Chinese Herbs

Chinese Herbs

Chinese Herbs by Sunrider are based on ancient natural health wisdom and knowledge.  Nourishing of the Five Elements.  We talk about Regeneration.  Dr. Chen introduced this to us in the beginning.  Body can attain Maximum Health through Nourishing and Balancing the body.  Was a new concept.  Concept of Whole Foods.  Concept of Regeneration.

Learn more here:

These concepts are common today but were virtually unknown in the Western world thirty years ago.  Dr. Tei Fu Chen has been a tremendous influence on this direction over the past 33 years (since 1982).  This is the Blueprint on which Sunrider is based.  Balance concept of Yin and Yang.  Perfect Balance.  Harmony.

Chinese Herbs Sunrider Regeneration Quinary 2015
Chinese Herbs Sunrider Regeneration Quinary 2015

So important to get people to understand.  I use this product on a regular basis consistently.  Quinary should be used first, and then can be supported by one of the particular formulas.  Nourish the 5 elements of the body.  Don’t target particular areas.  All is about achieving Balance.

The body can take care of itself when it is given the right raw material.

Think about yourself – how you lead your life and how you can improve it.

Chinese Herbs Quinary Sunrider
Chinese Herbs Quinary Sunrider

Sunrider Quinary puts all the 5 products together.  Elements of Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood based on Chinese Herb Philosophy.

Prime Again

Prime Again Chinese Herbs called P.A. in Canada Sunrider
Prime Again Chinese Herbs called P.A. in Canada Sunrider

Endocrine System- very important – to nourish our bodies and helps with stress levels.  Works with the body’s endocrine system, to harmonize and produce the proper hormones.  There can be environmental issues.  Chinese Yam and Chinese mushroom powder – all Sunrider products have balance.  Care of Dr. Tei Fu Chen, Sunrider International, for extracting and creating harmonious powerful nutrients and antioxidants.  Fire element.


Conco Sunrider Chinese Herbs 2015
Conco Sunrider Chinese Herbs 2015

Respiratory System – valuable product.  Helps with healthy circulation aspect.  Sometimes you are dealing with extra respiratory problems where this may be helpful.


Chinese Herbs Assimilaid Sunrider USA called A.D. in Canada
Chinese Herbs Assimilaid Sunrider USA called A.D. in Canada

Digestive situations – can come from what we eat and drink.  Soft drinks, hot coffee, alcoholic beverages – tremendous problem in how this affects the digestive system.  Assimilaid brings about balance.  Earth element.


Lifestream Chinese Herbs Sunrider called L.S. in Canada
Lifestream Chinese Herbs Sunrider called L.S. in Canada

Circulatory system.  Has to do with the elements of Water. Perfect combination, blended together.  Supports the movement of blood through the body.

Alpha 20C

Alpha 20C Sunrider for Immune System, part of Quinary
Alpha 20C Sunrider for Immune System, part of Quinary

Immune System, with antioxidants.  Brings about balance in Defence System in the body that becomes the most stressed – becomes stressed – not supported properly through what we eat and drink. Supports alertness.

Helps maintain health.  Expertise from the Chens helps with harmony and balance.

Buy Sunrider Quinary and Chinese Herbs Here:

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