Sunrider is a company that has been providing Chinese herbal nutrition since 1982. We have many wonderful personal stories from people who have experienced health benefits.
Diana Walker’s Mom – Denise Eckstadt – Sunrider Health Story

Denise Eckstadt, (85 years young)
“So many sad or lonely, hurting people in this old world! What can I do to help them? Just one little ‘elderly’ Grandma. I can tell my story of the last 10 years – so here goes. Ten years ago I was certainly not as well as I am today. What has made the difference? In one word – ‘SUNRIDER’. In two words – ‘IT WORKS’.
Fifteen years ago a Specialist diagnosed “Rheumatoid Arthritis” and started me on the steroid cortisone to ease the pain, mostly in both hands. I knew there were bad side effects but when my face started to swell I cut the dosage in half. I let the doctor know that I was keen to stop it altogether but I did not appear to have any choice.
In December 1996 I started eating the Sunrider foods.
Each morning, half a packet of Fortune Delight tea with two drops of Sunrider Stevia (Sunectar) to sweeten, 3 Quinary capsules, a scoop of NuPlus with my granola and Rice Dream, some fresh fruit, 1/2 a Vitalite Sunbar and maybe at night a Fibertone capsule once in a while. Within one week I had lost my hard fat tummy! In two weeks I found my waist again. It was fantastic. I felt so much better and had more energy to exercise regularly. My fingers were no longer stiff, crippled or sore, and my arthritic pain was gone! Within the first 8 months, on these small amounts of Sunrider foods, many more improvements occurred. For eighteen years I had taken pills for high blood pressure. It became normal (120/80) and I was able to reduce my medication to a very small amount.
Eight years prior to Sunrider, the specialist diagnosed glaucoma in both eyes. It was treated with eye drops regularly, then in 1995 and in 1996, I had two separate laser surgeries, but the pressure was creeping back up to the high 20s. A reading of 30 is extremely dangerous. I was told that I would likely need further surgery and there was a 50/50 chance of blindness. After 8 months of eating the Sunrider foods, when I went for my tests, I had a reading of 17 in each eye!! The pressure readings have been stabilized ever since.
We celebrated my 80th birthday in June 1999. I attended the Sunrider Convention in California. It was great to see all the Chen family and some of the thousands of the Sunrider family, of which I am now a member!
2002 Update: I do use more of the Sunrider products now. Daily I eat one Beauty Pearl, 1/2 of a Vitalite Sunbar, and the Basic Products – 3 to 4 Quinary capsules, a full package of Lemon Fortune Delight with Sunectar, and 2 scoops of NuPlus (Apple Cinnamon is my favorite). I have also added Lifestream, Alpha 20C, Vitashake, Fibertone, Joi, Citric C, Cal Tabs and Energy Plus (Sunergy Plus in U.S.).
NOTE: Denise Eckstadt is the mother of Goldie Denise Wilson and Diana Walker. Before Sunrider, we were noticing that her memory and mental clarity were deteriorating. Today, thanks to Sunrider, Mom’s memory is amazing, and her mind is SHARP! It is so wonderful to have Mom say every morning: “I don’t have a pain in my body!”. We have all been so blessed with these wonderful life-transforming foods.
This is In Loving Memory – due to a fall and pelvic fracture, Denise was in hospital and passed away peacefully in September 2008.
*****This article is for information purposes only and is separate from Sunrider International. It is not intended as medical advice. As with any medical problem, consult your physician.****
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