entire body rather than just the parts you think are weak or out of balance, because each body system affects the others.

NBC – Nourish, Balance, Cleanse

I was so grateful to find the Nourish, Balance, Cleanse system of Sunrider in 1996.  I learned that we can restore Balance through putting in Nourishment and by Cleansing – taking out toxins and other wastes.

Let me know if you want to get started on this delicious Nourish, Balance, Cleanse path to Vibrant Health!

Diana Walker, CEO, Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles, Sunrider Group Leader