EVERGREEN Sunrider Green Raw Juiced Plants
Sunrider Evergreen is delicious and comes in glass vials, 10 to a box. It is easy to mix with water and very convenient for travel, going to the gym, to drink on a daily basis.
Learn more here: Diana Walker Sunrider Audio on Evergreen:
You can be sure you are getting your greens every day. You are getting the “Life Blood” of the plant, which is only one molecule off human blood!

Buy Evergreen here: https://www.diana2.com/free_sunrider_account.html

Every vial contains the juice of about 2 to 3 pounds of fresh juiced raw green plants. You don’t have to do the juicing of vegetables yourself!
- high in vitamins and minerals from alfalfa and chlorophyll rich plants
- high in magnesium and iron
- facilitates use of calcium
- promotes healthy tissues
- detoxifies and purifies cells
- general body cleanser
- strengthens pituitary
- builds blood in form body can use – natural and synergistically balanced
- improvement with anemia – helps build blood
- improves energy
- good for heart
- assists in regulation of blood pressure
- assists with better oxidation of cells
- good for digestion
- used with Assimilaid lubricates illeocecal valve
- antiseptic
- sweetens breath and helps neutralize gas; bowel sweetener
- soothes indigestion
- benefits ulcer in stomach
- assists with reestablishment of proper atmosphere in small intestines and improves peristaltic action
- assists with kidney and bladder function
- assists with elimination of water retention
- assists expectant mothers with blood building nutrients and less hemorrhage at birth
- assists with nausea and morning sickness
- assists newborns with digestion and relieves colic
- assists with proliferation of bifidus bacteria
- Dr Tei Fu Chen’s formula is superior; it is oil soluble which is very different, since
- balances ph – Sunrider Evergreen is extremely Alkaline
Here is a quote from Dr. Steven Smith: “Sunrider’s half ounce of concentrated liquid Chlorophyll is, in my opinion, equal to a quart and a half to 2 quarts of fresh organic carrot juice. I mix a vial of Sunrider’s Evergreen in a cup of water and get the exact same feeling of health and energy that I derived from all the juicing I used to do.”
The above information is intended to provide educational insight. In no way, is it intended to be medical advice nor should it be considered a prescription. Consult your physician to diagnose, cure, and treat medical conditions.

Buy Evergreen here: Sunrider Customer Account
* Evergreen is available in 10 vials to a package. Shake very well.
* Drink straight from the vial or mix with water, Fortune Delight or Calli.
* Add a few drops of Sunrider Stevia – Sunectar or SunnyDew in USA / Suncare or Suncare Plus in Canada – add to taste. Be careful to rinse the vial so that no Evergreen is wasted!
* Consume within 24 hours (you can keep the unfinished vial in the fridge)
* Though in a water base, Evergreen is formulated to become oil-soluble when the stomach acids act upon it, thus providing chlorophyll in an oil-soluble state (its natural form), which is most absorbable by the body.
Diana Walker and Goldie Denise demonstrating how amazing the vial of Evergreen is – makes over 4 cups of liquid, and tastes delicious.
Diana Walker demonstration at Salmon Arm BC Canada on Shuswap Lake – Evergreen, Electrosport, Fortune Delight, Sunrider Stevia and Beauty Pearl
Diana Walker provides more details on Electrosport ingredients and Evergreen ingredients in the above video.
Buy Evergreen here: https://www.diana2.com/free_sunrider_account.html