Sunrider Healthy Pregnancy and Healthy Baby Sunrider Nutrition Story
My husband and I had been married about three years when we decided we wanted to have a baby. Eight or nine months later, when we were still not pregnant, I started charting and used an ovulation kit. We went to see a fertility specialist, a CNM, and a naturopath. The conclusion was I had low thyroid, luteal phase defect, endometriosis, and possible PCOS.
I started taking a homeopathic for my thyroid and it worked great…for about one month! I also tried every vitamin known to man for fertility. I started taking Clomid which forces your body to ovulate and helps lengthen your luteal phase. This did not work either, so I decided it was time to get my health back with Sunrider products.
Sunrider Prime Again, NuPlus, Calli Tea and Fortune Delight, Bella and Beauty Pearl
I started taking Prime Again, Bella, Beauty Pearl, and Nu Plus, along with my Calli Tea and Fortune Delight. Overall, my health started to improve. My hair stopped falling out, I had a lot more energy, felt more rested in the morning, and my cycles weren’t painful anymore. I was feeling great! Then it happened — we were blessed with expecting our first baby!
Sunrider Healthy Pregnancy
My pregnancy went very well. I kept taking Prime Again and the Sunrider basics. With the exception of some morning sickness here and there I felt great. I absolutely loved being pregnant and felt wonderful!
Approximately nine months later, and a week late, we had a beautiful baby girl on the 4th of July. She was born while fireworks were going off and remains our little firecracker at one-and-a-half-years-old. She is an active toddler now and loves her Calli, Fortune Delight, and NuPlus! Thank you, Sunrider!
NOTE: Sunrider Prime Again is a combination of herbs that work on the hormonal system.
Prime Again (called P.A. in Canada) is available in capsule form, 100 capsules to a bottle.
More information here——> Prime Again in Quinary Formula
Diana Walker can help you get started on Sunrider formulas that help to strengthen and nourish your body.
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