Sunrider MetaShaper


Sunrider MetaShaper  (Tei Fu MetaShaper) Lose Weight – Burn Fat – Re-shape your Body!

Sunrider Metashaper Diana Walker
Sunrider Metashaper Diana Walker

Tea Concentrate, Garcinia Concentrate, Non-GMO Soy Concentrate, Resveratrol (Polygonum Concentrate)

Sunrider MetaShaper is designed to help people reprogram their bodies to distribute fat evenly instead of storing fat deposits in just one place. Most people have a tendency to hold weight in certain areas.

Sunrider MetaShaper helps bring your body shape back to a normal figure and avoids the storage of fat in unwanted places.

Many people experience miraculous body shape changes.  MetaShaper helps your body to transform gradually.  Dr. Chen’s perfectly calibrated formula contains an exclusive combination of antioxidants, plant extracts, and tea catechins to help increase metabolic efficiency, so you feel lighter, healthier, and more energetic.

Garcinia Concentrate

– Suppresses appetite
– Reduces production of fat and cholesterol
– Excess carbs are converted into glycogen – More Energy — Burn Fat
– Lowers formation of LDL and triglycerides

Polygonum (Japanese Knotwood) – Resveratrol

– Found in Grape Skins, Peanuts and some herbs (Polygonum)
– Anti-aging – enhances cell function – Protects Heart
– Lose Weight and Burn Fat – Reduces Carbohydrate Utilization
– Increases Metabolism – Boost Energy Levels – Powerful Antioxidant

Suggested Amounts:
On the bottle it says – 2 to 3 capsules with meals, 3 times a day.
We recommend taking the capsules before meals and especially before you eat foods that are higher in fat or sugar.

NOTE – Dr Reuben Chen in the video!
Value of Resveratrol = value of 400 Bottles of Red Wine in 1 bottle of Sunrider Metashaper!!!!!

Happy Customer:
“It really increases the metabolic rate. It contains green tea. My pants became looser.”


Sunrider MetaShaper

Look Great, Feel Great, Lose Weight – MetaShaper is an all-natural way to look better and feel better. A synergized blend of resveratrol, green tea extracts, and other antioxidants is expertly formulated to neutralize free radicals and promote metabolic efficiency.

  • Highly concentrated antioxidant formula
  • Supports vitality, longevity, and fitness
  • All-natural with no added hormones, laxatives, or stimulants

Sunrider Customer HereBuy Sunrider MetaShaper
through Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader

Lose Weight

Lose Weight with Sunrider

Lose Weight – We had a wonderful webinar today with Brad Mummery.  Trudy Stoelting and Diana Walker led the Sunrider Lose Weight “Burning the Fat” webinar.

Lose Weight Burn the Fat Sunrider Diana Walker
Lose Weight Burn the Fat Sunrider Diana Walker

Watch video featuring Guest Brad who lost 45 pounds in 7 months using the Sunrider Lifestyle, with special emphasis on Fortune Delight, Metashaper, Metabooster, and Suntrim Plus.

Lose Weight With Sunrider
– Fat Burning and Priorities of the Body:

Trudy’s Amazing Explanation – and she guides you in learning about your body’s priorities.

The body will take from the systems which are less important. 

Of course Endocrine (Heart) and Respiratory (Lungs/Breathing) are HIGH priorities, so other systems will be compromised soonest, because the body places the highest priority on keeping the Heart pumping and the Lungs breathing. 

Fat Metabolism is very low down on the priority scale.

The weakest system pulls down the other systems.

ENDOCRINE Heart beating (master gland for endocrine system)
RESPIRATORY Lungs, Breathing
CIRCULATION Brain, Eyes, Extremities
DIGESTION Keeping Body Fed
IMMUNE Body Strength – fighting virus & disease & repair of damaged tissue – part of Lymphatic system
CLEANSING & ELIMINATION Improves integrity of all organs, cells and lymph systems
FAT MANAGEMENT Least important, lowest priority for body.  Not life-threatening.

More information here:

1. Sunrider MetaShaper
2. Sunrider MetaBooster
3. Suntrim Plus

Lose Weight – Fat Burning and the Priorities of the Body

Learn more here:

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