Get off Coffee with Sunrider Calli Tea
Get off Coffee with Sunrider Calli Tea – You will not believe how easy it is to get off coffee without withdrawal symptoms.
This delicious beverage is a great replacement for coffee or regular tea.
Provides you with a “Calm Energy”
Did you know that Actress Sharon Stone loves Sunrider Calli Tea?
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Diana Walker provides free Sunrider samples to all new Customers in USA and Canada.
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The unique herbal extracts assist in the body’s natural cleansing processes and reduces unwanted fat and cholesterol in the blood.
Calli Tea is rich in antioxidants and catechins.
Calli enhances Mental Focus and provides Calm Energy.
How to Make Calli:
Steep a bag in 4-6 cups of hot, never boiling, water for 10 minutes.
Add drops of SunnyDew or Sunectar to taste. (Sunrider Stevia)
Get off Coffee with Sunrider Calli Tea – drink it daily – drink it Hot or Cold.
Use within 24 hours and keep refrigerated.
Calli is available in 3 flavors:
* Original
* Mint
* Cinnamon

These flavors include the ingredients
* Camellia leaf
* Perilla leaf
* Mori Bark Extract
* Alisma Root Extract
* Imperate Root
Calli Cinnamon also has Cinnamon and Licorice Root; Calli Mint has Mint and Licorice Root.
Calli’s properties:
• Astringent
• Antibacterial
• Analgesic
• Detoxifying
What each body does with Calli is highly individual but results reported by many include:
• Get off coffee, without withdrawal
• Improves kidney function
• Helps cleanse deep tissues
• Helps break up cysts
• Helps neutralize free radicals
• Helps lower blood cholesterol levels
• Aids fat metabolism
• Improves liver function
• Increases natural energy
• Strengthens digestion
• Aids mental clarity & improves nervous system
• Mint Calli – helps respiratory system; relieves sinuses
• Cinnamon Calli – improves digestion
• Sunrider Calli gives you a “Calm Energy”
This formula was used in ancient China for medicinal purposes.
Over time, tea’s use has evolved to also promote general feelings of peace and serenity.
Sunrider, in keeping with the Philosophy of Regeneration, has continued this tradition of use by creating tea that not only contributes to wellness, fitness and beauty, but also to a deep sense of calm and rejuvenation.
Its formulation helps the body’s natural cleansing process as a deep tissue cleanser.
Get Off Coffee With Sunrider Calli Tea
Cleansing is your body’s natural process of ridding itself of waste products (toxic fluids) that are produced by poor digestion, improper eating, pollutants, stress, etc.
While many of the undesirable elements we take into our body are quickly eliminated, others are not.
Combined with healthy meals and exercising, the unique herbal plants in Calli assist in the body’s natural cleansing process.
You WILL notice a positive difference!
Do you want “Calm Energy”?
Do you want greater “Mental Focus”?
Diana Walker provides free Sunrider samples to all new Customers in USA and Canada.
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