Sunrider Canada Diana Walker, Jim Pendree, Trudy Stoelting, and other Sunrider Leaders
Sunrider Canada Diana Walker Sunrider Webinar hosted by Jim Pendree on January 26, 2017.
This Sunrider Webinar was organized and led by Jim Pendree, with input from Diana Walker, Trudy Stoelting, Barb Rowe, Marlys McRae and other Sunrider Canada leaders.
Topic – What is unique about the Sunrider Products, the Quality of Sunrider Whole Foods, and the Sunrider Basic Nutrition: Quinary, NuPlus, Vitashake, Sunrider Stevia, Calli and Fortune Delight were all covered.
Sunrider Canada Diana Walker
The stories from the Sunriders that helped with the call were very good…wow….!
I hope you have a chance to listen.

It is our pleasure to provide our combined knowledge and experience with Sunrider Chinese Herbal Nutrition.
Jim Pendree – over 30 years
Trudy Stoelting – over 20 years
Diana Walker – over 20 years
Barb Rowe – over 25 years
Marlys McRae – over 20 years
This is OVER 100 years of Sunrider experience packed into this 45 minute video. We all live in Canada (Sunrider Canada)
I hope you enjoy it!
Sunrider Canada Diana Walker
Video by Jim Pendree on REGENERATION 101
Here is how I make my morning “green drink” smoothie, using the Sunrider Basics of Quinary, NuPlus, Sunrider Stevia:
Here is how my sister Goldie makes her morning drink with Simply Herbs NuPlus, Sunrider Quinary and Calli Tea:
Feel free to share with others!
Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader
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