Skin is an indicator of health. When we eat Sunrider foods, the skin gets a beautiful, healthy glow. If a new Sunrider has a lot of toxicity in the body, the skin will act as an elimination organ and may develop a rash or pimples.

A good way to speed up this process is by nourishing the body with our basic food and assisting the digestive system by eating Assimilaid (AD). We do not want to have impurities in our bodies, as they can create serious diseases later in life.
For people with sensitive skin, it is a good idea to nourish the immune system with Alpha 20 C.
Wrinkles might not disappear just by using a skin care product. They are a sign of aging and the way to get the body healthier and younger is by regenerating it.
Sunrider has wonderful products like NuPlus, Calli, Quinary, Fortune Delight, Vitafruit, Sunny Fresh, Beauty Pearl, Dong Quai, Evergreen, Spirulina, Sunbar, Fibertone, etc. that are great to nourish and cleanse every cell in the body.
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Allison’s Story February 2007

I’ve been a Psoriasis sufferer since I was a small child.
All my life I have been searching for a way to alleviate my Psoriasis pain. I suffered with inflammation of scaly cracked patches of skin covering my hands, elbows and knees.
It was very hard to wear a short sleeve shirt or shorts without the stares and questions of being contagious or to being asked to cover up. The stares would make me feel self-cautious and gave me poor self-esteem. I just wanted to be free and comfortable to wear what I wanted without the stares.
I’ve gone through several different therapies, from ointments that burn the skin, to sun beds, to cortisone injections. Before bed every night I would go through a procedure of putting ointment on the Psoriasis which usually had tar in it that burned the top layers of my skin off, then wrapping saran wrap around my elbows and knees and wore gloves to bed. This was to try to soften my skin. I just ended up with thick dry and cracked skin by mid-day.
Every time I had a shower I could rub layers of dead skin off with a towel. The closest I ever came to alleviating my Psoriasis symptoms was cleansing my liver with naturopathic remedies which tasted awful and scared me because it would get my heart pumping really fast and would rush my blood to the surface of my skin. I would have a warm red flush that would cover my whole body for 2 hours. But soon the symptoms would come back due to poor diet which overloaded my liver.
Not until I discovered Sunrider and its wonderful whole food products did I learn how important it is to feed the body the best nutrition with whole foods and raw foods. Learning from Sunrider about the Chinese Philosophy of nourish, balance and cleanse did my body no longer have inflamed itchy scaly Psoriasis skin.
I eat Sunrider whole foods along with raw fruits and vegetables. I am happier, healthier and have a better outlook on life. I’m so excited about Sunrider products that I want to share this knowledge with everyone on the importance of nourish, balance and cleansing the body for optimum health and to pass on the knowledge of eating more whole foods in our diet and eliminating the quick and damaging processed foods that so many of us eat today. Now I can start living and enjoy life.
Kandesn Quotes:
“Through the years, I have used many different product lines. With Kandesn, people now compliment “me on my how lovely my face looks. I love Sunrider foods on the inside and Kandesn on the outside.”
“Because of allergies, I have had problems with most skin care products. But my skin loves Kandesn – all the products (soaps, lotions, emulsions, shampoo/conditioners, and also the cosmetics).”
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