Vitafruit Sunrider

VitaFruit Sunrider for Healthy Skin, Youthful Vitality

Vitafruit Sunrider Diana Walker
Vitafruit Sunrider Diana Walker

VitaFruit Sunrider is made with concentrated herbal fruits such as sea buckthorn, which contains 12 times the amount of vitamin C as an orange! This “super juice” nourishes your body with antioxidants, iron, vitamins, and fatty acids to provide superior health and beauty benefits.

  • 100% fruit based with no added corn syrup
  • Healthy, delicious, convenient
  • Portable and sharable 15-mL vial

The term “Juice wars” refers to the ever increasing abundance of Exotic Fruit Drinks claiming to cure everything from cancer to bad breath.

For years, Sunrider has had its own delicious functional beverage Vitafruit, which contains miraculous fruits, like Luo Han Guo.

VitaFruit Sunrider – The Magic Key Ingredient of VitaFruit, Luo Han Guo, literally means “Long Life Fruit.”

Just now being seriously studied for its anti-aging properties, Luo Han Guo is grown in a small, mountainous region in China. Proof of these amazing properties is reflected in the health and vitality of the local people where it is cultivated, many of whom live over 100 years. It is interesting to note that many efforts to cultivate the fruit in other parts of the world have failed, and it only seems to thrive in its indigenous environment in the mountains of western China.

In China and other parts of the world, Luo Han Guo is used as a natural sweetener. Yet, it is low glycemic and calorie free. It contains morgisides which offer a pleasant, sweet taste without elevating blood sugar. It has also been traditionally used to improve conditions like constipation, headaches, fatigue, for clearer vision, healthy skin and hair.

Like all Sunrider products, VitaFruit is concentrated. You’re not only getting the concentrated benefits of the Luo Han Guo fruit, but many other nutrient rich berries, herbs and fruits in the formula as well.

VitaFruit is naturally rich in whole food antioxidants, Vitamins A, E, a stable C, hundreds of bioflavinoids, B complex, trace minerals, 2000 to 3000
carotenoids, amino acids, and live fruit enzymes.

VitaFruit provides known, and hundreds of unknown, antioxidant nutrients in balanced amounts.

Tissue Repair

Its greatest benefit is in doing tissue repair done to the cells by free radicals. Thus, it is a great anti-aging product. It also increases the army of white blood cells in your blood stream making it a great immune system food as well. Sunrider’s Research and Development team has stated that VitaFruit contains thousands of phytonutrients not yet discovered.

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Vitafruit Sunrider Diana Walker Health_2015-03-19_1700

Vitafruit Sunrider Skin  and Hair Benefits

VitaFruit greatly benefits the skin, restoring lustre, radiance and softness to prematurely aging skin for a more youthful and healthful appearance.  Regular use will give a glow to your face and extra shine to your hair. It supports the collagen of the skin. Whenever I use a lot of  VitaFruit, I tend to get more compliments about my skin!

Superior Processing The vast majority of juice products on the market are pasteurized. The pasteurization process uses heat to kill bacteria and harmful organisms that can create food borne illnesses. Pasteurization reduces the very real risk of contamination and health threatening bacteria in liquid juice products. While it appears to be a great thing, in reality it is not. The heat process of pasteurization not only kills the bad bacteria, but it substantially alters or kills the majority of good, live nutrients, that we so desperately need in the first place. Don’t be fooled by terms such as “flash pasteurization”. It is still a process that requires high heat, higher than what the live nutrients and enzymes can stand.

No Preservatives

Many companies also add preservatives to give the juice long shelf life. With VitaFruit, Dr. Chen decided to use honey to preserve the live nutrients and enzymes and to stabilize the formula. Honey has been used for centuries as a natural preservative. It will not alter the synergistic balance of other foods and won’t spoil. They’ve even found honey in the pyramids of Egypt that was edible after thousands of years.

VitaFruit is also extremely lifestyle friendly. Just stir a tablespoon in a glass of water and you have a delicious drink. I prefer to mix it with my Fortune Delight and drink it all day. It will energize, refresh and hydrate you. Don’t let the fact that its sweet fool you. You will not gain weight with VitaFruit, in fact you may lose a few pounds since it has thermogenic properties as well. We have the best fruit beverage and those of us who use VitaFruit can always feel the benefits.

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Vitafruit Sunrider 2016-02-15_2255

Vitafruit Sunrider Ingredients

Benincasa hispider
Also called Wintermelon Seed (Tung-kua-tzu). This is a cold, sweet herb. It enters the spleen and stomach meridians, where it cleanses heat and moistens lungs.

Citrus limon
Also called Lemon (Ning meng). This is an extremely sour herb. With no indication of either essence or meridians, it stimulates production of body fluids, quenches thirst, relieves heat stroke, and stabilizes pregnancy.

Citrus sinensis
Also called Orange Peel (Tian chen). This is a warm herb, with spicy, slightly bitter flavor. It enters the liver meridian, where it promotes the flow of stagnated vital energy, relieves abdominal distention by moving vital energy downward, and induces lactation.

Momordica grosvenor
Also called Luo Han Guo (Luo han guo). This is a neutral herb, with sweet flavor. It enters the lung and spleen meridians, where it moistens the lungs, removes phlegm, and controls cough.

Honey, Dates, Bitter Orange

VitaFruit Sunrider

Concentrated, all-natural VitaFruit Sunrider, rich in natural Vitamin C.

Blend it with ice or add it to your favorite cold Sunrider herbal beverage.

• Contains exotic natural herbs blended into a unique, tasty and refreshing beverage.
• No added chemicals, preservatives, enzymes or isolates.
• Naturally rich in vitamin C.
• Keeps the body hydrated for high energy and healthy appearance.
• Easily assimilated and efficiently utilized by the body.

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